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發(fā)布:2024/8/28 3:0:8


  • 1. What did the woman do last night?
    A.She drank a cup of coffee.
    B.She wrote a paper.
    C.She prepared for a test.
  • 2. When will the man see his parents?
    A.At 8:00.
    B.At 9:00.
    C.At 10:00.
  • 3. Why didn't the man see the woman at breakfast time?
    A.She went for a long walk.
    B.She finished her breakfast early.
    C.She didn't go to the dining hall.
  • 4. What does the woman say about the new art museum?
    A.It is very nice inside.
    B.It looks attractive outside.
    C.It has no attraction for her.
  • 5. What did the woman do with the report?
    A.She made suggestions on it.
    B.She asked the man to rewrite it.
    C.She got someone else to read it.


  • 6.(1)What will the man do tomorrow?
    A.Book a hotel.
    B.Do some shopping.
    C.Pick up his wife.
    (2)What color does her mother like most in the girl's opinion?
    A.Bright red.


  • 18.近期,青少年交通安全事故頻發(fā)。你校英文報(bào)將以"交通安全"為主題,舉辦英語(yǔ)征文比賽。請(qǐng)你寫(xiě)一篇短文投稿。
    Traffic Safety,Our ResponsibilityRecently,many teenagers have got injured or even killed in traffic accidents.
  • 19.閱讀下面材料,根據(jù)其內(nèi)容和所給段落開(kāi)頭語(yǔ)續(xù)寫(xiě)兩段,使之構(gòu)成一篇完整的短文。
        Anna took her first baby-sitting job in Peter Smith's and played games with Peter's three children until the bedtime.Mr.Smith praised her for the great work.After Mrs.Smith had pressed the money into her hand,Anna didn't even look at the money and then walked out of the house.She'd expected ten dollars.Now she saw that it was a one-hundred-dollar bill!
        Anna imagined her parents' faces when she handed them the one hundred dollars.
        Things hadn't been easy for Anna's family since Anna's dad had lost his engineering job a year ago.There had been no new clothes or movies in the last year.They no longer went out to eat on Fridays.Anna didn't really mind,as long as her family was together.But now she could help.One hundred dollars!That was enough to fill the car with gas or to buy a bag of groceries.
        Her excitement faded as she wondered if Mrs.Smith realized how much money she had given her.Could she have made a mistake?Anna felt bad as she remembered that Mrs.Smith had simply pulled the money from her purse without looking at it.
        Anna thought,"Maybe Mrs.Smith meant to give me the one-hundred-dollar bill.Baby-sitting three children is a lot of work." Soon Anna remembered that the Smiths didn't seem to have much money,either.But,she silently argued with herself. "They gave me the money.I didn't steal it."
        She found her parents in the living room.Anna took a deep breath and told them what had happened. "I wanted to give the money to you to help out the family,but I think Mrs.Smith made a mistake." She continued. "I'm going to give it back to her."
        Dad settled his big hand on her shoulder. "You just gave us the best gift,Anna." Mom kissed her. "We're proud of you,sweetheart."
    1.續(xù)寫(xiě)詞數(shù)應(yīng)為 150 左右:
        The next morning,Anna went to Mrs.Smith's house again._______
        Mrs.Smith opened her purse and counted out ten dollars._____
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