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人教版(2019)必修第三冊《Unit 4 Space Exploration》2022年同步練習(xí)卷(Reading for Writing 同步課時作業(yè))

發(fā)布:2024/4/20 14:35:0


  • 1.
    closing,I would like to invite you to join me in a toast to the health of Mr.Smith.
  • 2.Scientists do not know why the honey guide likes eating wax,but it is very determined in its efforts
  • 3.Anyone who finishes the task first is supposed
    (win)the prize.
  • 4.Schools should be lively places where students are encouraged
    ( develop)their greatest potential.
  • 5.Some modern teaching
    (equip)as well as hundreds of computers was sent to ten schools there.


  • 15.The heart
    (監(jiān)視器)shows low levels of consciousness.


  • 16.Countries around the globe are spending billions of dollars and lots of time on various space missions,whether to Mars ①
    other planets much further away.
        Firstly, ②
    (explore) space has already made a difference in the fight against world hunger.A number of the satellites record data on land and weather patterns.As ③
    result,space-based science has helped farming in its efforts to grow enough food ④
    (feed) Earth's increasing population.
        Secondly,space exploration has already promoted technological ⑤
    (improve) that benefit us all.High-end products around the world ⑥
    (make) to a higher standard now because of advanced technology ⑦
    was first created to meet the requirements for space exploration.
        Finally,sending astronauts into space has helped people to think about the world's problems and even to find ways ⑧
    (solve) them.Seeing pictures of our planet as an island in a black sea made people realise that our planet's resources are limited.The ⑨
    (great) attention at present is on Mars because it is closer to Earth.In the future,humans may live on both planets.
    closing,exploring space provides the world with many different benefits.Therefore,it should continue so as to provide new and better solutions to people's short-term and long-term problems.
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