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外研版(2019)必修第三冊《Unit 6 Disaster and hope Period 4》2021年同步練習(xí)卷(課時(shí)素養(yǎng)1)

發(fā)布:2024/4/20 14:35:0

Ⅰ. 閱讀理解

  • 1.A group of 75 female volunteers from India's Odisha state has spent every day of the last 20 years patrolling(巡邏) a 75-hectare forest to protect it from illegal woodcutters.
       In 1999,the eastern state of Odisha was hit by a super cyclone(超級(jí)颶風(fēng)). "Our homes and standing crops were destroyed.There was no food or clothing for days," 52-year-old Charulata Biswal,a volunteer forest protector,told Mongabay-India. "But we realized it was because of the surviving forest that many people in Gundalba,a small village,were still alive.We promised we would protect the forest in return and restore the biodiversity. "
       Groups of women patrol the forest at least twice a day.As they walk among the trees,they blow their whistles and bang wooden sticks against tree trunks. "We beat our sticks and patrol in groups of 10," Biswal said. "We spread out inside the forest and blow whistles.Anyone with the intention to harm the local biodiversity will flee on hearing our whistle and the banging of our sticks on tree trunks. "
       In 2001,over 70 women from Gundalba came together to form the Women's Forest Protection Committee.Apart from their daily patrols,they also approached neighboring villages that also depend on the forest for firewood about setting up a system for sustainability(可持續(xù)性).For example,every village is allowed to gather firewood from the forest on a set day of the month,usually a few days after another settlement has finished the gathering process.
       Over the years,they have caught several people cutting trees illegally in the forest.Asked if they have ever been afraid of patrolling the large forest they said no. "The forest is an extension of our home," Biswal said. "Won't it hurt to see your children suffer?This is how a mother feels and we are doing something that comes to us naturally. "
       Thanks to the women's efforts,the forest gradually came back to life.Birds started nesting in trees again and the animals returned.

    (1)What does the author intend to do in Paragraph 2?

    A.To introduce the natural disaster in India.
    B.To show what people in Gundalba did to survive.
    C.To explain why the women decided to patrol the forest.
    D.To describe the poor situation in eastern state of Odisha.
    (2)Why do the women whistle and bang the sticks?

    A.To attract more birds and animals.
    B.To relax themselves during their work.
    C.To make themselves brave to go among the forest.
    D.To warn people meaning to damage the forest to leave.
    (3)What did the Committee do after its foundation?

    A.They gathered firewood from other forests.
    B.They reduced the time for patrolling the forest.
    C.They adopted environment-friendly woodcutting methods.
    D.They stopped neighboring villages from cutting their trees.
    (4)How does Charulata Biswal feel about the forest?

    A.It is like her family.
    B.It will take long to recover.
    C.It has lost some natural functions.
    D.It suffers a lot from illegal cutting.

Ⅰ. 閱讀理解

  • 3.The state of Texas has not fully recovered from last year's hurricane,Harvey,as it prepares for a new season of storms.After a teleconference with President Trump and Federal Emergency Officials,Texas governor Greg Abbott said that they were taking steps on a daily basis to make sure they would be able to address any coming challenges.
       Hurricane Harvey brought record rainfall to a wide range of Texas and more rain fell over a five-day period than at any time,since records have been kept in the United States beginning in the 1850s.Last year's deadly hurricanes including Harvey,Irma and Maria caused mass destruction in large parts of Texas,Louisiana,the South Atlantic states,the Caribbean and Puerto Rico.Trump praised what he called best recovery and response efforts to the disasters.They were gathering every accessible resource to ensure maximum preparation for rapid response.That's what they had last year.Disaster reaction and recovery is best achieved when it's nationally supported,state managed and locally performed.
       Abbott also mentioned that two new satellites and modern technology will help decide the path and strength of the storms.State and local governments are also planning routes,shelters,communication lines and supply chains to ensure efficient reaction to the storms.Scientists warn that,as the earth warms,storms are taking more moisture and are able to produce more rainfall.This year storms are also expected to be driven by extremely powerful winds.
       Emergency Officials say the nation has to be prepared for ever more active storms in the future.They've got to keep building the culture of preparedness in this state and in this nation.Meteorologists(氣象學(xué)家)predict up to 16 storms this summer including 5 to 9 hurricanes,the most active storms will occur in the approaching Mid-August.

    (1)What does the underlined word "address" in the first paragraph mean?

    (2)What made the last year's rescue more achievable?

    A.The new satellites and modern technology.
    B.The joint efforts of the whole nation.
    C.The best recovery and reaction efforts.
    D.The communication lines and supply chains.
    (3)Which of the following is NOT included in the government response?

    A.Providing shelters.
    B.Arranging routes.
    C.Producing more rainfall.
    D.Supplying communication lines.
    (4)Which of the following might be the best title for the text?

    A.The Culture of Preparedness in the U.S.
    B.The Violence of Hurricane Harvey
    C.The Prediction of the Future Weather
    D.The Recovery after the Disasters

Ⅱ. 完形填空

  • 4.It was a long drive to the nursing home where my Grandmother was living.(1)
    ,at least twice a month I drove to see her.I'd already(2)
    my Mom to cancer and I wanted to always remember my Grandmother,especially because she was beginning to(3)
    me.Nanna had Alzheimer(老年癡呆癥) disease,which was slowly starting to eat away at her (4)
    .Sometimes she recognized me when I visited her and sometimes she didn't.
       On one visit,I(5)
    my Grandmother good-bye and started to walk towards my car.Suddenly a tiny hand seized mine. "James!" a(6)
    voice said.I turned and saw a smiling,wrinkled face.Like my Nanna,she had Alzheimer disease but was still able to walk and get around.She(7)
    me for her son(A nurse told me he'd died years ago).I held her hands and let her joyfully(8)
    .Though her eyes didn't know who I was,I saw the excitement in them when she spoke to her son through me.
       On the following visits,I always took(9)
    to visit my Nanna as well as her.I always got a smile and sometimes even a(10)
    from her.The nurses told me she was always(11)
    and gladder after seeing her "son".
       Then one day I noticed she was(12)
    .I spoke to the nurses and they sadly told me that she'd been dead for some days.I put my head(13)
    and went quietly into my Nanna's room.
       Her loss didn't really hit me(14)
    I went for a walk at night.I looked at the sky,realizing something,for a while I really had been her son.Actually,in this world we're all(15)
    by invisible strings of love.

    (1) A.Therefore    B.However C.Meanwhile D.Instead
    (2) A.lost B.committed C.related D.a(chǎn)ssociated
    (3) A.hate    B.miss    C.require   D.forget
    (4) A.brains B.a(chǎn)bilities C.memories D.lives
    (5) A.kissed B.prayed C.urged D.consulted
    (6) A.nervous B.cheerful C.natural D.beautiful
    (7) A.a(chǎn)sked B.traded C.called D.took
    (8) A.move on B.go on C.hold on D.work on
    (9) A.turn B.chance C.time D.risk
    (10) A.hug B.power C.gift D.question
    (11) A.kinder B.nicer C.smarter D.calmer
    (12) A.silent B.a(chǎn)bsent C.weak D.sick
    (13) A.down B.a(chǎn)way C.out D.up
    (14) A.a(chǎn)fter B.when C.until D.unless
    (15) A.a(chǎn)ccompanied B.influenced C.touched D.connected
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