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北師大版(2019)必修第三冊《Unit 7 Art Section A》2021年同步練習(xí)卷(同步一練)

發(fā)布:2024/4/20 14:35:0


  • 1.--What is your brother?
    --He is talented in singing and he is the leading singer in the band.
  • 2.--What are you looking at?
    --The performer standing on the stage.He is giving an excellent performance now.
  • 3.--What do you think of the painter Van Gogh?
    --He was mentally ill,but a lot of people were affected by his paintings.
  • 4.--What caused you so angry that day?
    --His failure and his reaction to his failure.


  • 12.The painter Georgia O'Keeffe was born in Wisconsin in 1887 and grew up on her family's farm.At seventeen she decided to be an artist and left the farm for schools in Chicago and New York,but she never lost her contact with the land.Like most painters,O'Keeffe painted the things that were most important to her,and nearly all her works are simplified portrayals(描繪)of nature.
       O'Keeffe became famous when her paintings were discovered and exhibited in New York by the photographer Alfred Stieglitz,whom she married in 1924.During a visit to New Mexico in 1929,O'Keeffe was so moved by the bleak(荒涼的)landscape and broad skies of the western desert that she began to paint its images.Cows' skulls and other bleached bones found in the desert figured prominently in her paintings.When her husband died in 1946,she moved to New Mexico permanently and used the horizon lines of the desert,colourful flowers,rocks,barren hills,and the sky as subjects for her paintings.Although O'Keeffe painted her best-known works in the 1920s,1930s and 1940s,she continued to produce tributes to the western desert until her death in 1986.
       O'Keeffe is widely considered to have been a pioneering American modernist painter.While most early modern American artists were strongly influenced by European art,O'Keeffe's position was more independent.She created her own vision and preferred to view her painting as a private effort.Almost from the beginning,her work was more identifiably(可識別地)American than other painters in its special treatment of colour,light,space and natural forms.

    (1)Alfred Stieglitz
    A.was a film director
    B.married O'Keeffe in 1924
    C.died in 1986
    D.became famous when his paintings were exhibited in New York
    (2)Which of the following is most similar to O'Keeffe's relationship with nature?

    A.A photographer's relationship with a model.
    B.A writer's relationship with a publisher.
    C.A student's relationship with a book.
    D.A carpenter's relationship with a hammer.
    (3)Which of the following is NOT mentioned as an influence on O'Keeffe's paintings?

    A.Her life in the countryside.
    B.Her life in the West.
    C.The works of European artists.
    D.The appearance of the natural landscape.
    (4)The main idea of this passage is that
    A.O'Keeffe was a different modern American painter
    B.O'Keeffe was the best painter of her generation
    C.O'Keeffe liked to paint what was familiar to her
    D.O'Keeffe used colours and shapes that are too simple


  • 13.Painting The art of creating pictures using colours,shapes and lines is called painting.Museums and galleries show the paintings of professional artists.But painting is also a popular form of entertainment and creative expression.
    Experienced painters usually use a brush to apply oil paints to a canvas cloth surface.Young painters usually use watercolours on pieces of paper.Very young children may use finger paints to create paintings.
       Painters can use their art to express devotion to a religion,to tell a story,to express feelings and ideas,or simply to present a pleasing picture.Religious paintings often show a scene from a sacred text(圣典).Other common subjects have been famous legends and events in history,as well as scenes from daily life.Artists also paint portraits,or pictures of people.(2)
    All of these types of paintings show the human figure in some way.
       Some kinds of paintings do not focus on people.In landscape painting the focus is on scenes from nature.Artists also paint still objects such as fruit and vegetables.(3)
    Some artists communicate their ideas through pictures that do not represent any object.
    Paintings dating back 15,000 years have been found on the walls of caves in France and Spain.(5)
    Samples of painted pottery(陶器)from at least 5,000 years ago have been found in China and Iran.The ancient Egyptians decorated their temples with beautiful paintings.People in ancient Greece painted decorative objects such as vases in addition to the walls of temples.

    A.These works are called still-life paintings.
    B.These works can communicate a special feeling.
    C.Humans have been making paintings for thousands of years.
    D.People of all ages create pictures using a variety of materials.
    E.Cave paintings generally show animals that early humans hunted.
    F.The design of a painting is the plan of its lines,shapes and colours.
    G.Sometimes artists make portraits of themselves,which are called self-portraits.
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