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新人教版必修5《Unit 4 Making the news》2018年單元測試卷(廣東省深圳市)

發(fā)布:2024/4/20 14:35:0


  • 1.They are bringing out a new
    (版本)of the dictionary.
  • 2.How fast does the new computer
    (處理)the data?
  • 3.Father
    (批準(zhǔn))our plan to visit New York.
  • 4.The
    (主要的)engineer was represented at the meeting by his secretary.
  • 5.Laboratory work needs not only
    (精確的)measurements but also correct calculation.
  • 6.If you
    (潤色)the article, we will print it in the newspaper.
  • 7.My brother is
    (年長的)to me by two years.
  • 8.The manager deputed the running of the
    (系,部)to his secretary.

Ⅳ. 閱讀理解

  • 24.If your high school doesn't have a newspaper,you can help start one online.If your high school already has a printed newspaper,adding an online version can help you reach new audiences and add new content.It's also cheaper to show than a printed version.A digital newspaper can be a chance for high school students to gain experience with journalism and with working online.
       Discuss with other student journalists to decide what kind of online newspaper you want.If your news site will only have an article or two a day,you may want to use a blog template (模板).If you plan to publish a more magazine-style weekly edition with more stories,you will probably want a more complicated front page to show what's in each issue.Your website will also need to support any additional features such as slide shows (幻燈片放映) and polls.
       After you have decided what you want your newspaper to look like,try to collect some money.Although it's possible to launch a website for free,even $50 will help your newspaper buy a memorable website address.These expenses can be made back later through online advertising.
       Create content for your newspaper.Along with written articles,an online newspaper is a great place for multimedia and interactive content such as photo slide shows,videos,polls,forums and calendars.Use a mix of content and a variety of voices to encourage more page views.
       Market your newspaper.You can promote it through old-fashioned announcements such as flyers (宣傳單) and word of mouth,but it might be better to advertise through e-mails or messages and posts on social networking sites such as Facebook,Myspace and Twitter.

    (1)You can use a blog template

    A.a(chǎn)fter you have discussed with other journalists
    B.if a magazine-style weekly edition is required
    C.you have a very limited number of articles a day
    D.when slide shows and polls are not available
    (2)What can we infer from the third paragraph?

    A.It's difficult to make money through online newspapers.
    B.You can use a memorable website address with just a little expense.
    C.It takes only $50 to launch a website.
    D.What your newspaper look like determines how much you will spend on it.
    (3)What's the purpose of this article?

    A.To persuade high school students to start a school newspaper
    B.To give some tips on how to start an online school newspaper
    C.To advise the headmaster to support the students to start a newspaper
    D.To show how difficult it is to start an online newspaper
    (4)Why does the author suggest using Facebook,Myspace and Twitter?

    A.To make your newspapers more popular.
    B.To know about more about advertising from them.
    C.To attract more viewers from them.
    D.To get some tips from them.

Ⅴ. 七選五

  • 25.Supporters of cellphones in school argue a cellphone is a necessity in the modern age.For their own safety,supporters say,students should be free to contact their parents,for example,or phone the police in an emergency. (1)
    But while these are various reasons for allowing students to take cellphones in schools,critics have pointed to some disadvantages too.
       Cellphones can have a disturbing influence in class.(2)
    Students inevitably(不可避免地) face the temptation to use their cellphones when they should be learning,which damages their own education and is fair neither to other students nor the teacher.The easiest way to deal with the potential harm of cellphones is not to allow them in school.

       One argument in favor of school uniforms is the more freedom you give students in what they wear,the more you expose inequalities,singling out children from poorer backgrounds.(4)
    Students who can't afford expensive devices such as smartphones may appear and feel inferior,making them a target for bullying and isolating them from their peers.
       Any expensive items brought into school increase the risk of theft.The fewer expensive or desirable items a child brings to school,the safer he or she is from potential thieves and the associated risks of physical assault(攻擊). (5)

    A.Social Inequality and Bullying
    B.Puppy Love and Cheating in Examinations
    C.Schools can always provide extra measures to help students protect personal property,but that means more expense.
    D.For some students,it's a matter of basic rights.
    E.You can argue the same about technology.
    F.An argument against allowing students to take cellphones is that they are unnecessary.
    G.Even if a student isn't using the cellphone,it could ring and interrupt the teacher or distract the owner and other students from learning.
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