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外研版(2019)必修2《Unit 3 On the move》2020年單元測試卷

發(fā)布:2024/4/20 14:35:0

第一部分 聽力(共兩節(jié),滿分7.5分)第一節(jié)?。ü?小題;每小題1.5分,滿分7.5分)聽下面5段對話.每段對話后有一個(gè)小題,從題中所給的 A、B、C 三個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出最佳選項(xiàng),并標(biāo)在試卷的相應(yīng)位置.聽完每段對話后,你都有10秒鐘的時(shí)間來回答有關(guān)小題和閱讀下一小題.每段對話僅讀一遍.

  • 1.When does the conversation take place?
    A.In the morning.
    B.In the afternoon.
    C.In the evening.
  • 2.What did the man do last night?
    A.He played video games.
    B.He studied all night.
    C.He went to a movie.
  • 3.Why is the man late?
    A.The traffic was heavy.
    B.There was an accident.
    C.He took the wrong bus.
  • 4.What is the woman going to do this evening?
    A.Go out dancing.
    B.Look after Mary.
    C.Dance at home.
  • 5.What is true about this flight?
    A.It will take off in two hours.
    B.It stops in San Francisco.
    C.It goes to Seattle directly.


  • 6.(1)What did the man suggest the woman do?
    A.Be direct.
    B.Be patient.
    C.Be generous.
    (2)When did the man buy his car?
    C.Last week.

第四部分 寫作(共兩節(jié),滿分15分)第一節(jié) 應(yīng)用文寫作(滿分15分)

  • 17.假定你是李華,最近你發(fā)現(xiàn)有學(xué)生將共享單車停到了校園內(nèi)并且上了私鎖.請你就此現(xiàn)象,寫一份倡議書發(fā)表在校英文報(bào)上,倡議同學(xué)們文明使用共享單車.
    參考詞匯:共享單車 shared bikes

第二節(jié) 讀后續(xù)寫(滿分25分)閱讀下面短文,根據(jù)所給情節(jié)進(jìn)行續(xù)寫,使之構(gòu)成一個(gè)完整的故事.

  • 18.A vacation with my mother I had an interesting childhood:It was filled with surprise and amusements,all because of my mother-loving,sweet,and yet absent-minded and forgetful.One strange family trip we took when I was eleven tells a lot about her.
        My two sets of grandparents lived in Colorado and North Dakota,and my parents decided to spend a few weeks driving to those states and seeing all the sights along the way.As the first day of our trip approached, David,my eight-year-old brother,and I unwillingly said good-bye to all of our friends.Who knew if we'd ever see them again?Finally,the moment of our departure arrived,and we loaded suitcases,books,games, camping equipment,and a tent into the car and bravely drove off.We bravely drove off again two hours later after we'd returned home to get the purse and traveler's checks Mom had forgotten.
        David and I were always a little nervous when using gas station bathrooms if Mom was driving while Dad slept:" You stand outside the door and play lookout(放哨) while I go,and I'll stand outside the door and play lookout while you go." I had terrible pictures in my mind: "Honey,where are the kids?" "What?!Oh,Gosh…I thought they were being awfully quiet." We were never actually left behind in a strange city,but we weren't about to take any chances.
        On the fourth or fifth night,we had trouble finding a hotel with a vacancy.After driving in vain for some time,Mom suddenly got a great idea:Why didn't we find a house with a likely-looking backyard and ask if we could set up tent there?David and I became nervous.To our great relief,Dad turned down the idea.Mom never could understand our objections(反對).If a strange family showed up on her front doorstep,Mom would have been delighted.She thinks everyone in the world as nice as she is.We finally found a vacancy in the next town.
    Para1:The next day we remembered the brand-new tent we had brought with us.

    Para2:We drove through several states and saw lots of great sights along the way.
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