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發(fā)布:2024/4/20 14:35:0


  • 1.Great Books Summer Program delivers excellent preparation for seminar-style college classes and the SAT critical thinking section.We are thrilled to announce Summer 2022 On-Campus programs are returning.Enrollment(注冊)is open.Make your plans today!
    Program 1:Great Books Writer's Workshop at Pepperdine University
    For Rising Grades 6-8 and Grades 9-12
    One and Two-Week Programs
    Choose the one-week Seminar and Discussion program.Select Writer's Workshop for students eager to explore the art of creative writing.Or,stay for both!
    One-week Tuition: $2695 Two-week Tuition: $5390
    Program 2:Great Books Writer's Workshop at Amherst College
    For Rising Grades 6-8 and Grades 9-12
    One and Two-Week Programs
    We will be offering Seminar and Discussion programs and a Writer's Workshop for students eager to explore the art of writing in all forms.
    One-week Tuition: $2495
    Two-week Tuition: $4990
    Program 3:Great Books at Stanford University
    For Rising Grades 6-8 and Grades 9-12
    One and Two-Week Programs
    Young people gather to experience reading and life at Stanford University.Join us for one week or two of Great Books Seminar Discussion programs!
    One-week Tuition: $2995
    Two-week Tuition: $5990
    Program 4:A Tall Ship Adventure
    For Rising Grades 9-12
    Sail from Bangor to Portland,ME
    One Week Program
    Great Books is excited to announce the second year of Tales of the Sea:a Tall Ship Adventure.This program for high school students marries the study of maritime literature with living and learning to sail.Time will be split between seminar and discussion and sailing education with visits to coastal islands.
    One-week Tuition: $2995
    All on-campus programs have Materials & Events fees of $225 for one week and S475 for two.

    (1)How much does an applicant pay in total for a one-week program at Stanford University?

    A. $2995
    B. $3220.
    C. $3470.
    D. $3945.
    (2)Which program will you choose if you want to do outdoor practice?

    A.Program I.
    B.Program 2.
    C.Program 3.
    D.Program 4.
    (3)What do the four on-campus programs have in common?

    A.They offer seminar-style classes.
    B.They prepare students for the SAT test.
    C.They are designed for junior high students.
    D.They aim to promote students "writing skills.
  • 2.The FIFA World Cup Trophy(獎杯) is arguably one of the most iconic prizes in the sporting world.So far,two different trophies have been used in the history of the FIFA World Cups.
       The Jules Rimet Trophy was the first trophy awarded to the winners of the FIFA World Cups.Initially,the old trophy was originally named "Victory"" However,this trophy was renamed "the Jules Rimet Trophy" in 1946.This change was made to honor former FIFA president Jules Rimet,who voted to organize the first FIFA World Cup in 1930.French sculptor Abel Lafleur designed the trophy in 1930.The trophy was 14 inches in height and weighed 8.4 pounds.It was comprised of a winged representation of Nike,the Greek Goddess of Victory and was inspired by the Nike of Samothrace statue.
       Uruguay became the first champion and kept the trophy in 1930.The trophy was eventually retired when Brazil won the World Cup final for the third time in 1970.Following their success in Mexico,Brazil was allowed to keep the trophy permanently.However,the original trophy was stolen for a second time in I 983.It was never recovered,and it was claimed that it had been melted down into gold bars.Following the retirement of the Jules Rimet Trophy,F(xiàn)IFA needed a new cup.Eventually,Italian artist Silvio Gazzaniga's design was selected as the new World Cup trophy.
       The modern FIFA World Cup trophy describes two human figures holding the earth on top of their heads.The base of the trophy has "FIFA World Cup" engraved (刻) .Furthermore,following every World Cup,the name of the winning team and the winning year is also engraved at the base.The trophy weighs 13.61 pounds.Unlike the Jules Rimet Trophy,the winning nations and future winners don't get to hold the original trophy anymore.The new regulations state that it remains in FIFA's possession.Instead,winners are given a gold-plated bronze replica (青銅復(fù)制品) provided by FIFA.West Germany was the first nation to lift the modern World Cup trophy in 1974.
       The new trophy can hold up to seventeen names and years and is likely to be retired following the 2038 World Cup.

    (1)Why was the first World Cup trophy renamed?

    A.To remember the designer of the cup.
    B.To welcome a new global soccer event.
    C.To expand the popularity of the World Cup.
    D.To show great respect for the former FIFA president.
    (2)Which country has won the Jules Rimet Trophy three times?

