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發(fā)布:2024/4/20 14:35:0

第一部分 閱讀理解(共兩節(jié),滿分30分)第一節(jié) (共3小題;每小題9分,滿分30分)閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的A、B、C和D四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中,選出最佳選項(xiàng)。

  • 1.What's the best book to read when you travel?Of course,it is the book with the background of the story.Books will bring you closer to the places you visit.When it comes to the names of places and scenic spots,you can't help thinking out of your mind and the scenery in front of you will become romantic.
    Where'd You Go,Bernadette
    Maria Semple's novel,which has recently been adapted into a movie,is told in emails,and stories,it follows Bee Branch trying to track down her mother.
    Set in Seattle,Washington,this funny yet heart-breaking novel is a great companion as you visit landmarks mentioned in the book.
    Midnight's Children
    Midnight's Children is a fantastical novel that tells some of the histories of India.
    Salman Rushdie's story begins at midnight,on the night,of India's,independence,when the 1,001 children born that hour are found to possess magical powers.Featuring magical realism,the book is set during 20th-century India.
    A Wild Child's Guide to Endangered Animals
    From New York Times best selling author Millie-Marotta comes this great celebration of the animal kingdom:Stressing the difficulty of:43 endangered species from around:the world,the book takes readers on a trip through freshwater,oceans,forests,mountains,deserts,grasslands:and wet lands while learning about rare and well-known.animals and their living places.
    My Name is Red
    The book,written by the Nobel Prize winner for Literature Orhan Pamuk,has been translated into more than 50 languages and published around the world.
    It tells a story of a young man,who has been away from home for 12 years,coming back to his hometown in Istanbul.The book,painting detailed pictures and telling from many angles,encourages people to have a deeper thinking of life.
    (1)Which book suits people interested in exploring nature?

    A.Where'd You Go,Bernadette.
    B.Midnight's Children.
    C.A Wild Child's Guide to Endangered Animals.
    D.My Name is Red.
    (2)What can we learn from the text?

    A.My Name is Red is about 20th-century India.
    B.A Wild Child's Guide to Endangered Animals sells best.
    C.Where'd You Go,Bernadette was written in a serious style.
    D.Midnight's Children may attract people interested in fantasy.
    (3)What is the purpose of the text?

    A.To compare four books.
    B.To recommend four books.
    C.To show the meaning of travel.
    D.to encourage people to travel.
  • 2.When she was ten years old,Isadora Duncan dropped out of school to teach people dance.If that job was left to any other ten-year-old,it would have turned out frustrating,difficult,and a little discouraging.
       But Duncan was different.Not only was she already talented enough to earn money even at that age,but she also had a rare kind of confidence that helped her treat troubles as fuel —something to strengthen the fire that is already burning inside of her.
       It's no surprise,then,that when she moved to New York to join a theatre company,she found herself limited.The existing dancing style,their way of operating—all of this seemed to her the work of a misguided past.Duncan was very direct about what she wanted,confidently telling people she had a different vision of dance that she was going to spread in the world.This,naturally,led to laughs early on,but as she built up her work,these instances became less frequent.Today,she is remembered as "The Mother of Dance",with much of the modern art owing its expressive style to her influence.Inspired by the ancient Greeks,she brought the style to life.
       In her autobiography (自傳),one of the things Duncan frequently regards as the basis of her expressive spirit is the fact that she had a childhood where she wasn't constantly watched.The expectations of her mother were open-ended.It was the freedom of this lifestyle that drove her to see what she could do.
       Growing up,before she left school,she was told one of two things:that she was either completely useless or that she was a genius.There was nothing in between.Even when she started working,people either bowed to her or they basically ignored her.But Duncan never doubted her own genius.
       There is an old quotation "if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree,it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." And it captures an important truth.At school,Isadora Duncan was a failure.In the dance hall,she gave form to brilliance.

    (1)Which of the following is TRUE about Duncan?

    A.Her experience in New York was the foundation of her career.
    B.Her teaching job when she was little ruined her confidence.
    C.Her dancing style was not very well received at the beginning.
    D.Her mother set higher expectation on her than she could bear.
    (2)What does the author try to tell the readers in the last paragraph?

    A.It is useless climbing a tree to catch fish.
    B.Everybody is a genius in his own way.
    C.Sadness come from human stupidity.
    D.Teachers can affect students greatly.
    (3)What is this passage mainly about?

    A.Isadora Duncan's childhood and her achievements today.
    B.Duncan's career development and other dancers' opinions of her.
    C.Isadora Duncan's early experiences and the reasons for her success.
    D.Duncan's high status in the dancing world and her unique expressive style.

第三部分 寫(xiě)作 (共兩節(jié);滿分15分)第一節(jié) 應(yīng)用文寫(xiě)作 (滿分15分)

  • 7.假定你是李華,為了激發(fā)學(xué)生的英語(yǔ)學(xué)習(xí)興趣,上周五你班舉行了英語(yǔ)詩(shī)歌創(chuàng)作大賽。請(qǐng)你為校英語(yǔ)報(bào)寫(xiě)一篇報(bào)道,內(nèi)容包括:
    An English Poetry Writing Competition

第二節(jié) 讀后續(xù)寫(xiě) (滿分25分)閱讀下面材料,根據(jù)其內(nèi)容和所給段落開(kāi)頭語(yǔ)續(xù)寫(xiě)兩段,使之構(gòu)成一篇完整的短文。

  • 8.閱讀下面材料,根據(jù)其內(nèi)容和所給段落開(kāi)頭語(yǔ)續(xù)寫(xiě)兩段,使之構(gòu)成一篇完整的短文。
     On a beautiful Thursday of this April,Amy and Alan Green took their daughter Abbey out for a walk in the neighborhood.On their way back,Amy picked up a kite for Abbey from the Dollar Tree,blue with rainbows—there are a lot of rainbows decorating homes around the region these days,which helps make life less dull during the coronavirus pandemic.
     In the afternoon,Abbey took the kite out for its first flight.At first,the wind was perfect.It took the kite high in the sky.However,suddenly,the wind became much stronger and whipped the kite out of Abbey's hands in a moment.It sailed farther and farther and finally got stuck on the power lines next to a big tree,wrapping itself over and over again around the wires.Since the kite was too high for them to reach,the Greens could do nothing about it.Worried less about the kite than the potential danger it might present to the lines,Amy called National Grid to report the incident.
     About one hour later,Mike,a worker from the power company arrived.He carefully unwound the kite line from the wires.After about 10 minutes' effort,he successfully freed it.But unfortunately,as the kite was wrapped so tightly,there was some unpreventable damage.Still,he presented it at the door to Alan Green.As he left,he noticed Abbey took the kite to the backyard.Out of curiosity,he stood there for a while to see how the girl would deal with it.Surprisingly,she dug a hole and buried the kite in a shoebox!Even though he could not see the girl's face clearly,he knew exactly how sad Abbey could be.He really felt bad for her.And it was at that moment that he decided to do something.
     The next day,Alan went out to get the mail as usual._________.
     Deeply moved by this act of kindness,Alan posted the whole story on the Internet._________.
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