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發(fā)布:2024/4/20 14:35:0

第一部分閱讀(共兩節(jié),滿分37.5分)第一節(jié)(共4小題;每小題2. 5分,滿分37. 5分)閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的A、B、C、D四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出最佳選項(xiàng).

  • 1.Known for its complicated,seemingly wave like sandstone walls and the rays of sunlight that shine into them,Arizona's Antelope Canyon(羚羊峽谷)is an everlasting attraction for tourists.It's a slot canyon,meaning it formed from water carving it out over millions of years.It sits about 3,700 feet above sea level and takes its name from the antelope that once lived in it.
       The canyon forms part of Lake Powell Navajo Tribal Park in the Navajo Nation.The Navajo Nation limits visits to either the Upper or Lower Antelope Canyon to two hours and requires all visitors to be led by authorized guides.If you're planning a trip and need help deciding which area to visit,keep these recommendations in mind.
       ?When:Tours are available twice a day during the week year-round,though exact times vary by season;tours are not available on weekends or major holidays.
       ?Cost:Tour companies' fees vary,but tickets,including entrance to the park,generally start at around $60 for 90-minute tours of Upper Antelope Canyon.Tours of Lower Antelope Canyon tend to be around an hour and generally cost around $40 per adult and $20 for children.
       ? Must-know tip:Most of Arizona does not follow daylight saving time,though the Navajo Nation,where Antelope Canyon is located,does.Check with your tour operator to confirm the precise time of your tour.
       Antelope Canyon hosts tons of visitors and,in order to protect the canyon walls from damage,no bags of any kind are permitted in either the Upper or Lower section.Also keep in mind that while most tour companies welcome small children,not all of them will.

    (1)What makes Antelope Canyon attractive?

    A.Its remarkable height.
    B.The origin of its name.
    C.Its unique natural feature.
    D.The process of its formation.
    (2)How much may a couple pay for a one-hour tour in Lower Antelope Canyon?

    (3)What must be kept in mind about the Antelope Canyon tour?

    A.The age limit for kids.
    B.The definite tour time.
    C.Carrying a small backpack.
    D.Booking tickets in tour agencies.
  • 2.Philadelphia's Magic Gardens makes up a folk art center,gallery space,and a nonprofit organization showcasing the works of mosaicist(鑲嵌設(shè)計(jì)師)Isaiah Zagar.
       Zagar devoted himself to beautifying the South Street neighborhood in the late 1960s,when he moved to the area with his wife Julia.The couple helped the area by purchasing and repairing some old buildings,often adding colorful mosaics on both their private and public walls.The first such project was Julia's still-busy folk art store,the Eyes Gallery at 402 South Street.
       Zagar started working on the Magic Gardens in 1994 in the deserted parking lot near his studio.He spent the next fourteen years sculpting multi-layered walls and decorating the 3,000 square foot space.The installation(裝置藝術(shù)),primarily consisting of found objects and contributions from the community,finally covers half a city block with countless patterns and colors.It shows Zagar's many artistic influences,as well as the events and experiences of his life.
       In 2002,the owner of the once-unused parking lot decided to sell the land in response to rising South Street property values.Unwilling to witness the destruction of Zagar's neighborhood art environment,the community rushed to support the artist.His creation,newly titled Philadelphia's Magic Gardens,turned into a nonprofit organization with the intention of preserving and promoting Zagar's works at the site of the Magic Gardens and throughout the South Street region.
       The Magic Gardens is now a permanent art institution that is open to visitors throughout the year.Trained guides are available to lead tours of the Magic Gardens and Zagar's surrounding public wall paintings.In addition,it offers monthly mosaic workshops led by Zagar himself,and regularly hosts concerts,dance performances,and other public events.

    (1)How did Zagar help the South Street neighborhood?

    A.He moved to the area with his family.
    B.He worked to improve its surroundings.
    C.He opened a folk art store with his wife.
    D.He managed to buy all the old buildings.
    (2)What does Paragraph 3 intend to tell us?

    A.Great achievements of Zagar.
    B.Special skills of installing art.
    C.Location of the Magic Gardens.
    D.Early history of the Magic Gardens.
    (3)What do the local residents think of Zagar's works?

    A.They harm environment.
    B.They can bring in profits.
    C.They should be removed.
    D.They are precious treasures.
    (4)What can tourists do in Philadelphia's Magic Gardens?

