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外研版(2019)必修1《Unit 2 Exploring English》2021年同步練習(xí)卷(Starting out and understanding ideas)(1)

發(fā)布:2024/4/20 14:35:0


  • 1.It is time for people with o
    ideas to unite and work towards a common goal.
  • 2.You should respect other people and be responsible for your own words and
  • 3.I feel very hungry.Please give me a slice of


  • 4.While the elderly woman was checking out,she became
    (visible) nervous.


  • 12.Air pollution will get worse and this will be h
    to people.


  • 13.English can be a difficult language to learn,but actually there are certain things you can do to learn the language a lot faster.People can master English as long as they take time to practice speaking,reading and writing in English. (1)

       Start by taking a class that teaches beginning English.These classes are often named as "ESL" classes,or "English as a Second Language" classes. (2)

       Buy an English audio(音頻的) course.You can go over these classes in your free time and learn quite a bit.Buy an audio course and listen to it in the car or while working,if possible.The higher the quality of the course is,the quicker you'll learn.
       Practice speaking English with other people,especially with native English speakers. (3)
    And make sure they are willing to help you learn English by having simple conversations with you.You will probably be surprised at how quickly you can start having a conversation in English.
    Pay attention to the dialogue and try to figure out what the actors are saying.Congratulate yourself when you are able to pick out certain words and phrases that you understand.
       Read newspapers,books and magazines that are printed in English.At first,they may be very difficult,but as your knowledge grows,so will your understanding of written English. (5)
    It will help you a lot in learning to speak the language much faster.

    A.Try to understand written English.
    B.Watch television shows or movies that are in English.
    C.Read and remember as many English words as possible.
    D.Here we will show you how to learn to speak English quickly.
    E.Every morning you should get up very early and read English.
    F.Make friends with people speaking English as their native language.
    G.The teachers of these classes have the experience in teaching students.
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