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人教版(2019)選擇性必修第一冊(cè)《Unit 4 Body Language》2021年同步練習(xí)卷(課時(shí)練19)

發(fā)布:2024/4/20 14:35:0

I. 根據(jù)首字母提示或漢語(yǔ)意思填寫正確單詞。

  • 1.There is a growing
    (tend) for people to work at home instead of in offices.
  • 2.A survey of the Chinese diet has r
    that a growing number of people are overweight.
  • 3.People get job satisfaction from different factors,such as social
    (交流) with colleagues.
  • 4.Adults learn what they
    (理解) to be useful in their lives.
  • 5.In college I had been taught that a successful
    (教育工作者)should ignore bad behavior.
  • 6.The
    (事件)happened just after ten o'clock local time.
  • 7.A combination of
    (內(nèi)部的) and external factors caused the company to close down.

III. 閱讀選擇

  • 22.Imagine the feeling of swinging at a baseball going 100 miles per hour—without leaving your living room,or being in race car as it roars down the track,while you are sitting on the couch.
        These are just some of the ways that sports business leaders say virtual reality (VR) will revolutionize how people train for and experience sports.Virtual and augmented(增強(qiáng)的)realities are together known as mixed reality (MR). "American footballers are already using VR to better train their minds and read the field," Ludden said. "This can allow players to perfect their skills without risking injury."
       Canadian company D-BOX Technologies designs and produces moving seats found in cinema and theme parks.It is now moving into sports,and shows its Formula One (F1)racing simulator (模擬器).The seats stimulate the force of gravity,speed and every shaking as Fl champion Lewis Hamilton zips around city streets.
       A simulation seat uses pre-programed data now.Someday,though,it could use real-time information sent by the car. "They could broadcast live content through a network in pop-up theaters around the world," Ludden said.Say you want to experience the true stress of a batter being up against major-league baseball pitcher. "You can have a heartbeat added to the sensation on the seat and then you can feel it,boom,boom," Maheu explained. "When he swings and hits the ball,you can have an impact."
       One day,fans around the world could physically experience every game from their favorite player in real time.Ludden said that current and near-future technology could create "augmented stadiums" for live audiences.Panasonic launched its "Smart Venue" plans which included the overlaying of graphics,advertisements,player statistics and replays on the field of play at a pro football game. "If you are seated in the cheap seats,you can see this really useful." "Fans may someday join in stadium wide games,using the field as a virtual gaming platform," Ludden added.

    (1)What does the underlined phrase "read the field" in paragraph 2 mean?

    A.Get off the playing field.
    B.Build up a football court.
    C.Judge the situation on the field.
    D.Ask players to play on the spot.
    (2)What does Maheu think audiences can do in the future baseball game?

    A.Enjoy live content in any theater.
    B.Program the simulation seats in advance.
    C.Control the force and speed of the baseball.
    D.Experience the real time game with the player.
    (3)What does Ludden mainly describe in the last paragraph?

    A.The origin of VR.
    B.A future stadium.
    C.An advertisement platform.
    D.The expectations of audiences.
    (4)What is the main idea of the text?

    A.VR can improve players' skills for sports.
    B.VR increases fans' joy in the baseball game.
    C.VR can improve sports experience for players and fans.
    D.VR promises a new future for football players and games.
  • 23.閱讀下面材料,根據(jù)其內(nèi)容和所給段落開頭語(yǔ)續(xù)寫兩段,使之構(gòu)成一篇完整的短文。
        "Breakfast time!" I quickly put on my clothes and rushed down the stairs.
        "Come on,we don't want to be late!" My mom said.The aroma(香味)of pancakes filled the kitchen,making the room warm.I looked out of the window.The sun was out,making a warm and bright morning.
        "Today's the day,zip lining(高空滑索)!" My dad said,sounding very enthusiastic early this morning.
        Today we would go zip lining.The excitement built up inside of me as breakfast went on.After breakfast,we set out in my dad's car.Half way through the ride,the sun grew hot,and the leather on the seats burned my legs.I thought about the trip,how my parents went but not me.It was my first time experiencing something like this.I also thought about my fear of heights,one thing I tried to get rid of multiple times.It got in the way of so many fun activities like roller coaster at Kings Island.
        We were basically there by now,the sun still blazing hot.We pulled up to a big sign where our instructor waited for us.
        "Hi y'all!" said our instructor cheerfully.
        "So,have y'all done this before?"
       My parents nodded but I shook my head.Our instructor went over safety instructions while we each put on a safety harness (安全帶).I started to get nervous.A never ending roller coaster of excitement and anxiousness built inside of me when I looked down the cliff.My heart skipped a beat when the wind howled,blowing leaves and twigs in the trees.My legs started to shake.
    "Alright y'all,time to hit the trails!" said the instructor with too much enthusiasm.____________
    My turn finally came.____________
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