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發(fā)布:2024/7/27 8:0:9


  • 1.    TEAN is committed to giving students a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to experience studying abroad in a new culture.We recognize that in many instances additional funding is necessary to make the study abroad experience both affordable and realistic.These scholarships were created as an attempt to help students with the financial commitments required for an international education experience.
        TEAN provides numerous scholarships,including an annual full ride scholarship,need-and merit-based scholarships,diversity scholarships,even a photography scholarship plus others.
        The Education Abroad Network Full Ride Scholarship is designed to give a stand-out student the opportunity to study abroad.The scholarship can be used for any Summer or Fall TEAN program and covers tuition,program fees,orientation and housing.
        Students must have their study abroad office complete the Statement from University form in order to be considered for the scholarship.
        Must meet GPA (Grade Point Average) requirement for the individual program that they want to attend.
        Must be a university student in the United States.
        Students can only apply for the scholarship once per application cycle;applicants should select their top program choice when applying for the scholarship.
        Scholarship applications received after the deadline will not be considered.
        Will be based on the overall application materials including a personal essay addressing the following question:" Why have you selected this program?How is it tied to your major?"
        Applications will be judged by a panel of TEAN staff members.
        Assessment will be based,on the following:excellence in academics,active participation in extra-curricular activities,achievement in leadership skills,awareness of the value of international education and the personal essay.
        No interview required.
        June 1,2023

    (1)What can TEAN help students?

    A.Travel abroad.
    B.Save money for the future.
    C.Experience overseas education.
    D.Understand popular culture.
    (2)What should a student do to get the TEAN Full Ride Scholarship?

    A.Must be a university student in the UK.
    B.Submit an application by June 1,2023.
    C.Download the Statement from University form.
    D.Turn in an application twice during an application cycle.
    (3)Which of the following is the advantage for an applicant going for the full ride scholarship?

    A.He performs well academically.
    B.He does excellently in the interview.
    C.He chooses a program unrelated to his major.
    D.He obtains an outstanding recommendation essay.
  • 2.    Ecuadorian writer Veronica Bonilla has received the Special Book Award for 2021,the highest recognition by China for a foreign writer.
        At an emotional ceremony held Monday at the Chinese embassy in Ecuador,Bonilla received a golden statuette for her outstanding contribution to promoting Chinese culture.
        "I feel-happy,honored and pleased to be the first Ecuadorian to receive this award and also to be the first Latin American to receive it.It is a very important thing.It fills me with pride and happiness," said Bonilla,visibly moved.
        "I am writing about China,a country that I fell in love with when I had the opportunity to get to know it because I want the children of the world to get to know China," Bonilla said,adding that all the work and effort she has put into her work pays off.
        The China Special Book Award has been awarded since 2005 to foreign translators,writers and publishers who have made significant contribution to promoting Chinese culture in the world.
        Monday's ceremony in Quito was attended by Chinese Ambassador to Ecuador Chen Guoyou,and Acting Ecuadorian Vice Foreign Minister Augusto Saa.
        Saa said that Bonilla's work is an example of the value of culture as' a means of union between peoples. "Our countries have managed to develop an active cultural diplomacy and a powerful soft power tool that has contributed to mutual understanding."
        In congratulation,Chinese Ambassador Chen Guoyou said that Bonilla received the well-deserved award thanks to her long-term dedication to promoting Chinese culture to Ecuadorian children.
        "Recent years have witnessed the growing dynamism in the cultural exchange between the two nations through contacts in culture,science,technology,sports,education,among others," Chen said,noting that relations between China and Ecuador are at the best moment in history.
        The Ecuadorian writer has so far translated three of her 83 books into Chinese.

    (1)Why did Bonilla feel proud and happy?

    A.Because she wrote a book about her favorite country.
    B.Because the work and effort she put into her work paid off.
    C.Because she wanted the children of the world to get to know China.
    D.Because she was the first Ecuadorian to receive the Special Book Award.
    (2)Who most probably has the chance to win the China Special Book Award?

    A.A French artist.
    B.A Chinese publisher.
    C.An English translator.
    D.A Chinese novelist.
    (3)What do we know according to Chen's words?

