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發(fā)布:2024/9/14 9:0:8

I.Choos the best answer

  • 1. Which of the following words matches the sound [m?θs]?
  • 2. Which of the following is right?
  • 3.________ morning,I came across the most important person in my life.( ?。?/div>
  • 4.  He looked at the young man ________ and couldn't say a word.
  • 5.George will soon fall behind ________ he finds a better way and applies it to practice.( ?。?/div>
  • 6. ________ may have a chance to be successful if he tries his best.
  • 7. Peter keeps ________ us he's going to be a famous artist before he's 40.
  • 8.-I can't find my mobile phone.I'm sure it's in this room.
    -______.I'll call you with my phone.When it rings,you can follow the sound.(  )
  • 9. Mary is happy as her daughter has made much ________ in her study recently.
  • 10. The colourful lights on ________ sides of Nanjing Road attract visitors every year.
  • 11.________ good time we have to wear different costumes to ask for treats on Halloween night!( ?。?/div>
  • 12.George's mother will never punish him if he ________ the truth.( ?。?/div>
  • 13. By the end of last term,the students of Grade Nine            three projects.(  )
  • 14.Walt,we have ________ vegetables for dinner.Could you go and buy some?(  )


  • 41.Christmas is an important festival in the West.People decorate their houses with lights and Christmas trees.They also hang mistletoe in their homes.It is a custom that when a man and a woman find themselves under the mistletoe,they must kiss!Mistletoe is a symbol of forgiveness and love.
       Decorations for Chinese New Year are mainly red and gold.Red is thought to be lucky.Red lanterns and firecrackers are popular and children are dressed in new red clothes.Decorated peach trees are also common and poems are used to decorate doorways to bring luck in the New Year.
       At Halloween,decorations are mostly frightening!Ghosts(鬼),witches(巫師) and monsters are used to decorate just about everything.Jack-o'-lanterns are another important decoration for Halloween.They are carved out of pumpkins(南瓜) and a candle is lit inside.
       At some festivals,animals are decorated.For example,in Austria,the Almabtries festival happened each year in autumn.The cows are led down from the mountains to stables(牛廄) for the winter and they are decorated to celebrate.In Thailand and India elephants are often decorated for festivals and weddings.

    (1)It isn't common to find a decorated elephant at a wedding in Thailand,is it?

    (2)At Christmas,what is the symbol of forgiveness and love?

    (3)What do people decorate their houses with?

    (4)Which word from Paragraph 3 can we use to describe ghosts,witches and monsters?

    (5)What are Jack-o'-lanterns made of?

    (6)Should we stop celebrating Christmas Day?Give your reasons to explain your idea.
  • 42.VI.Writing(作文)
    Write a short passage for at least 60 words on the topic "Should students make friends on line?" (以"學(xué)生應(yīng)該網(wǎng)上交友嗎?"為主題,寫一篇不少于60詞的短文,標點符號不占格。)
    Should students make friends on line?Nowadays many teenagers show a great interest in making friends on line.Some people think it is good,others think it is dangerous.In my opinion,I think...
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