    A.Paint the walls on the spot.
    B.Put on music performances.
    C.Enjoy some Zagar's works.
    D.Attend some dance courses.
  • 3.Telling someone they are not hired is never an easy job,but all hiring managers will face this difficult situation many times in their careers.While everyone fears denial on some level,it is important to understand that not everyone will fit in every job.Further,there are times when the applicant quality will be so great,a decision to reject an applicant may not reflect on that applicant's abilities but the overall quality of the field.
       There are a number of methods that can be used to get the message across that a person is not hired.In many cases,especially for those who were never called for an interview,a simple form letter may be sufficient.In other cases,where someone may have been called for an interview,a phone call or letter could be chosen to deliver the message that they were not hired.In cases where there may be an ongoing relationship with the person not hired,it may be best to break the news in person,though this has the obvious potential of being more uncomfortable.Above all,it is best to always be honest with those who didn't get the job.Lying is never acceptable.
       Generally,it is not a good idea to tell someone specific reasons why they are not hired for a job.This can only lead to resentment(怨恨)and regret.However,there may be specific times when this could be a good idea.For example,if an applicant is promising and the hiring manager believes another position will be opening up that suits the applicant's skills,this could be a way to let that person know they may soon have another opportunity.
       In all cases,even if you feel someone has cheated to obtain an interview,never behave in a way which shows you are superior to them.This is unprofessional and reflects very poorly not only on the hiring manager,but the organization as a whole.

    (1)Why are some applicants refused according to Paragraph 1?

    A.They are interested in other fields.
    B.They don't qualify for the position.
    C.They are afraid of making decisions.
    D.They lack the courage to face failures.
    (2)How may a not-interviewed applicant be informed of the rejection?

    A.By receiving a formal phone call.
    B.By getting a simple form letter.
    C.By checking a message online.
    D.By attending a personal meeting.
    (3)In what case will applicants be told exactly why they are not hired?

    A.They regret applying for the job.
    B.They demand specific explanations.
    C.They may be capable of another post.
    D.They have submitted false information.
    (4)What can be inferred about the position of hiring managers?

    A.It calls for professional skills.
    B.It attracts the applicants most.
    C.It doesn't allow for any mistake.
    D.It requires honesty and ambition.


  • 8.假定你是李華,你的英國朋友Frank想學(xué)習(xí)太極.最近恰巧你校在網(wǎng)上直播太極課程.請給他寫一封電子郵件,內(nèi)容包括:


  • 9.閱讀下面材料,根據(jù)其內(nèi)容和所給段落開頭語續(xù)寫兩段,使之構(gòu)成一篇完整的短文.續(xù)寫的詞數(shù)應(yīng)為150左右.
        When Jayce Crowder was in kindergarten,he began noticing that he looked different from his classmates.They had two hands.But he had only one.
        It started when one boy teased him.Jayce was in a bad mood.He'd return home in Des Moines,Iowa,with questions:Why am I different?Why me?Why? "He actually told us that he was mad at looking so different from others," said his mother,Cortney Lewis. "That really hurt him."
        Lewis admitted she didn't know what to do at that point.How could she provide answers to her son's questions when she had never found those answers herself?
        A few weeks later,Lewis came home from her job and turned on the TV to a news story about Trashaun Willis,an eighth grader from Washington,Iowa.The boy,then 14,had become an Internet star after posting videos of his slam clunks(扣籃),and,like Jayce,he was missing most of his left arm.Lewis called Jayce in.He was shocked,staring at one dunk after another.
        At the time,it seemed that watching Trashaun would simply be an inspiring moment for Jayce---he'd see a shining role model with a seemingly similar born disability.And had it stayed just that,Lewis would have been happy.But little did she know that a family friend had already reached out to the Des Moines Register,asking the newspaper to help set up a meeting with Trashaun to build Jayce's confidence.
        "It reassured me," said Lewis. "I know in my heart that everything's going to be OK.Trashaun has grown up to be a wonderful kid.And I know Jayce is too."
        Trashaun did get serious with Jayce.Finally,the boys met at Washington Middle School on a Saturday afternoon a couple of months later,in April 2017,and they instantly bonded.
    Paragraph 1:
        The day was not spent on self-pity-it was really fun and unforgettable.__________
    Paragraph 2:
        After the meeting,Jayce learned to accept his disability.________
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