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發(fā)布:2024/7/15 8:0:9

第一部分 聽力(共兩節(jié),滿分7.5分)第一節(jié)(滿分7.5分)聽下面5段對話。每段對話后有一個小題,從題中所給的A、B、C三個選項中選出最佳選項。聽完每段對話后,你都有10秒鐘的時間來回答有關小題和閱讀下一小題。每段對話僅讀一遍。

  • 1. Why does the woman refuse to hire an assistant?
    A.The economy is poor.
    B.The company will move.
    C.There are enough assistants.
  • 2. What did the man do last weekend?
    A.He went to the gym.
    B .He took a competition.
    C.He found a job in the gym.
  • 3. What does the woman hate most about using taxis?
    A.The drivers are rude.
    B.The drivers drive too fast.
    C.The taxis have no air-conditioning.
  • 4. What does the woman think is the best thing in the party?
    C.Funny people.
  • 5. What will the man do tonight?
    A.Talk with his boss.
    B.Drink a cup of beer.
    C.Work at the laboratory.


  • 6.(1)When does Pete say hurtful words?
    A.When his father ignores him.
    B.When his mother washes his face.
    C.When his mother washes his clothes.
    (2)What's the man's suggestion?
    A.Leaving Pete alone.
    B.Threatening Pete with punishment.
    C.Treating Pete with patience.

第四部分 寫作(共兩節(jié),滿分15分)第一節(jié)(滿分15分)

  • 18.你校正在組織英語作文比賽。請你以"最難忘的老師"為題,寫一篇短文參賽,內(nèi)容包括:
    The most unforgettable teacher There are many unforgettable people around us.______


  • 19.閱讀下面材料,根據(jù)其內(nèi)容和所給段落開頭語續(xù)寫兩段,使之構成一篇完整的短文。
    My Dad and Little Joe Dad and Mom immigrated to Canada from Iceland,their families settling in Lundar and Gimli.After they met and married,they moved to Winnipeg where Dad started his boat-building business.Putting in nails was our job:As kids we were small enough to get to the underside of the boat,and it saved Dad lots of time.
        We had a dog,Little Joe,who was a brown,short-legged,sausage-shaped dog.Little Joe came to anyone who paid attention to him.We all loved him,as did the rest of the neighbourhood kids.Little Joe ran around the streets as though he were a noble,his little head held high,offering an innocent doggy smile to all he met—including vehicles.We tried to teach him about the dangers of the road,and finally locked him in the yard.However,on one unforgettable day,Little Joe dug a hole under the fence and squeezed out to visit his friends.
        Sometime later,a tearful group of neighbourhood children brought home the sad news that a truck had seriously injured Little Joe.He now lay down the road awaiting death by a policeman's bullet,the accepted method in those days of dealing with injured animals.
        We ran to the scene of the accident,where a crowd had gathered around him.Though his eyes were open,he lay there,unable to move.Tears filled our eyes as Little Joe showed he recognized us with a feeble wag of his tail.We stood around him,frustrated by our inability to respond to the appeal for help we read in his eyes.And we were terrified by the pistol of the approaching policeman.He motioned us away from the dog and drew his gun.
        Suddenly we became aware of noise.My father was elbowing his way through the circle of onlookers.He spoke with authority to the young policeman. "Put that thing away!You don't use a gun around children!"

        Then,bending on one knee on the road,he removed his worn work jacket and carefully wrapped it around Little Joe.______
        As soon as we arrived home,my father sent for a veterinarian (獸醫(yī)).______
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