    (3)How is the modern FIFA World Cup trophy different from the previous one?

    A.It is made of gold and bronze.
    B.It is owned by FIFA instead of the winners.
    C.It bears the word" Victory" at the bottom.
    D.It varies the design every seventeen years.
    (4)What is the text mainly about?

    A.The rules of the World Cup.
    B.The history of the World Cup trophy.
    C.The growing trend of watching the World Cup.
    D.The inspiration for creating the World Cup trophy.
  • 3.Robert Ilijason,a 39-year-old IT specialist,once had to drive 20 minutes with his screaming baby in the backseat to an open grocery store to buy food for his hungry son.It was the late-night experience that gave Robert Ilijason the idea to open Sweden's first unstaffed convenience store.
       Now Robert Ilijason runs a 24-hour shop with no cashier.Customers use their cell phones to unlock the door and scan their purchases.All they need to do is to register for the service and download an app.They get charged for their purchases each month.
       The shop has basics like milk,bread,sugar,canned food and other products that you expect to find in a small convenience store.But it doesn't have tobacco or medical drugs because of the risk of theft.Alcohol cannot be sold in convenience stores in Sweden.
       The no-service store has more advantages.Raymond Arvidsson,a friend of Ilijason's,did his shopping in less than a minute. "No queues," he said,smiling. "Quick in,quick out.I like."
       "My ambition is to spread this idea to other villages and small towns," said Ilijason. "It is incredible that no one has thought of this before." He hopes the savings of having no staff will help bring back small stores to the countryside.
       But a bigger challenge has been facing some of the elderly residents in Viken.Tuve Nilsson,75,said there were many more shops in the town when he moved here with his family in 1976.He welcomed Ilijason's new store,saying it could be convenient for elderly people living alone.But he didn't know how to get the hang of the technology involved.
       Ilijason is considering other ways to unlock the door that wouldn't require using an app.He's ruled out face-recognition or fingerprint scanners,but is thinking of installing a credit card reader like some banks use.He's also considering having one person man the store for a few hours a day to help customers who aren't comfortable with modern technology.

    (1)Robert Ilijason's late- night experience is mentioned to tell us
    A.why he opened the unstaffed food shop
    B.how to open the unstaffed food shop
    C.how to look after the hungry children
    D.a(chǎn)n open grocery store is very important
    (2)What can we know about Robert Ilijason's first unstaffed food shop?

    A.It charges customers for nothing.
    B.What customers need is a phone
    C.Customers can purchase goods in cash
    D.Customers can buy whatever they want.
    (3)From what Raymond Arvidsson said,we learn the shop is well known for
    A.its wonderful food
    B.its kind service
    C.its quick purchase
    D.its good safety
    (4)It can be inferred from the last paragraph that
    A.Ilijason's store has no disadvantages
    B.a(chǎn)ll the customers are not comfortable with modern technology
    C.Ilijason will not open another kind of this no-service store
    D.face-recognition will be dismissed in Ilijason's new store

第三部分:寫作(共2節(jié)) 第一節(jié):短文改錯

  • 8.假定英語課上老師要求同桌之間交換修改作文,請你修改你同桌寫的以下作文。文中共有10處語言錯誤,每句中最多有兩處,每處錯誤僅涉及一個單詞的增加、刪除或修改。
       刪除:把多余的詞用斜線(\) 劃掉。

       As the development of technology,more and more students prefer to use electric products for taking notes and sending messages,rather than writing on the paper.However,our handwriting is not as good as it is in the past.Face the problem,we should do as follows.
       First,we should use more electric products when learning.If so,we can have more opportunities to improve our handwriting.Besides,we must form the habit of practicing calligraphy every day.What's more,it is better to write letter to our relatives and friends by the hand instead of sending e-mails.
       Beautiful and neat handwriting,is great benefit to us students.So let's take action right now!I'm sure our efforts will paid off.


  • 9.假定你是新華高級中學(xué)學(xué)生李華,在網(wǎng)上得知澳大利亞籍中學(xué)生David想來中國沿古代絲綢之路游覽,他向網(wǎng)友征集驢友兼向?qū)В阌信d趣做他的旅伴,請給David寫一封自薦信.內(nèi)容要點如下:
    1. 自我介紹;
    2. 你的優(yōu)勢;
    3. 希望能想成為David的驢友.
    注意: 1. 詞數(shù)100左右;
    2. 可以適當(dāng)增加細(xì)節(jié),以使行文連貫;
    Dear David,

    Li Hua
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