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發(fā)布:2024/9/22 16:0:8

閱讀(共三節(jié),滿分30分)第一節(jié) 閱讀下列材料,從每題所給的A、B、C三個(gè)選項(xiàng)中,選出最佳選項(xiàng)。

  • 1.
    Beginning of Winter (Lidong)

    The traditional Chinese calendar divides a year into twenty-four solar terms(節(jié)氣).Beginning of Winter is regarded as a very important one.
    What is Beginning of Winter
    It is the first solar term in winter,which means winter is coming and crops harvested in autumn should be stored up(儲(chǔ)藏).
    When is Beginning of Winter
    It usually takes place on November 7 or 8.This year it fell on 8.
    What do Chinese people do on this day?
    ●They swim.
    ●They drink mutton soup.
    ●They eat dumplings because an old saying "Eat dumplings on Lidong,or your ear will be frostbitten (凍傷)." Don't you think dumplings look like ears?
    (1)Beginning of Winter fell on
    this year.
    A.November 7
    B.December 7
    C.November 8
    (2)Which of the following is true?

    A.Beginning of Winter is one of the 24 solar terms.
    B.People drink milk tea on Beginning of Winter.
    C.Eating dumplings can make sure you don't get frostbitten.
  • 2.
    Yali Invention Competition is back AGAIN!
    Got an idea to change the world?The most popular competition is coming again this year!
    Time:October 26th,2022-December 20th,2022
    Prize:3,000 yuan for No.1,2,000 yuan for No.2,1,000 yuan for No.3
    Many great inventions start with a small idea.Have you ever thought about making your life more convenient or interesting?Here is a chance for you!
    The materials you send to us should include:
    ①Your name and school.
    ②The name and introduction of the invention.
    ③A 2-minute video including a photo of your invention and the process of developing it.
    Warning:Make sure the invention is designed and made by you.
    Email address:yaliinvention@163.com
    (1)If you win the first prize,you will get
    as a reward.
    A.3,000 yuan
    B.2,000 yuan
    C.1,000 yuan
    (2)To know more about the competition,you can communicate with the host(主辦方)
    A.by calling
    B.by writing emails
    C.by visiting the website
    (3)Which of the following statements is TRUE?

    A.Your invention has to be useful.
    B.You can send materials to the host on November 2nd.
    C.You just need to send a photo and the introduction to the host.
  • 菁優(yōu)網(wǎng)3.The boy,Wang Fa,14,is a member of the Va ethnic group(佤族)from Yunnan.After he won the under-14 title(冠軍) at the ASICS Tennis Junior Tour in Guangzhou,an audience member from Yunnan gave him the bamboo basket as a gift and took some photos for him.These photos have gone viral(走紅).
       "We always carry bamboo baskets when we work in the field.This is a typical farming tool of the Va ethnic group.I carried my rackets(球拍) in this basket to honor my hometown,"Wang said after the match.
       Before tennis,Wang was just an ordinary boy from a village.But in 2016,he was chosen by a local club as one of the first 10 local children to learn to play professional tennis."I was nervous at the beginning because the outside world was so different from my home," he said,adding that tennis has helped him make more friends and get a better education.
       Over the past six years,Wang,along with other players at the Yunnan Wild Elephants Tennis Club,has trained hard to improve his skills and physical strength.The children would get up at 6:30 am,and practice more than six hours a day.Every day,they needed to swing a racket more than 7,000 times and run 9 kilometers.
       "If it were not for tennis,I would still be helping my family with farmwork back home," Wang said.Wang's parents didn't want him to leam tennis at first because they couldn't afford it.But the tennis club offered to teach him for free.
       For Wang,winning the ASICS Tennis Junior Tour title was the beginning of a hopeful future."I will aim for the top spots(位置) on the professional stage,"he said.

    (1)Where is Wang from?

    (2)What can we know about Wang's childhood?

    A.He was a normal boy growing in the city.
    B.He always carried bamboo baskets when he worked in the field.
    C.He was chosen to be a professional tennis player in 2018.
    (3)What is the writing purpose of Para.4?

    A.To show how hard-working these tennis players are.
    B.To tell us how many players there are in the club.
    C.To explain why the players want to stop practicing.
    (4)What does the underlined word "farmwork" in Para.5 mean?

    (5)What can you learn from Wang's story?

    A.A friend in need is a friend indeed.
    B.All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
    C.No pains,no gains.

第三節(jié) 閱讀下面的短文,將劃線部分譯成英文或中文。

  • 9.How would you feel if your school banned(禁止) phones in class?The Ministry of Education(外交部) suggests that mobile phones should be banned in primary and secondary schools.This aims to protect student' eyesight and make sure they can study hard. (1)It can also stop teenagers from playing online games for a long time.
       Xu Xiaohe,a13-year-old girl from Zhejiang,supports the idea."(2)實(shí)際上,我們不被允許帶手機(jī)。"Xu said. "It will influence our schoolwork.Even adults can't control themselves,let alone kids like us."
       However,Li Zihan from Beijing has different opinions. "Students should be taught self-management skills,as well as learn how to use their phones wisely to help with their studies,"Li said."(3)這可能是處理問(wèn)題的最好方式。"
       For Ge Ziqi,the problem with banning phones has more to do with life outside of school.The 13-year-old Beijinger uses a bike-sharing app every day to travel between her home and school.
       "(4)There is no doubt that mobile phones are widely used in daily life.For example,I usually use my mobile phone to take a bus and buy food."she said. "If I am not allowed to take my phone with me,I'll have to buy my own bicycle."
       Some schools come up with ideas to solve problems like Ge's.For example,during school hours at Shanghai Shatian School, (5)students are asked to put their phones in special places.The students call these places the"phone farm"("養(yǎng)機(jī)場(chǎng)") or"phone tarmac"("停機(jī)坪").







  • 10.假如你叫李華,你的美國(guó)朋友James對(duì)中國(guó)的節(jié)日和中文很感興趣,希望元旦來(lái)你家和你一起在長(zhǎng)沙跨年,為了提前適應(yīng)你的家庭生活,他來(lái)信向你詢問(wèn)你的家規(guī)有哪些,并希望你能就如何學(xué)好中文給他一些建議。請(qǐng)你給他回信:
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