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發(fā)布:2024/5/13 8:0:8

閱讀理解 第一節(jié)(共5小題:每小題2.5分,滿分37.5分)閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的A、B、C、D四個選項中選出最佳選項。

  • 1.While tea may have its origins in Asia,now it has found its way into their food culture and traditions in many countries.It is a special way of connecting people all over the world in different ways and ceremonies.That finally all results in a group of people sitting together and enjoying a cup of tea.
       Chinese tea culture
       Since China is considered as the birthplace of tea,it is no wonder that Chinese tea culture is rich in history and tradition.Today,Chinese tea continues to be used in Chinese medicine and is commonly used on both formal and informal occasions either for personal enjoyment or as a Chinese cultural tradition.
       Japanese tea culture
       Japan also has a long history with tea,especially Japanese Matcha,which is a kind of ground green tea.Japanese tea is commonly used in Japanese tea ceremonies and only in recent years has become popular in western culture.
       British tea culture
       When it comes to British tea,British tea culture is what comes to mind.A hot cup of Earl Grey tea often serves with a little milk and a biscuit in the afternoon as a pick-me-up for the day,which makes you feel better and more energetic.Even though tea may not be native to England,this British tea tradition is still going strong today.
       Moroccan tea culture
       When you visit Morocco,it is hard to miss the outstanding tea culture that is such a special way to welcome guests.Before any gathering,a pot of mint(薄荷)tea is always prepared and served among the host and guests.This is an expression of Moroccan tradition and kindness,which should always be accepted by guests as a sign of appreciation and respect to the host.

    (1)What do Chinese and Japanese tea cultures have in common?

    A.They have a long history.
    B.They are used in medicine.
    C.They are well known for green tea.
    D.They have long been widely recognized.
    (2)Why do the British prefer the afternoon tea?

    A.To show kindness.
    B.To get new energy.
    C.To bring out respect
    D.To observe a tradition.
    (3)What word can best describe Moroccan people?

  • 2.Last year I went to the Rio de Janeiro Carnival,and it blew my mind.It had been my dream to attend the famous carnival for many years,so I was excited.However ,the moment I arrived,I was a little bit nervous because there were so many people on the streets.They say that five or six million people come to Rio during carnival time and about two million of them are on the streets on any given day.Luckily,I had a local guide,my sister's friend Ronnie.He said he would take care of me and show me around at the carnival.He did not let me down.
       Well,the carnival is all about the samba.It's a style of music and dance which has its origins in Africa.Lots of Africans were used as slave labor by the Portuguese when Brazil was being conquered,so this mixed culture of African,Latin and European styles is really strong here.Samba music is usually fast and exciting with a lot of drums and harmonic vocals(和聲).It's the kind of music that you couldn't help dancing to.And I was learning that as I followed Ronnie through the crowd,I couldn't help moving my hips and shoulders.
       Ronnie had got us tickets for the samba parade inside the Sambadrome where the top samba schools compete for the championship,but we still had a long way to go through the street parties.He said most people enjoy the carnival by making their own parties in the street.About the samba parade,twelve main teams compete for the championship,and if they win,their performance will be talked about for years to come.
       So,you must be wondering how it was.Well,I'm afraid I can't tell you.Ronnie and I never made into the Sambadrome.We spent the day moving from one street party to another.There were more snacks,more drinks and lots of dancing.Do I regret missing the main parade?Not at all.I experienced the carnival like the locals,and it was truly amazing.

    (1)How did the author feel once she arrived at the carnival?

    (2)What can be known about samba in Paragraph 2?

    A.It has a strong mixed culture.
    B.Its music is always fast but soft.
    C.It is not to the taste of the author.
    D.It has its origins in South America.
    (3)Why didn't the author regret missing the main parade?

    A.She met some amazing local people.
    B.She gave her own parties in the street.
    C.She celebrated the festival in a local way.
    D.She didn't have the tickets for the parade.
    (4)What is the purpose of the passage?

