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發(fā)布:2024/4/20 14:35:0


  • 1.Cambridge Open Days,July and September 2023 Every July and September,the University of Cambridge opens its doors to welcome prospective applicants and their parents and supporters to find out what it's really like to live and study here.
       July Open Days- 6 and 7 July 2023
       Our next Open Days will take place on 6 and 7 July 2023 and will include both online and in-person elements.You can find out all about our courses,the Colleges and departments,University facilities,the application process,student life and finance via:
       ?Information stands
       ?Course presentations and sample lectures
       ?College and department tours
       ?Q&.A sessions with current students and staff
       The programme will run from 9 :30-16 :30 (UK time) and is similar on both days so you should only need to attend one of the days.Further details will be announced in due course.
       September Open Day-15 September 2023
       With a focus on choosing your College,our September Open Day provides another opportunity for you to visit the Cambridge Colleges and ask current students and staff any questions you may have.
       Booking information
       To attend our Open Days you must register in advance.
       Bookings for our July Open Days will open in May 2023.
       ?Bookings for our September Open Day will open in summer 2023,after the July Open Days.
       Subscribe to our Student Newsletter to be notified when bookings open and for details of other opportunities,advice and resources.

    (1)Who will be most interested in Cambridge Open Days?

    A.Its previous applicants.
    C.High school graduates.
    B.Its possible students.
    D.Its cooperative partners.
    (2)What can we learn about July Opening Days?

    A.The programme hours will add up to seven.
    B.Participants will offer a course presentation.
    C.The programme will be virtual.
    D.It is advisable to attend one of the days.
    (3)What should you do if you want to attend September Open Day?

    A.Ask college staff's permission.
    B.Make an appointment in May.
    C.Register after July Open Days.
    D.Sign up for it in Student Newsletter.
  • 2.When it comes to making lunch for their kids,moms and dads have usual favorites.For some parents in the US,those favorites are peanut butter and jelly sandwiches-also known as PB&.Js.Fruit like apples and bananas are also popular.
       But one mother has an unusual go-to ingredient for her children's lunches.Jenny Mollen uses funny-looking candy eyes.She has learned that her children will eat any healthy food if it has edible eyeballs attached.The "eyeballs" are really pieces of candy.
       Her children laugh while they eat healthy foods like bell peppers,kiwis,or dates.Mollen says candy "eyes" make lunch more fun.
       "Honestly,first of all,just buy yourself some candy googly eyes.They are tried-and-true," she said.She admits that "you lose something nutritionally" by giving children candy.But she thinks that getting children to eat healthy food by putting candy on it is worth it.
       Mollen's lunch tricks bring together food and craft.She uses tricks because her two sons hate to eat different kinds of foods.So,she decorates their food to resemble animals or even their favorite Pokémon characters.She makes edible "bugs" made from dates,pretzel sticks for the legs,and,of course,candy "eyes".She also uses leftover Chinese food to make panda bears from rice and seaweed.
       Mollen says her lunch projects are easy to do.And her sons think they have won a big prize at their midday meal.Mollen says making fun-looking,artful lunches for her children helps ease her guilt as she is a working mom.Her artful lunches are her way of reminding her children that she is thinking of them.
       Mollen says she also wants to teach them healthy eating habits.She says that by getting kids to eat vegetables at a young age,they will grow up to eat healthy foods later in life.She also says it is a good way to get children to try foods from other cultures.If they need to be "tricked" sometimes,that is okay.

    (1)What's the purpose of Mollen's lunch projects?

    A.To make her children's day.
    B.To remind people to save food.
    C.To persuade other parents to follow suit.
    D.To ensure her children's healthy diet.
    (2)What is typical of Mollen's lunch?

    A.It contains all kinds of food.
    B.It is made up of candy.
    C.It combines art and nutrition.
    D.It is full of Chinese styles.
    (3)How have Mollen's lunch projects affected her children?

    A.They have taken to their fun-looking lunches.
    B.They have broaden their knowledge of food.
    C.They have bonded with their favorite animals.
    D.They have swept to victory in the meal competitions.
    (4)What are the last two paragraphs mainly about?

