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發(fā)布:2024/8/6 8:0:9


  • 1.聽錄音,從下列每小題所給的A、B、C三個選項中,選出你所聽到的那個單詞。每個單詞讀兩遍。
    (1)A.about B.shout C.out
    (2)A.cry B.fly C.dry
    (3)A.planned B.proud C.pond
    (4)A.miss B.mess C.message
    (5)A.said B.seed C.same
  • 2.聽錄音,判斷下列圖片與錄音內(nèi)容是否相符。相符的寫"T",不符的寫"F"。每小題讀兩遍。
  • 3.聽問句,從每小題所給的A、B、C三個選項中選擇正確答語。每小題讀兩遍。
    (1)A.It's fifteen dollars. B.I want a hamburger. C.It looks good.
    (2)A.It was a great day. B.I am a taikonaut. C.I went to a farm.
    (3)A.It's on your bed. B.There is a cup in my bag. C.I put it in your bag.
    (4)A.Best wishes to you. B.It's a good idea. C.Because it's going to rain.
    (5)A.He is excited. B.He is going to swim. C.He was born in Zhengzhou.


  • 4.請用規(guī)范的英語手寫體把以下句子書寫橫線上。
     An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening.


  • 5.從下列單詞中,找出不是同一類的單詞。( ?。?/div>
  • 6.從下列單詞中,找出不是同一類的單詞。( ?。?/div>
  • 7.從下列單詞中,找出不是同一類的單詞。(  )
  • 8.從下列單詞中,找出不是同一類的單詞。( ?。?/div>


  • 23.根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容判斷正誤,正確的寫"T",錯誤的寫"F"。
       There are rules everywhere.We have rules at school.We have rules at home.We also have rules in the street.
       All of us should follow the traffic(交通) rules.We should not play on the road or on the pavement(人行道).We should stop and wait when(當(dāng)……時) we see the red light.We should walk on the zebra crossing(斑馬線) when we cross the road.Before crossing the road,we should stop and look carefully.Look left and then right.
       Sometimes the traffic rules are not the same.In England,traffic keeps to the left(靠左行駛).Cars,buses,bikes should keep to the left.So,when you cross a road in England,you should look right first and then left.
    (1)We can't play on the road,but we can play on the pavement.

    (2)When we see the traffic lights,we must stop and wait.

    (3)We must be careful when we cross the road.

    (4)All the traffic rules are the same.

    (5)In England,cars,buses,bikes must keep to the left.
  • 24.根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容選擇正確答案。
       Kelly liked dancing.She went to Star Dance School.Kelly studied very hard in her dance class,but she was sad because she couldn't dance well.Kelly did not want to dance again.She put her dance shoes under her bed.She did not want to look at them.
       Kelly helped mum look after(照顧)her baby sister,Mary.Mary was one year old.Kelly loved her.She played with Mary and read stories to her.
       Mary learned to walk.She stood(站立) up and tried to walk.She fell and tried to walk again.Mary fell many times,but she was happy.She always laughed.Kelly thought(認(rèn)為) Mary was brave(勇敢的).She took out her dance shoes and danced again.
       In the dance class today,Kelly danced well.She went home and gave Mary a big kiss(吻).
    (1)Why did Kelly hide her dance shoes?

    A.Because she didn't want to look at them.
    B.Because her sister wanted to try the shoes.
    C.Because she fell many times when she wore them.
    (2)What did Kelly do with Mary?

    A.Danced with her.
    B.Laughed with her.
    C.Read stories to her.
    (3)What did Mary learn to do?

    A.She learned to stand.
    B.She learned to dance.
    C.She learned to walk.
    (4)What did Mary do when she fell many times?

    A.She cried.
    B.She tried again.
    C.She took out her shoes.
    (5)Why did Kelly give Mary a big kiss?

    A.Because she thought she learned a lot from Mary.
    B.Because she wanted to dance for Mary.
    C.Because she wanted to play with Mary.
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