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發(fā)布:2024/4/20 14:35:0

Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.

  • 1.A.It is seeking an effective advertising strategy.
    B.It is cooperating with the man's company.
    C.It is developing a new sales channel.
    D.It is shifting to electronics products.
  • 2.A.He used to come to the town in June.
    B.He doesn't think the town is beautiful.
    C.He has been living in the town for four years.
    D.He visited the town four years ago.
  • 3.A.The woman's camera is broken.
    B.Someone else took good pictures.
    C.He was with Dan on his graduation day.
    D.Dan didn't hire a professional photographer.
  • 4.A.He expects to meet the woman at the meeting.
    B.The meeting is not expected to last a long time.
    C.Members will be told to be brief in their comments.
    D.Committee members will be informed before the meeting.
  • 5.A.She didn't expects Mary to win.
    B.The man should vote for Mary in the election.
    C.Mary shouldn't have campaigned against Steve.
    D.She thinks Mary will run again in the next election.
  • 6.A.He needed to take a multi-year training course.
    B.He needed to have some hands-on experience.
    C.He needed to overcome his fear of height.
    D.He needed to earn enough money first.
  • 7.A.It smells unpleasant.
    B.The speakers both love it.
    C.The speakers have both tried it before.
    D.It can be taken onto buses all over the world.
  • 8.A.She has decided not to go to law school.
    B.She doesn't want to be a criminal lawyer.
    C.Her brother was not accepted into law school.
    D.She doesn't plan to work in her brother's law firm.
  • 9.A.She can lend the man a sweater.
    B.The man will probably receive a scholarship.
    C.The man isn't dressed properly for the interview.
    D.She can't give the man a ride to the dean's office.
  • 10.A.Purchase a new car.
    B.Buy a car from the woman.
    C.Help the woman paint her car.
    D.Look for a less expensive car.

Directions: In Section B, you will hear two short passages and one longer conversation, and you will be asked several questions on each of the passages and the conversation. The passages and the conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.

  • 11.(1)A.Watch a slide show about trees.
    B.Look at examples of trees on campus.
    C.Learn how to prevent Dutch elm disease.
    D.Study the history of the campus buildings.
    (2)A.It is very tall.
    B.Its leaves have fallen.
    C.Its leaves are yellow.
    D.It is not an ever-green tree.
    (3)A.It has grown too big.
    B.Its branches are being cut off.
    C.It is no longer a subject of study.
    D.It may be suffering from a disease.
  • 12.(1)A.The origin of the Moon.
    B.Why Earth has an iron core.
    C.Differences between the planets in the solar system.
    D.Methods of determining the composition of Earth and the Moon.
    (2)A.The Moon has no surface water.
    B.The Moon does not have a molten core.
    C.Thy Moon is the largest moon in the solar system.
    D.The Moon and the Earth are quite similar in composition.
    (3)A.The Moon was struck by another planet.
    B.The Moon's mineral content has changed over time.
    C.The Moon formed from pieces of Earth's surface layer.
    D.The Moon's composition resembles that of any planet in the solar system.
  • 13.(1)A.At a delivery company.
    B.At an art gallery.
    C.At a food market.
    D.At a furniture shop.
    (2)A.A new website.
    B.A grey sofa.
    C.A red model.
    D.An old desk.
    (3)A.The woman will pay $55 for the delivery.
    B.The goods that the woman want are not all in stock.
    C.The woman lives in the area whose zip code is 00389276.
    D.The colors of the goods available are not all satisfactory.
    (4)A.To the customer pick-up.
    B.To the bank.
    C.To the cash registers.
    D.To the shelf with the yellow arrows.

Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D, choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.

  • 14.The research________in the past five years has revolutionized our understanding of the ancient monument.( ?。?/div>
  • 15.After the monitor________the work,the students naturally began to work on their own.(  )
  • 16.Everyone ought to________some money for a rainy day.(  )
  • 17.The________of a particular person or thing is the ability to know or recognize them.( ?。?/div>

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.

  • 50.隨著股價(jià)的攀升,許多股民被騙在高價(jià)買入,結(jié)果摧毀了他們對(duì)股市的信心。(risen.,trick)

VI. Guided Writing (15分)

  • 51.Directions:For this part,you're required to write an essay explaining around the topic "why I have made up my mind to apply for the role of student judge in the English Singing Competition ".You are expected to write 100 words for at least TWO reasons to illustrate your point.The opening and closing paragraphs are done for you and you start with your explanation.
    To whom it may concern,
        I have been told that the school authority is preparing an English Singing Competition for the first-year students and is recruiting student judges for the competition.I think I am a perfect candidate for a student judge and my reasons for application are as follows.
        Based on the above reasons,I think I am qualified for the role of a student judge.I am looking forward to your reply and wish the approaching English Singing Competition a complete success.
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