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人教版(2019)必修3《Unit 3 Diverse Cultures》2021年單元測試卷(2)

發(fā)布:2024/4/20 14:35:0

第一部分 閱讀理解(共兩節(jié))第一節(jié)(共1小題)閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的A、B、C和D四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中,選出最佳選項(xiàng)。

  • 1.At one time,the Iroquois Indians lived along the lakes and rivers of the northern part of New York.The five tribes(部落)- the Mohawk,Oneida,Onondaga,Cayuga,and Seneca - fought with each other for years.
       In the late 1500s,a wise Iroquois man named Dekanawida had a dream.In his dream,he saw the end of the Indian wars.An Onondaga chief named Hiawatha agreed to help Dekanawida bring peace to the area.Hiawatha traveled from tribe to tribe,trying to persuade the tribal leaders to unite in peace.The leaders realized that if they stopped fighting,they could become a powerful force in the Northeast area.
       The leaders of the five tribes set up a league,called the Iroquois League,which brought all five tribes together.They set up a kind of democratic(民主的)government in which each tribe had an equal voice.A Great Council was formed.Forty-nine chiefs from every tribe were appointed to the Council.The members were all men,but they were chosen by the elder women of the tribes.The Council worked together to solve big issues for the league,while each tribe remained self-governing.
       In 1722,the Iroquois League increased from five to six tribes when the Tuscarora tribe joined them.The Iroquois League controlled the fur trade in the area.They controlled land from Canada to Kentucky.The Iroquois League remained powerful for over 200 years.
       Then during the War of Independence,most of the Iroquois League sided with the British.After the Americans defeated the British,many Iroquois villages were destroyed.The Iroquois were forced to move and live on reservations(印第安人居留地).This caused the Iroquois League to become less powerful.
       History shows that the writers of the United States Constitution used some of the same ideas as the Iroquois League.One section of the Iroquois Constitution is entitled "Rights of the people" and might be compared to the "Bill of Rights",The Iroquois League's constitution is often called America's first democracy.

    (1)The underlined word "voice" in Paragraph 3 could probably be replaced by "
    (2)According to the text,the Iroquois League
    A.consisted of six tribes in the 17th century
    B.became weak after the War of Independence
    C.helped the Americans defeat the British
    D.was greatly supported by the Americans
    (3)The political system of the Iroquois League
    A.was ignored by American history experts
    B.had nothing to do with the "Bill of Rights"
    C.influenced the United States Constitution
    D.was entitled "Rights of the People"
    (4)Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

    A.The Iroquois League
    B.The American Indians
    C.The culture of the Iroquois
    D.The United States Constitution


  • 2.Some people describe American society as a salad bowl while others think of it as a melting pot.
       In a bowl of salad,all the ingredients(營養(yǎng)成分)are mixed together.(1)
    .Together,however,the ingredients make up a unity.All the ingredients of a salad contribute to the finished product.They may be covered with the same dressing(調(diào)味醬),but the green vegetables,tomatoes and cooked corn can all be seen for what they are.
        From this point of view,America is very much like a salad bowl where individual ethnic groups(族群)mix together,yet remain their cultural uniqueness.People may work together during the day at similar jobs and in the same companies,but at night they may return to their ethnic groups where their own individual culture directs their way of life. (2)
    .Each ethnic group has its own special customs,language,food and traditions to protect and defend.This idea of the salad bowl is referred to as cultural diversity;that is,American society is a collection of various cultures living together in harmony within one country.
    .Here,society is like one large pot of soup.All cultural aspects are mixed together,not forgetting their original identity and keeping a bit of what they were to become a new reality.The longer the soup is cooked,the better the taste and the more likely it will be for the mixture to dissolve(溶解).In this sense,America can surely be seen as a melting pot where people from all over the world come to live and work together forming one nation.There are dozens of shared symbols.(4)
    .In such a culture,symbols like the flag and the nation's official song serve to break down the walls which separate ethnic groups.
       Whether a salad bowl or a melting pot,America can be best described as a mixture of both. (5)

    A.They never lose their shapes,colors or tastes.
    B.Both are correct depending on one's point of view.
    C.This is why there is so much diversity within America.
    D.In other words,America is a nation where there is unity in diversity.
    E.Thus,one needs to abandon one's culture to be considered "American".
    F.They serve to develop the various ethnic groups to create a new American culture.
    G.The other theory,which is also used to describe American society,is the melting pot.

