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人教版(2019)必修3《Unit 2 Morals and Virtues Section Ⅰ》2021年同步練習(xí)卷(3)

發(fā)布:2024/4/20 14:35:0


  • 1.entrust/trust
    A good marriage is based on
    I know I can
    you with my secret.
  • 2.marry/marriage
    He didn't
    until he was fifty.
    He played a passive role in the
  • 3.complain/complaint
    I'd like to make a
    about the noise.
    I'm going to
    to the manager about this.
  • 4.respond/response
    There was an enthusiastic
    to my suggestions.
    How did they
    to the news?
  • 5.reject/rejection
    They sent me a
    The plan
    out of hand.


  • 15.In 1954,she
    (elect)to the first National People's Congress and,over the next several
    (decade),she held many important positions.


  • 16.Things to do in a traffic jam Tired of traffic jams?Here are some tips that can help you to calm down in a traffic jam.
       Listen to a CD audio book
       It's a good idea to keep several audio books in your car. (1)
    Listening to an exciting story is more interesting than sitting silently and being bored.
       Sing loudly
       If you begin getting angry because of a long traffic jam,turn your CD player on or radio up. (2)
    Imagine you're a wonderful singer and the audience is listening to you in admiration.Your stress will disappear.

       You can use the radio and play entertaining games while waiting.For example,you can guess the song or the singer or to see how quickly you can recognise a new song.
       Have a snack(零食)
       Keeping a tasty snack in the car is especially good for waiting in traffic jams.Choose what you like most of all,so you will look forward to traffic jams to have a chance to eat the delicious snack. (4)
    In that case,time is the last thing to worry about.
       Argue with the radio talk show host
       Find a station with a radio talk show. (5)
    If you disagree,you can show your anger.Don't be afraid to call their ideas stupid.Only make sure that the car windows are closed so no one may hear you.
       Sitting in a traffic jam can be very stressful but next time you can use these simple tips,and you won't notice how long you have been waiting and soon you will be on your way.

    A.Play games.
    B.Use the radio.
    C.Enjoy every bite of it.
    D.Listen to their debates carefully.
    E.Loud singing can help to reduce stress.
    F.Begin to enjoy them as quickly as you can.
    G.The storyteller's voice can clear all your bad emotions.
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