    A.Ecuadorian writers prefer translating Chinese books.
    B.China and Ecuador have developed a friendly relation.
    C.Many people in Ecuador have made contributions to China.
    D.Ecuadorian children learn the Chinese culture from school.
    (4)What is the best title of this passage?

    A.Ecuadorian writer receives China book award.
    B.Ecuadorian writer translates books into Chinese .
    C.Cultural exchange is a useful way of communicating .
    D.A ceremony is held at the Chinese embassy in Ecuador.
  • 3.    Rice now has its own big data platform,claimed a conference in early April.Led by the China National Rice Research Institute,the platform records data throughout every,stage of rice production,including collection,storage,and analysis.It will also regularly publish reports to improve the service of rice production,providing convenience to farmers.Apart from big data,other technology is aiding agriculture in China in recent years.
        Flying above
        Drones(無人機(jī))play an important role in farming this spring. "Using drones to spread the nutrient solution(營養(yǎng)液)is a lot safer than doing it manually(手動(dòng)地), "Shi Zhenhai,a farmer in Henan who is responsible for about 119 hectares of wheat fields said.Shi added that the flying machines greatly improved efficiency.The more advanced drones that the farmer bought recently can be filled with 50 liters of liquid,which can be used to cover about 3.4 hectare farmland.With four drones working at the same time,it only takes three hours to finish spreading the solution over all of Shi's land.
        Monitoring on their own
        A smart glass greenhouse used to grow tomatoes features more than 120 patented technologies.Located in Shandong,the demonstration base covers' about 80,000 square meters but requires very few workers.
        Sensors collect information about the plants,such as the humidity(濕度)of the environment,the condition of sunlight and heat,and whether the room is ventilated(通風(fēng))enough. It is then uploaded to a platform to be analyzed.The correct levels of water and fertilizer are supplied to crops by the automatic irrigation system,Robots and other devices are used to pick and transport tomatoes.
        With facilities to store heat,the structure does not use huge amounts of energy in winter,unlike traditional greenhouses. "Growing crops in a controlled environment enables farmers to produce high-quality plants,maintain high food safety standards,and avoid the use of pesticides," Wang Haiguang at the operations office of the greenhouse said.

    (1)How do the drones play a part in farming?

    A.Spread the seeds.
    B.Work at high altitudes.
    C.Improve the working efficiency.
    D.Provide early warning in wheat fields.
    (2)What does "It" underlined in paragraph 4 refer to?

    A.The information.
    B.The sensor.
    C.The humidity.
    D.The robot.
    (3)With the help of the advanced technology,farmers can enjoy many benefits EXCEPT
    A.a(chǎn)pplying big data platform
    B.a(chǎn)voiding the use of pesticides
    C.producing high-quality plants
    D.using huge amounts of energy in winter
    (4)Where is the text most likely to come from?

    A.A book on eating habits.
    B.A magazine about high-tech agriculture.
    C.An article on the introduction to drones.
    D.An environmental conservation booklet.


  • 8.假定英語課上老師要求同桌之間交換修改作文,請(qǐng)你修改你同桌寫的以下作文。文中共有10處語言錯(cuò)誤,每句中最多有兩處。每處錯(cuò)誤僅涉及一個(gè)單詞的增加、刪除或修改。
        I like the sea.Bringing up by the sea,I'm deeply attached of the blue sea.In the morning,when there are not many passer-by,I like to go to the seaside alone and feel the charm of the sea.
        As breeze comes,the ripples(漣漪)in the sea will rise and fall,just like fairies dancing merry on the water.As I watch a waves,I can also smelt the saltiness of the sea.When the sun gradually rise from the east,the sunshine seems give the sea a golden cover.At this very moment,I cannot help but to shout, "How beautiful scenery it is!"

第二節(jié) 書面表達(dá)(滿分25分)

  • 9.假定你是李華,上周你和班級(jí)同學(xué)參加了一次野外生存訓(xùn)練(wildness survival program),請(qǐng)你給你的英國網(wǎng)友Johnson寫一封電子郵件描述這次活動(dòng)并談?wù)勛约旱母惺?,?nèi)容包括:

    Dear Johnson,
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