第二部分 語言知識運(yùn)用(共兩節(jié))第一節(jié)(共1小題)閱讀下面短文,從每題所給的A、B、C、D四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項(xiàng)。

  • 3.I was watching a TV series one night when I took in one scene.A man was seeking his community votes,and people mostly wanted to know why they should give him their(1)
    .He took them to his house and on every mirror in his house was the word "Faith" pasted(粘貼).People raised lots of(2)
    to find out why the word was pasted on his mirrors.He said, "My dad often (3)
    me to believe that as long as you have(4)
    ,you should have faith.Every time you look into the mirror,you're looking at yourself and see 'Faith'. "
    I learned from this is simple-faith is a living thing and in the same way we're all(6)
    given 24 hours a day and we're all given the same measure of faith.Faith keeps us going when things get(7)
    !Why is some people's faith stronger than that of others?Exercise!If we choose to exercise our faith,it will grow;but if we choose not to,it remains weak.Some people might(8)
    that they don't have faith,but we all practice faith every day even if we don't(9)
    it was faith.Daily tasks,such as studying,investing or reaching for a dream,take faith.
    hearing and doing.I made a decision yesterday-to stop reading the newspaper full of too much sad and(11)
    news.Why?Because I(12)
    there was a drop of my mental state after reading the newspapers.
       Faith,when it's put to(13)
    ,becomes a beautiful thing.It lifts your mental state to a higher place that(14)
    you to raise yourself up and declare, "Yes,I can. " So make the decision today to strengthen your faith by(15)

    (1) A.support B.instruction C.pity D.information
    (2) A.voices B.questions C.rules D.standards
    (3) A.teaches B.permits C.forces D.promises
    (4) A.friendship B.breath C.wealth D.success
    (5) A.lesson B.view C.choice D.example
    (6) A.extremely B.freely C.equally D.frequently
    (7) A.strange B.different C.funny D.rough
    (8) A.a(chǎn)rgue B.realize C.understand D.predict
    (9) A.a(chǎn)gree B.a(chǎn)ppreciate C.a(chǎn)dmire D.a(chǎn)cknowledge
    (10) A.dreams of B.comes from C.feels like D.keeps on
    (11) A.various B.genuine C.latest D.negative
    (12) A.heard B.noticed C.declared D.explained
    (13) A.check B.list C.work D.sleep
    (14) A.warns B.causes C.orders D.forbids
    (15) A.exercising B.forming C.obtaining D.thinking


  • 4.The beauty of the world lies in the d
    (多樣性)of its people.
  • 5.This company was in serious
  • 6.Does the city introduction c
    all the important information?
  • 7.There are two new hotels under
  • 8.He is writing a
    (history) novel about nineteenth-century France.
  • 9.This kind of medicine has no side effects if t
    according to the instructions.
  • 10.The food is hot and
  • 11.The explosion of the chemical plant has
    (毒死) many local residents.
  • 12.The nation wants peace,only a
    (minor)want the war to continue.
  • 13.We hope for a lasting
    (settle)of all these troubles.

第三節(jié)(共2題)Rewrite the sentence after the examples.(仿寫句子)

  • 38.……and there are Chinese tea stores,where visitors can taste and buy varieties of Chinese tea.
    Ancient China was a place


  • 39.結(jié)合課文主題, 使用本單元詞匯與句型寫一篇50詞左右的短文
    1. 現(xiàn)今, 幾乎每個(gè)國家都重視文化多樣(diverse)性, 保護(hù)文化多樣性(diversity)也是我們的使命(mission).
    2. 如果我們都這樣做, 除了(apart from)對文化自身有益, 我們可能(it's likely that)也能從中受益.
    3. 我們必須承認(rèn)(admit), 許多外國人來市中心(downtown)的目的是希望目睹各種各樣的(a series of)建筑物.
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