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發(fā)布:2024/7/25 8:0:9

第二部分 閱讀(共兩節(jié),滿分37.5分)第一節(jié) 閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的A、B、C、D四個選項中選出最佳選項。

  • 1.    Some libraries use unique architecture to encourage visitors to explore the racks and settle down with a new book,or use roving libraries to bring books to hard-to-reach populations.No matter how they achieve it,these novel libraries are keeping the magic of reading alive.
        1:Kansas City Library (Kansas City,Missouri)
        Along the south wall of this parking garage's exterior,visitors are treated to what looks like a huge shelf of books.The building originally served as a bank,which is readily apparent when the library has screenings in its Vault Theater,inside an actual 1925 bank vault.
        2:Beach Library (Albena,Bulgaria)
        Reading a book on the beach is a classic,and in Bulgaria,one library encourages tourists to do just that.The white,weather-resistant shelves lined up not far from the surf feature 6,000 books in 15 languages so every visitor can find the perfect beach read to enjoy while soaking up the sun's rays.
        3:The Camel Library Service (North Eastern Province,Kenya)
        To combat low literacy(讀寫能力低) rates in the desert of Kenya,the government created a roaming library composed of nine camels bringing books to villages.The library travels four days a week serving the region's nomadic people.Currently the service focuses on children,but with more funding they plan to increase their reach both in distance and the titles they carry.
        4:Bishan Library (Singapore)
        Built in 2006,this library with skylights and trellises,is meant to invoke a modern glass treehouse.Glass pods of varying colors stick out of the building randomly to create cozy yet airy nooks(角落) for reading throughout the building.At the same time,a more open-plan children's room on the basement level invites interaction while preventing noise from filtering upward and disturbing those concentrating in the lofty(高聳的) perches above.
        5:Macquarie University Library (Sydney,Australia)
        An impressive combination of cuttingedge and sustainable,this building was made from recycled materials,features a green roof,and was designed to imitate the look of a eucalyptus tree.It is also state of the art,using robot cranes to bring requested books to the front desk.
    (1)Which library will not be easily affected by weather?

    A.Kansas City Library.
    B.Beach Library.
    C.The Camel Library Service.
    D.Bishan Library.
    (2)Which of the following can NOT be experienced in Bishan Library in Singapore?

    A.Having a discussion in the children's room.
    B.Reading in a comfortable area with fresh air.
    C.Being disturbed by noise from the basement.
    D.Immersing yourself in reading in higher places.
    (3)What do the 5 libraries have in common?

    A.They are targeted at children.
    B.They are available to remote areas.
    C.They are equipped with advanced technology.
    D.They allow readers a lively reading experience.
  • 2.    From sunny yellows to pretty pinks,this summer's trending colours are rooted in hope and optimism.But just how powerful can a colourful wardrobe be for influencing our emotions?
        THE FIRST SIP of coffee in the morning.Your favourite song playing on your journey home from work.A glass of Aperol Spritz on your holiday.These things all have something in common—they release dopamine(多巴胺).
        Dopamine acts as a messenger between the neurons in the brain and strongly affects our mood.When we have high levels of dopamine going back and forth between neurons,we feel great.On the other hand,low levels of dopamine have been linked to reduced motivation,decreased enthusiasm and depression.
        Luckily,there are many ways we can boost our dopamine levels,and one of these — "dopamine dressing"— suggests that the clothes hold the power to boost our mood.
        Personally, I'm fully on board.Earlier this year,I attended the wedding of one of my oldest friends in a floral-print midi dress by Rixo.After a year of working from home,often foregoing getting dressed in favour of staying in my pyjamas,it was my first taste of dressing up in a while.And honestly,I haven't felt so great in a long time,so much so that I kept the dress on all day,long after the reception ended.
         The concept of dopamine dressing-actively choosing clothes that bring us joy—is nothing new.A 2012 study found that when participants wore clothes of symbolic meaning to them,their perceived confidence increased.The fashion world surely seems to think so with many designers harnessing the mood-boosting power of colour.Sunshine yellows brightened up the runways of a number of brands,with luscious lemon dresses at Versace and hints of yellow among accessories at Fendi.And,head-to-toe red ensembles(全套服裝) were a common theme at Balenciaga and Givenchy.
        So is it possible to dress ourselves happy?I think so.But,instead of prescribing to centuries-old colour theories,dopamine dressing in 2021 should be about wearing what makes us feel good.So,whatever garment it is,go out and find the colours that spark joy for you!
    (1)What's the function of paragraph 2?

    A.To lead to the topic.
    B.To arouse readers'interest.
    C.To show people's different preferences.
    D.To introduce some background information.
    (2)What does the underlined sentence in paragraph 5 mean?

    A.I don't think so.
    B.I approve of it.
    C.I worry about myself.
    D.I insist on my opinion.
    (3)Why are Versace,F(xiàn)endi,Balenciaga and Givenchy mentioned in paragraph 6?

