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發(fā)布:2024/9/14 1:0:8


  • 1.(Li Ming is talking with Daniel,a British exchange student.)
    Li Ming:Hello,Daniel!Are you free this Thursday?

    Li Ming:It's our Duanwu Festival.It falls on the 5th day of the 5th month in the Chinese lunar calendar.We'll have a celebration.(2)

    Daniel:Great,I'd love to!(3)

    Li Ming:We eat a special kind of food zongzi.We have dragon boat races too.
    I can't wait for it.I've never watched such races.
    Li Ming:That's a deal!(5)

    Daniel:OK!By the way,what's the festival for?
    Li Ming:To remember Qu Yuan,a great poet in Chinese history.I'll tell you more that day.
    Daniel:OK!See you then.
    A.What's up?
    B.Sounds wonderful!
    C.Would you like to come?
    D.Anything special about the festival?
    E.Let's meet at the school gate at 9 a.m.that day.


  • 2.It was New Year's Eve.A couple were decorating their room when the man said to his wife,"I'm glad this year finishes in a few(1)
    .What a terrible year we've had!"
       His wife asked him,"Why?I don't understand!"The man was very(2)
    and replied,"You don't understand?Think about what has happened this year.First of all,I had a(n)(3)
    to remove my kidney(腎臟).Remember?Last month,I turned 65 and I was told to (4)
    my job to make room for someone younger.Huh!What am I going to do now?And you surely haven't forgotten the(5)
    ,which made our son stay in hospital for three weeks,have you?And that mean the(6)
    take his exams to get into medical school.And we had to buy a new car.(7)
    year!I'm so glad it's over."
       His wife didn't say much.She(8)
    the room.A few minutes later,she came back in and said,"OK,I heard what you said,but this is(9)
    I see things.Your kidney had been(10)
    you for years and you won't have that pain ever again.Now that you don't have to go to work,you can spend more time in the(11)
    ,taking better care of your flowers.And that is the(12)
    you've always wanted.Although the car was destroyed,our son stayed(13)
    .He'll do even better in his exams next year since he's got more time to(14)
    .So I think it's a good year,and the new one will start in a few hours.I'm sure it'll be another good year."
       We can't control the things that happen to us,but we can(15)
    how we look at them.Whatever happens,you can be optimistic or not—it's up to you.
    (1)A.months B.weeks C.days D.hours
    (2)A.interested B.stressed C.surprised D.touched
    (3)A.ability B.right C.chance D.operation
    (4)A.leave B.change C.continue D.start
    (5)A.car B.exam C.accident D.medicine
    (6)A.couldn't B.shouldn't C.mustn't D.needn't
    (7)A.Wonderful B.Terrible C.Strange D.Common
    (8)A.went back into B.looked back into C.looked out of D.went out of
    (9)A.how B.why C.when D.where
    (10)A.protecting B.satisfying C.worrying D.relaxing
    (11)A.garden B.kitchen C.hospital D.school
    (12)A.work B.life C.trip D.gift
    (13)A.calm B.silent C.alive D.alone
    (14)A.play B.study C.sleep D.exercise
    (15)A.copy B.control C.explain D.express