    A.To recommend a helpful guide.
    B.To encourage people to learn samba.
    C.To share an unforgettable experience.
    D.To tell a cruel history of Rio de Janeiro.
  • 3.Gong Linna,a famous Chinese musician and founder of Chinese New Art Music,put her music teaching methods into practice for the first time at the Tracing Roots(尋根)practice concert of the Affiliated High School of Peking University on May 23.
       The first song of the concert,Search High and Low,refers to the classical poem Li Sao, "The road ahead will be long.I shall search high and low." "It's arranged to be sung in the beginning by all performers,showing that we should all search high and low for our roots," Gong Linna says.
       To explore the education and popularization of Chinese music,in 2017,Gong Linna established a research and development team,which includes musicologist(音樂學家),Du Yaxiong,and music historian,Zhao Zhongming,to discuss her music teaching methods and summarize the vocal skills of Chinese music.
       Gong Linna believed that popularization of Chinese music should depend on primary and secondary schools rather than music schools.The children's strong love for music and their outstanding performance amazed Gong Linna, "When singing,they are completely concentrated on the music.Music brings light and richness to one's spiritual world.So,learning to sing is never about passing examinations,but about enjoying the music."
       Lu Yueming,a teacher of the school's art center,said, "The children worked really hard and kept in mind Gong Linna's instructions(講授).Seeing their performance,I know that they truly fell in love with traditional Chinese music.I hope more Chinese students can benefit from the teaching practice in the near future."
       "Seeing the children perform my pieces,I realized I should write more songs for them," Lao Luo,Gong Linna's husband said proudly. "It's a great encouragement for me to see how much they like the songs,and they really need content related to Chinese culture." Speaking about her future plans,Gong Linna told the reporter she would like to further popularize her teaching methods and Chinese music.
       "Children should learn about the beauty of Chinese music.Only when you know about your own sounds,can you have cultural confidence," she said at the end of the interview.

    (1)Why is the song Search High and Low arranged first at the concert?

    A.To stress the subject of the concert.
    B.To recommend the song to the public.
    C.To show Gong Linna's teaching method is practical.
    D.To prove Gong Linna is the best performer of the song.
    (2)Which group will Gong Linna choose to popularize the Chinese music?

    A.Students of music schools.
    B.Officials of the government.
    C.Primary and secondary schools.
    D.Famous musicians across the country.
    (3)What can be learned about Gong Linna's music teaching practice?

    A.It is refused by her husband.
    B.It is well received at college.
    C.It helps students love Chinese music.
    D.It gets support from local government.
    (4)What does Gong Linna expect to do in the future?

    A.To write more songs for children.
    B.To perform concerts around the world.
    C.To establish more music training centers.
    D.To promote her teaching methods among children.
  • 4.Nowadays with the development of technology,people have gradually depended on the mobile phones seriously.Many people,especially young adults,like to use social media to connect with others.However,everyone takes no notice of an important point.That's face-to-face communication between people is missing.
       Social media is all about connecting with others.But a new study suggests that too much social media use makes people feel alone and lonely.The study finds that heavy use of platforms such as Facebook,TikTok,and Instagram leads to isolation among young adults.
       In the study Brian Primack and his team interviewed 1,787 U.S.adults aged 19 to 32 about their use of social media platforms.Surprisingly,people that spend more time on social media feel lonelier than others.
       Tom Kersting,a psychotherapist(心理治療師),said "Although people think being on social media all the time makes them connected to others,they are actually disconnected,because the more time one spends behind a screen,the less time one spends face-to-face."Kersting continued. "They are spending a lot of time looking at everyone else's posts,where they are,where they are going and what they are doing.The constant connection to others' perfect life experiences causes feelings of being left out,and of being lonely."
       So what's the answer? "It's simple," says Kersting, "All you need to do is to have a strong will.The solution to this is to refuse the addiction to looking at everyone else's life.Just focus on your own life,where you're going,what you are grateful for,and what you want to achieve in this world.Then go out and do it,and stop wasting so much time comparing."

    (1)What can be known about young adults in Paragraph 1?

    A.They feel forgotten by their friends.
    B.They lack face-to-face communication.
    C.They depend too much on social media for learning.
    D.They can't keep up with the development of technology.
    (2)What does the underlined word "isolation" in paragraph 2 probably mean?

    (3)What can be done to prevent people feeling left out and lonely?