    A.Mollen's plans for cooking lunches.
    B.The benefits of Mollen's lunch tricks.
    C.Mollen's expectations of her children.
    D.The culture elements in Mollen's lunch.
  • 3.Traditionally,profiting from forests often meant capitalizing on timber(木材)-choosing commercial timber.Yet increasingly,there is an understanding that it's of greater significance to keep trees standing than cut them down for financial profit.Money is not everything.We have to recognize real and lasting value is from natural resources.But money is a fact of life.
       Good news is that we can expect entire natural woodland is left undamaged and still provides a revenue(收益)stream.Leaving woodland complete does not necessarily mean that we do not touch it at all.Conservation work may involve building back biodiversity or the removal of foreign plant species.
       A healthy woodland system can provide a range of yields(產物).Besides eatable yields-top fruit,berries,and food crops,it produces substances for chemical use.The non-timber forest products provided by natural ecosystems will vary significantly depending on where they are.But there're almost always ways to explore to acquire revenue.
       A project in the U.K.shows woodland is also a draw for visitors.It engages a community who creates a sustainable area of woodland.The sale of handmade wooden items and non-timber forest products is involved.But the community largely obtains revenue by opening up parts of the natural woodland to the public with an adventure playground and outdoor recreational activities on the site.It also offers courses on nest building,special wildlife events and more.The project is thought to have great uniqueness.In terms of revenue,it centers round the existing natural land;the yields woodland can provide become side products.
       Recreational activities,tours,and classes are just the commencement.A rich and biodiverse woodland can be an ecosystem that draws in people looking for a beautiful place to stay.Woodland has great value in ecological and social terms.And when you nurse it,it could also add to the income from your land.

    (1)What do people increasingly think about forest conservation?

    A.It is difficult to carry out.
    B.It means making full use of timber.
    C.It outweighs financial development.
    D.It should centre on building back biodiversity.
    (2)Why is the project considered unique?

    A.It makes woodland itself the main product.
    B.It focuses on protecting natural land.
    C.It aims to promote ecotourism.
    D.It provides educational experiences.
    (3)What does the underlined word "commencement" mean in the last paragraph?

    (4)Which is a suitable title for the text?

    A.Woodland Brings Profit While Staying Complete
    B.A Project Creates Sustainable Woodland
    C.Forest Conservation Has Been a Top Priority
    D.Non-timber Products Help Gain More Revenue

第三部分 寫作(共兩節(jié),滿分15分)第一節(jié)(滿分15分)

  • 菁優(yōu)網8.學校英文報正在開展以Doing Housework at Home為題的討論。請使用圖表中的調查結果寫一篇短文投稿,內容包括:
    Doing Housework at Home__________


  • 9.Guyo kicked the ground,a cloud of red dust flying in the air. "What's wrong,Cuyo?" Guyo looked up to see his grandfather. "Father won't let me drive cattle.He says I'm too little.But I really want to help the family," said Guyo. "You can help me get honey," said Grandfather.Guyo's face lit up.His grandfather smiled, "We'll gather honey the way our village has gathered honey for years." He opened his hand.It held a whistle(口哨)."What's that,Grandfather?""It's a honeyguide whistle.When we use it,a honeyguide will come and lead us to a hidden honeycomb(蜂巢)".He handed Guyo the whistle. "Call one."
        Guyo blew the whistle hard,creating a beautiful sound.Before long,a gray-brown bird flew to a nearby branch.She called many times.Once she had the attention of Grandfather and Guyo,she flew off toward the west.Guyo was eager to follow.His grandfather picked up a container and said, "Let's go." They hurried through the dry brush,always keeping the honeyguide being viewed. "Why do honeyguides help us?" Guyo asked. "They are experts in finding honeycombs.But because they're small,bee stings(蜇傷)would kill them.They need our help to get what's inside the honeycomb." Guyo and his grandfather followed the bird for half an hour.Finally,the honeyguide flew toward a hole in a mud wall. "We're here," said Grandfather.Guyo's heart beat faster and faster as they approached the hole.A group of angry bees guarded the entrance,making much noise.
        Grandfather gathered some small sticks. "Help me build a fire in front of the hole.The smoke will calm the bees." When the smoke approached the bees,the noise disappeared.Grandfather tried to push his hand into the hole,but it wouldn't fit.He said to Guyo, "You should be able to reach the honeycomb." Guyo was afraid.What if the bees stung him?He looked at his grandfather.He couldn't disappoint him.
    Cuyo took a deep breath and stretched out his arm.__________
    Grandfather put most of the honeycomb inside his container.___________
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