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外研版必修4《Module 2 Traffic Jam》2022年單元測試卷(B)

發(fā)布:2024/4/20 14:35:0

二、第一部分 閱讀理解(共兩節(jié),滿分0分)第一節(jié) (共4小題;每小題2.5分,滿分37.5分)閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的A、B、C和D四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中,選出最佳選項(xiàng)。

  • 1.Camp Takajo
        Camp Season:June 20,2015 to August 15,2015
        Camp Address:60 Takajo Road Naples,Maine 04055 USA
        Off-season Address:34 Maple Avenue Armonk,New York 10504 USA
        Camp Takajo provides an upbringing environment for campers,improving their sense of competence and self-worth.We provide opportunities to explore all aspects of their personalities,encouraging them to take risks and expand their boundaries.By the summer's end,we hope that our campers can describe themselves in more positive and concrete terms than they did upon arrival.
        We help our boys develop:
        Respect for oneself and others
        Camp Takajo teaches the importance of making moral choices,forming tolerance and respect for others.Daily team games create an atmosphere of collaboration(合作) rather than "win-at-all-costs".
        Courage to face new challenges
        Our diverse program of arts and sports provides an opportunity for campers to master skills of each activity.Campers participate in all activities that are offered at camp.Our rope-jumping course and rock-climbing departments allow campers to see the importance of cooperation and perseverance(堅(jiān)毅) in achieving their goals.
        An appreciation of nature
        Our boys have opportunities to explore the natural beauty of Maine and New Hampshire on hiking and boating.

    (1)If you want to get in touch with Camp Takajo on October 15,you should
    B.go to 60 Takajo Road Naples,Maine
    D.go to New Hampshire
    (2)Who are the intended campers of Camp Takajo?

    (3)What's the purpose of writing the passage?

    A.Show readers where Camp Takajo is.
    B.Introduce the features of Camp Takajo.
    C.Attract more boy readers to join the camp.
    D.Tell readers what can be attained in Camp Takajo.
  • 2.Dear Students of Star Middle School,
        As the chairman of the student union,I am writing to ask for your support to start the Count-Your-Steps walking program.Mr.Stewart Thomas,a parent of two students at Star Middle School,firstly came up with the idea.Mr.Thomas is a fan of walking and wants to encourage others to appreciate the activity.He shared his idea with our head teacher,Ms.Howser,who immediately agreed that we should try it.
        Ms.Howser contacted the other middle schools in the district,and all the teachers eagerly adopted the program.Now a team of Count-Your-Steps organizers made up of representatives from the middle schools,have established the program's goal :to increase awareness(認(rèn)識) of the benefits of walking.Organizers want middle school students to accept this challenge and make walking one of their daily activities.
        The program has clear rules.Interested participants must only promise to record the number of steps taken daily.Ms.Earley,the assistant head teacher,will give each of us a log for recording our steps and a pedometer,which is a small,digital tool used to count the steps of the person wearing it.What all participants need to do each day is wear the pedometer,walk as much as possible,and then record the number of steps in our logs.Clearly,the process is simple and convenient.
        While the benefits of walking are various,this challenge offers all who take part in this program the chance to work together,achieve success,and make positive changes.Remember that the other schools in the district have signed up for the Count-Your-Steps too,and each one will try to take more steps than our school.I hope you will agree to this challenge and show everyone the Star Middle School Cougar Spirit.
        Please take into careful consideration this valuable and well-planned program,and then sign up today!In the words of Mr.Thomas, "Together we can enjoy the advantages of walking."
    Cora Jeffries

    (1)Who firstly suggested the Count-Your-Steps walking program?

    D.Cora Jeffries.
    (2)What's the goal of the Count-Your-Steps walking program?

    A.To show the school spirit.
    B.To make friends with others.
    C.To develop a habit of running.
    D.To appreciate the benefits of walking.
    (3)The pedometer is used to
    A.find the routes
    B.record the days
    C.number the steps
    D.count the walkers
    (4)What's the purpose of the passage?

