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發(fā)布:2024/4/20 14:35:0

第一部分 聽力(共兩節(jié),滿分7.5分)做題時,先將答案標在試卷上。錄音內(nèi)容結(jié)束后,你將有兩分鐘的時間將試卷上的答案轉(zhuǎn)涂到答題卡。第一節(jié)(共5小題;每小題1.5分,滿分7.5分)聽下面5段對話。每段對話后有一個小題,從題中所給的A、B、C三個選項中選出最佳選項。聽完每段對話后,你都有10秒鐘的時間來回答有關(guān)小題和閱讀下一小題。每段對話僅讀一遍。

  • 1.What is the man's final destination?
    C.San Francisco.
  • 2.Where does the conversation take place?
    A.In a mall.
    B.In a school.
    C.In a park.
  • 3.How did the speakers know each other?
    A.From school.
    B.From the gym.
    C.From the sailing club.
  • 4.What does the woman mean?
    A.She has one more day to register.
    B.She has already learned her lesson.
    C.She made the same mistake twice.
  • 5.What is the man about to do?
    A.Take a test.
    B.Have an interview.
    C.Run a race.


  • 6.聽材料,回答問題。
    (1)What does the woman say about the well?
    A.It's just a pile of stones.
    B.People can get water by using it.
    C.She knows nothing about its history.
    (2)Why does the man probably want to drink the water?
    A.He is thirsty.
    B.He wants to avoid sickness.
    C.He thinks it's of good quality.

第四部分 寫作(共兩節(jié),滿分15分)第一節(jié)(滿分15分)

  • 18.假如你是李華,是某國際學校的圖書館學生助理,請你代表圖書館用英語擬一則告示,向新入學的高一學生簡要介紹圖書館的相關(guān)信息,內(nèi)容包括:
    NoticeSept.1,2022Dear freshmen,
        Welcome to our library!
    The School Library


  • 19.閱讀下面材料,根據(jù)其內(nèi)容和所給段落開頭語續(xù)寫兩段,使之構(gòu)成一篇完整的短文。
        "Look at the little dog!" a girl screamed from across the street. "She's got rain boots!" I smiled and waved.Yes Velma had her own rain boots,her own raincoat both of which matched the leash(拴繩) I was holding and the bow in her hair.I would never have put clothes on any animal I owned,but Velma wasn't my dog.I'd just offered to walk her this morning when my neighbor Arlene suffered from her seasonal muscle pain.
        Velma was adorable.A real sweetie.A shih tzu(西施犬) who weighed no more than five pounds,she looked like a tiny mop running down the street.When Arlene had asked me to walk Velma,I'd been happy to volunteer.I was less pleased when Arlene made me spend 20 minutes dressing her up.
        Once outside,I'd expected to walk Velma around the block quickly.But with all the people stopping me every few minutes to comment on the little dog and her clothing,it was taking me forever.It was a relief to get her back home.I had done my good deed and could finally go off to work before I was late.
        "Thank you so much," Arlene said at the door.I turned to go. "So I'll see you again at noon."
        "That's when Velma gets her next walk," Arlene said,as if I'd somehow agreed to a whole daily schedule.
        "I'm sorry,but I have to be at work."
        "Oh,I guess we'll see you at six then."
        "Great." I said,making my escape.I was a quarter block away before it dawned on me that I'd just agreed to walk her dog again at six!How had I let that happen?Was I that much of a people-pleaser that I automatically did things I really didn't want to do?
        That day was just the beginning.All the next week,Arlene "reminded" me to walk Velma at various times throughout the day.I tried to tell her no,but eventually I'd just get tongue-tied and give in.
        After that terrible week as Velma's "permanent" dog walker,I couldn't take it any more.____________
        "I really appreciate all you did for us," Arlene said. "Thank you,Linda."____________
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