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人教版(2019)必修第三冊《Unit 4 Space Exploration》2021年同步練習(xí)卷(Discovering Useful Structures 課時訓(xùn)練)

發(fā)布:2024/4/20 14:35:0

I. 單句語法填空在空白處填入1個適當?shù)膯卧~或括號內(nèi)單詞的正確形式。

  • 1.The most important thing is to try not to let a calm discussion turn into a heated
  • 2.Taking exercise
    (regular) and having a balanced diet are of great importance to our health.
  • 3.It was lack of confidence that resulted
    his failure in the competition.
  • 4.People nowadays are beginning to attach much more importance
    their health than ever before.
  • 5.Travelling abroad was limited
    rich tourists and wealthy business people decades ago.
  • 6.It is important to figure
    exactly what you want to tell the audience and what you are trying to get them to do.
  • 7.Many trees have been cut down by people.As
    result,many animals have died out.

Ⅱ. 完形填空

  • 22.It's hard being an astronaut's son,I(1)
    ,everybody expects you to be special or(2)
    ,but I'm just an average student.
       I often wonder(3)
    my father ever had a son like me.I mean he's so(4)
    and so good at everything.So I used to dream about doing something spectacular(令人印象深刻的) to(5)
    my father.
       In one class,my teacher(6)
    a Father's Day essay contest for us and the winners' essays would be read in front of all the parents and students.After school I walked home,(7)
    about my father,who I would write about in my essay.
       He sat with me in the(8)
    when I was a little kid and had a nightmare.He(9)
    me with a new puppy at my eighth birthday party.To me,he wasn't a world-famous astronaut,but just my dad.
       I wrote about all these(10)
    in my essay.One of our neighbours said,"I(11)
    you'll win the contest,David.You're the only one in town whose father is an astronaut."I didn't want to win(12)
    because my father was an astronaut.
       I won the second prize.When I finished reading my essay,the(13)
    applauded.I saw my father blowing his nose.
       Dad nodded to me,(14)
    his throat,and put his hand on my shoulder."Son,this is the(15)
    moment of my life," he said.
       It was the proudest moment of my life,too.Maybe I'll never be a great hero or win a Nobel Prize,but just then,it was enough just to be my father's son.

    (1) A.doubt B.say C.know D.believe
    (2) A.strange B.honest C.perfect D.formal
    (3) A.why B.where C.whether D.when
    (4) A.normal B.funny C.special D.unique
    (5) A.shock B.influence C.a(chǎn)ttract D.impress
    (6) A.reported B.a(chǎn)nnounced C.claimed D.warned
    (7) A.caring B.worrying C.thinking D.complaining
    (8) A.silence B.threat C.horror D.dark
    (9) A.pleased B.a(chǎn)stonished C.supported D.encouraged
    (10) A.experiments B.incidents C.dreams D.memories
    (11) A.wish B.guess C.bet D.promise
    (12) A.merely B.never C.hardly D.nearly
    (13) A.parents B.a(chǎn)udience C.students D.teachers
    (14) A.cleaned B.blew C.cleared D.opened
    (15) A.most B.proudest C.smallest D.longest

Ⅲ. 語法填空(2019 ?深圳高一檢測)

  • 23.I once found that helping someone could get you into a lot of trouble.
        I was in the (1)
    (nine) grade at the time,and we were having a final test.During the test,the girl (2)
    (sit) next to me whispered something,but I didn't understand.Finally I found that she was trying to ask me (3)
    I had an extra pen.She showed me that (4)
    (her) was out of ink and would not write.I happened to have an extra one,so I put it on her desk.
        Later,after the test papers had been turned in,the teacher (5)
    (ask) me to stay in the room when all the other students were dismissed.As soon as we were alone she began to talk to me about how important it was(6)
    (stand) on my own two (7)
    (foot) and be responsible for my own acts.For a long time,she talked about honesty and emphasized the fact that (8)
    people do something dishonest,they are really cheating themselves.She made me promise that I would think(9)
    (serious) about all the things she had said,and then she told me I could leave.I walked out of the room wondering why she had chosen to talk to me (10)
    all those things.
        Later on,I found out that she thought I had cheated in the test.
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