    A.To introduce school rules.
    B.To call on students to join a program.
    C.To explain the rules of a program.
    D.To persuade students to buy a pedometer.
  • 3.Driving to a ball game,Duane Innes saw a small truck ahead of him run across lanes of traffic,sideswipe(側(cè)撞) a concrete barrier and continue forward on the inside shoulder(路肩) at about 40 miles per hour.
        Innes passed by the truck,and then looked back to see that the driver fell over the wheel.He knew a busy crossroads was just ahead,and he had to act fast.Without seeking the passengers' advice in his car,he said to himself, "There was no time to take a vote."
        "If I could get in front of him and let him hit me,we could slow clown together," Innes explained.So he pulled in front of the truck,allowed it to hit his car and brought both vehicles safely to a stop in the pull-off lane.
        Some might say the driver of the truck,80-year-old Bill Pace,might have run into bad luck that day.As a volunteer(志愿者) for Special Olympics,Pace didn't know it at the time,but he'd had a minor heart attack two days earlier and he passed out at the wheel.
        State Farm,Pace's insurance company,covered about $ 3,500 in damage to Innes' car,and sent Innes a letter of thanks this summer.
        "We wish to thank you for the action you took to save Bill's life," State Farm's Clayton Ande wrote. "State Farm and the Pace family consider you lo be a luminary.I wish there were more people like you in the world."

    (1)What was Innes going to do with the passengers in his car?

    A.To watch a ball game.
    B.To look for Bill Pace.
    C.To stop the small truck.
    D.To do something for Special Olympics.
    (2)What can we know about Bill Pace according to the passage?

    A.He brought the small truck to a stop.
    B.He discussed with passengers the way to stop the truck.
    C.He knew he had a heart attack then.
    D.He was lucky to be hit.
    (3)The underlined word "luminary" is closest in meaning to
    (4)What is the best title for the passage?

    A.A driver thanks a man who hit him on purpose
    B.A terrible accident on the road
    C.A letter of thanks
    D.A volunteer helps a driver bravely

二、第三部分 寫作(共兩節(jié),滿分0分)第一節(jié) (滿分0分)

  • 8.假如你是李華,打算寒假和家人去北京旅行,你的新西蘭筆友Richard對此很感興趣,來信詢問旅行計(jì)劃,請你給他回一封信,介紹你的旅行安排。內(nèi)容如下:

二、第二節(jié) (滿分0分)閱讀下面材料,根據(jù)其內(nèi)容和所給段落開頭語續(xù)寫兩段,使之構(gòu)成一篇完整的短文。

  • 9.It was an evening in July.The skies were darker than normal.Rain fell in big drops,thunder crashed in and lightning flashed across the skies.I shook with cold and fear as I walked through the streams of muddy water.Cars moved slowly because of the traffic jam,while passers-by were rushing by,completely wet in the heavy rain.
        Along the way,I saw some schoolchildren grasping their heavy schoolbags and heading home.As more thunder crashed and boomed,I also sped up.Near a crossing,some road repair work was left unfinished.Obviously the workers had left in a hurry because of the storm.There were a few warning signs but it was hard to see what they said and what was on the road.I took a pace towards them — there were pieces of wood and metal as well as a hole which now was half-covered with boards.
        I carefully avoided the possible danger and moved on.Seconds later,I stopped as I heard some sounds.They sounded like crying.I turned around,held my breath and listened,trying to figure out where the sounds were coming from,but all I could hear was the wind and the rain. "Maybe it is just the wind," I thought to myself and was about to leave.
        "Help!" a loud and desperate scream came behind.Quickly,I turned back and traced the sound to where it had come from.My eyes fell on the place.It was horrible — one young child had fallen into the gaping hole in the road.My heart grew heavier.The boards had been moved away by the force of the rushing water and wind.I could barely see the child as it was dark all around me.I tried to save him,but all my efforts were in vain. "Don't panic!" I pretended to be calm and shouted at the top of my voice. "I'll soon get you out of there."
    I suddenly thought of a friend who lived nearby._______
    The parents of the child arrived at the hospital quickly._______
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