  • 菁優(yōu)網(wǎng)3.3-D films are not new.They first appeared in 1903.The inventors wanted viewers to feel like they were really inside the film they were watching!When you watch a 3-D film,you feel as if the people on the screen are close enough to touch and that the airplane flying at you is flying right off the screen.To watch 3-D films,you may need to wear special glasses.Usually,people buy or borrow the glasses in the cinema.But have you ever thought of making one pair by yourself?
       Here are tips for making your own 3-D glasses.
    ①Get some card board.Cut out the shape of glasses.Make sure you can see through each hole when you hold it up to your eyes.
    ②Get some red and light blue acetate(醋酸透明塑膠片).
    ③Glue the blue acetate on the right hole and the red on the left one.
    Next time when you go to watch a 3-D film,don't forget to take your own handmade glasses!
    (1)3-D films were invented to
    A.make the airplane fly right off the Screen
    B.make viewers touch the people on the screen
    C.make the people on the screen closer to viewers
    D.make viewers feel like they were really inside the film
    (2)According to the passage,our own 3-D glasses are made up of
    ①glass②card board③acetate④paper
    (3)The passage probably comes from
    A.a storybook
    B.a film poster
    C.a news report
    D.a science magazine
  • 4.Throughout history,people all over the world have loved watching shows.What types of shows can we see?Let's take a tour of the colourful world of shows.
    Beijing opera is a type of musical theatre.It joins singing,dance,acrobatics,and martial arts together.It has a lot of music and is called opera,but the actors tell the stories in dialogues.The stories are taken from Chinese history,tales and literature.When an actor appears,the audience know quickly if the character is smart,stupid or bad because of his face paint For example,a red face is loyal.A lot of make-up makes the audience see the actor's mouth,eyes,and face from faraway.
    Wayang kulit is from Indonesia and is the oldest form of puppet theatre in the world.The stories are legends and folk stories.The puppets are all different characteristics.The biggest ones are the bad guys,and the heroes are usually thin puppets with long pointed noses,Wayang kulit performances are still very popular in Indonesia.
    Ballet is a form of dance.It started in Italy in the 15th century.In early ballet,dancers wore masks and heavy costumes,and they were all male.The first female dancer appeared about 200 years later.Both male and female ballet dancers have to be in very good shape and strong.One ballet performance can take 5,000 hours of practice.And in one performance a male dancer often has to lift a lot of female dancers.Two famous story ballets are Swan Lake and Peter Pan.
    Street theatre is really fun,and it is the oldest form of theatre.It was performed outdoors on the streets of ancient Egypt.Now you can see it in shopping centres and on street corners in many cities of the world.The performers do all kinds of things like juggling,dancing,and singing.Everyone can stop to watch it.And it's free!
    (1)In Beijing opera,if an actor's face paint is red,the character is
    (2)What can be learnt from"One ballet performance can take 5,000 hours of practice."?

    A.Practice makes perfect.
    B.Well begun,half done.
    C.Many hands make light work.
    D.Actions speak louder than words.
    (3)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

    A.We can enjoy singing,dance and juggling in Beijing opera.
    B.The stories in Wayang kulit are from history and literature.
    C.Swan Lake and Peter Pan are two famous story ballets.
    D.We can see street theatre indoors now in many cities.


  • 11.Imagine you are walking through deep snow.As you walk,you leave footprints where you've been.That's what happens when using technology,such as computers,mobile phones and tablets.You leave your digital footprint and it will never disappear.
       Here are reasons why your digital footprint should matter to you.
       How people see you
       Of course,you have nothing to hide,but if people get information about you,they might judge you from the information you have left online.For example,you make a bad joke online.Years later,it's found by the university you are applying to,and they don't think it's funny.Maybe they decide you are not the"right"kind of person for them.
       Your private information
       Not everything can be shared with everyone,F(xiàn)or example,you might share your school reports with your parents,but keep them secret to your e-friends.If you share them on the Internet,they will not be a secret anymore.Therefore,to protect your privacy(隱私),remember to put out less information online.
       Keeping your money safe
       There are plenty of people looking at information about you,and some of them want to steal from you.So you shouldn't write bank details,card numbers or passwords in emails or text messages.
       Overall,the message is:No one can go online without leaving his digital footprint—but with care,you can control it.
    (1)When do you leave digital footprint?

    (2)How many reasons are mentioned in the passage?

    (3)What should you do to protect your privacy?

    (4)What shouldn't be written in emails or text messages?

    (5)How can you go online safely?


  • 12.在人生的旅程中,親人、朋友、老師、書籍等陪伴我們同行,助力我們成長(zhǎng)。學(xué)校英語(yǔ)俱樂部正組織題為"Being with You"的征文比賽,請(qǐng)根據(jù)提示,寫一篇短文參賽。
    1.Who/What do you always like being with?
    2.Why do you like being with him/her/it?
    (Give two or three reasons)
    Being with You You've always been my sunshine.I like being with you,_________________________________________.
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