    A.To show that they are leading fashion brands.
    B.To imply what the following fashion trend is.
    C.To argue that dopamine is in relation to fashion.
    D.To prove that the fashion world holds the same opinion.
    (4)What would be the best title of the passage?

    A.Does dopamine-dressing refer to fashion?
    B.Does dopamine-dressing effective for treatment?
    C.Does colorful clothes lift mood?
    D.Does colorful clothes follow fashion?
  • 3.    When ten-year-old Reese Osterberg lost her Fresno County,California,home to one of the largest wildfires in state history early last fall,she had a very pressing concern:Did anyone grab her baseball cards?
        No one had.With a houseful of kids and dogs and a farm's worth of horses to evacuate (撤離),the family forgot the cards amid the stress.Naturally,the diehard (鐵桿支持者) San Francisco Giants fan and Little League lefty with a swing as smooth as butter was upset.When she watched the Giants on TV,she would lay out each player's card on the floor in his corresponding field position. "I like baseball cards because they are pictures of people doing happy stuff — doing what they love,and what I love," says Reese.
        Reese's loss touched the hearts of the Fresno County fire department,which posted her story on its Facebook page with a request to help Reese restock her baseball card collection.That,in turn,touched the heart of Kevin Ashford.
        Ashford knew exactly where Reese could find replacement cards:in his garage.He had more than 25,000 in his collection,with a ballpark (棒球場) value of ﹩ 35,000 to ﹩ 50,000.Ashford had been thinking about selling them when he saw the fire department's post. "I wasn't really doing anything with them," says Ashford. "I thought I could take care of this problem rather quickly."
        First responders transported the cards from Ashford's garage to theirs and then surprised Reese during a tour of the firehouse.Towers of Ashford's cards were piled in front of the fire engine.After thanking Ashford (especially for the Buster Posey,her favorite Giant),Reese,ever the team player,was quick to share the thousands of baseball cards she received from Ashford and donors around the country with other kids affected by California's Creek Fire.
        She's gotten so many,in fact,that she started Cards from Reese,an organization that collects cards and donates them to those in need.Reese is especially happy to part with Los Angeles Dodgers cards.As she explains it, "Go Giants!"
    (1)What brought Reese down?

    A.The result of the baseball game.
    B.The loss of her basement cards.
    C.The fire affecting her hometown.
    D.The rescue work after the disaster.
    (2)How did the fire department help Reese?

    A.They went back to the ruins.
    B.They collected the cards in person.
    C.They posted a notice to find Ashford.
    D.They made an appeal on social media.
    (3)Which of the following words can best describe Ashford's act?

    A.Kind and generous.
    B.Passionate and understanding.
    C.Easy-going and dedicated.
    D.Open-minded and capable.
    (4)Why did Reese start an organization?

    A.To collect cards for Ashford.
    B.To donate money to victims.
    C.To contribute cards to people.
    D.To popularize her loved team.

第四部分 寫作(共兩節(jié),滿分15分)第一節(jié) (滿分15分)

  • 8.假定你是李華,你校英語角(English Corner)計劃下周舉辦一次關(guān)于垃圾分類的講座,屆時將進行同步網(wǎng)絡(luò)直播。請你代表社團寫一則通知,內(nèi)容包括:
    參考詞匯:垃圾分類 garbage classification 網(wǎng)絡(luò)直播 live stream

    Notice ___________


  • 9.Our Garden and the Salad "Christine,come and help me in the garden.I want to plant all of the seeds today." My father was calling to me. "I'm busy..." I said.I didn't understand why working in the dirt excited him so much.
        By the end of April,his plants had come up in neat rows.Unfortunately,in early May,my father was seriously injured in an accident.He was in hospital for about two months and during that time he often asked me about his garden.Even after he came home,he had to stay in bed for a while.
        My mother had several business trips so I said that I would take care of his garden.I assumed that the little plants would continue to grow as long as they had water,and luckily it rained fairly often so I didn't think much about the garden.
        One Saturday morning in July,my father said to me, "Christine,I think that the vegetables should be about ready to be picked.Let's have a salad today!" I took a bowl and went out to the garden.I looked at the leaves and was upset to see that many of the leaves had been half eaten.There were hundreds of bugs (蟲子) all over them!I tried to get them off,but there were just too many.I looked at the carrots next,but they didn't look healthy.
        I got in panic for a moment,but then thought of a good idea.I quietly went to the nearest store to buy some vegetables.I went back home and cut them up to make a salad for my father.When I gave it to him,he said, "Oh,Christine,what a beautiful salad!You must be taking very good care of my garden." My father looked happy,but I felt a little bit guilty.
    I went back to the kitchen when my mother came home.
    I carefully made a salad and took it to my father.
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