    A.Learn to improve one's social ability.
    B.Share one's own perfect life with friends.
    C.Cut down the time spent on social activities.
    D.Concentrate on one's own life rather than others'.
    (4)What can be the best title for the text?

    A.Social Media May Not be so Social
    B.Others' Perfect Life May Not be Perfect
    C.Face-to-Face Communication Comes First
    D.Our Life Will be Destroyed by Social Media
  • 5.Do you ever find yourself studying really hard for a test but finally not doing so well?You spent hours reviewing your notes,only to find your hard work doesn't make you receive a grade you want.It's not that you're not smart. (1)
    .If you want to study in an effective way,below are studying methods that may be suitable for you.
       Try explaining the concepts (概念) that you' re studying to family members or friends. (2)
       Study with friends.If you're able to stay focused,studying with a group might be more fun than studying alone. (3)
    .It is possible that there's something you miss or misunderstand,so hearing others' opinions is very important.Pick possible test topics and hold discussions to gain understanding of these topics in different ways.
       Use flashcards.Flashcards are a great way to memorize important information!To make it more fun,write your flashcards using colorful pens and mark important parts.
    .I personally use learning apps (應用軟件),where I can find very useful resources (資料) for foreign language studies.I've also used websites in the past.A lot of sites offer expensive versions,so be aware of which features are free.
       Try using some of these methods when you study for your next test,and see whether you've improved.Studying can be boring. (5)
    .Don't lose motivation(積極性),and you'll succeed!

    A.Use online resources
    B.Start studying in a more interesting way
    C.It's just that the way you study is wrong
    D.This stops us from dealing with information
    E.It's of great help to hear other people's thoughts
    F.Finding ways to make it more fun can really improve your grade
    G.Correctly explaining the concepts to others means you understand them

完形填空 (共2小題; 每小題15分,滿分30分)

  • 6.Our family enjoyed a beautiful houseplant for over thirty years.It had stayed with us through(1)
    years and good times,pain and joy.I had never thought of (2)
       However,two weeks ago,we(3)
    some changes in its leaves,which began to lose color.We watered and looked after it(4)
    .There was no hope of(5)
    for the plant.We finally picked a few almost dead leaves and(6)
    replanting them in another small pot.
    us was that these leaves planted in the new place grew strong.In order to know the reason why the houseplant died,we dug the dead plant out of the pot.Then,it became(8)
    to us that its roots were in disorder,completely tangling up(纏繞).Our once-beautiful plant died because it grew out of its environment.We now realized that it became root-bound and had no more room for their roots to grow in its pot.
       People can become root-bound,too.Those who(9)
    personal growth or development often want to make(10)
    that can lead to greater achievements or much more happiness.However,they more often find they outgrow their environment and want to(11)
    .Their view becomes wider and they need(12)
    environment to live in.They need people who will make (13)
    for their growth.If they cannot be(14)
    ,some problems are sure to appear.
       So if your new-found growth causes you to give up the old ways,you may need to (15)
    you are bigger now,and need to have a bigger stage for personal growth or development.

    (1) A.hard B.pleasant C.busy D.peaceful
    (2) A.fixing B.losing C.selling D.cheating
    (3) A.made B.recorded C.discovered D.collected
    (4) A.gradually B.creatively C.joyfully D.carefully
    (5) A.success B.winning C.survival D.progress
    (6) A.tried B.enjoyed C.a(chǎn)voided D.stopped
    (7) A.bored B.disappointed C.embarrassed D.surprised
    (8) A.clear B.useful C.important D.strange
    (9) A.turn down B.look for C.live off D.depend on
    (10) A.changes B.suggestions C.studies D.explanations
    (11) A.fall down B.move off C.set up D.calm down
    (12) A.warmer B.safer C.larger D.quieter
    (13) A.time B.space C.promises D.choices
    (14) A.recognized B.prevented C.satisfied D.protected
    (15) A.respect B.prove C.forget D.realize


  • 19.語法如此的難,以至于我必須花費一些時間在它身上。(so…that…;spend…on)(漢譯英)


  • 20.假定你是學校英文報的記者。你校上周日組織了一次春游活動,請你寫一篇短文,報道此次活動。內(nèi)容包括:
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