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發(fā)布:2024/7/29 8:0:9


  • 1.W:What do you think of your new job?
    W:What's the matter?( ?。?/div>
  • 2.W:Are there any good seats left?
    W:Oh,that's too bad.(  )
  • 3.— Waiter!My wife takes great interest in most of the food on the menu.
    — Thanks.________.
    — Salad,fried fish,fried chicken and orange juice,please.( ?。?/div>
  • 4.W:Jack,how is the radio working?
    M:Actually,it doesn't work well.
    W:Why don't you take it back?
    M:_______,but I've lost the receipt.( ?。?/div>
  • 5.W:Anything I can do for you?
    M:I want to send a parcel.
    M:I want to have it sent by express mail.( ?。?/div>


  • 6.In ancient times people used all kinds of things as money.( ?。?/div>
  • 7.從選項(xiàng)中選出句中畫線的單詞或詞組的意義。
    Mrs.Green traveled a lot and she wasn't afraid of taking a plane.( ?。?/div>
  • 8.I could not afford the house.( ?。?/div>
  • 9.You will have an advantage if you think of the interview questions in advance.( ?。?/div>
  • 10.As he couldn't live alone,his grandson moved in.( ?。?/div>
  • 11.There was a large advertisement for the concert.( ?。?/div>
  • 12.I will run ahead and warn them.( ?。?/div>
  • 13.I have always admired my mother's charm.( ?。?/div>
  • 14.Oliver smelled smoke and gave the alarm.( ?。?/div>
  • 15.Smoking is not allowed in the classroom.( ?。?/div>


  • 44.Mrs.White lived in a town of England.Her husband died three years ago and one of her children worked in the capital and the other three lived in another town.Her husband didn't leave her much money and she had to live a simple life.Sometimes her children went to see her during their holidays,but they stayed with her for only two or three days.
       One winter morning the old woman got up early.She was going to buy some food in a shop.And when she came out,she found there was much snow in the street.She had to sweep it away.And suddenly she found a dying dog at the corner of the house.She picked it up and took it into the house quickly.She put it near the fire and gave it some milk and bread.At first the poor dog ate nothing and that afternoon it drank some milk and three days later it was all right.Now the old woman found it was a beautiful dog.And she liked it very much and took it everywhere she went.A week later she went shopping with her dog.At a bus stop a young man was eating fish and chips.The little dog became very excited at the smell of the man's lunch and began jumping up at him.
       "Do you mind if I throw it a bit?" asked the young man.
       "Not at all," answered Mrs.White.
       Having heard this,he picked up the dog and threw it over the wall.

    (1)One of the old woman's children worked in
    D.New York
    (2)Mrs.White lived a simple life because
    A.she wasn't rich enough
    B.she hoped to save money for her children
    C.she had four children
    D.her children hated her
    (3)The old woman liked the dog very much because
    A.it was beautiful
    B.it was little
    C.she saved it
    D.she felt excited
    (4)The dog hoped
    ,so it was excited.
    A.to be given some food
    B.to leave the bus stop soon
    C.to bite the young man
    D.to go home as soon as possible
    (5)Mrs.White agreed with the young man because
    A.she knew him well
    B.her dog was hungry
    C.she didn't like the dog any longer
    D.she thought he would throw some food to her dog
  • 45.Every year,families throughout China gather together to enjoy some snacks and entertainment under the light of the full moon for the Mid-Autumn Festival,which is on the 15th day of the eighth month of the Chinese calendar.This year the holiday falls on September 13,less than two weeks away.While many families throughout the country and abroad celebrate the holiday in slightly different ways,one of most common and best-preserved tradition is devouring delicious moon-cakes containing all manner of fillings.People often give mooncakes to their family and friends as gifts,while many companies in China hand out the festive pastry to employees as well.
       While the tradition of shangyue was practiced by many Chinese during the full moon of the eighth month - often considered to be the brightest and most beautiful full moon of the year - in ancient times,the tradition didn't become a fixed festival until the Tang Dynasty (618-907).

    (1)When is the Mid-autumn Festival?

    A.on the 15th day of the eighth month of the Chinese calendar.
    B.on August 15th of the solar calendar.
    C.when the moon is full.
    D.when people get together.
    (2)What will people do under the light of the full moon?

    A.eating moon-cakes only.
    B.watching the moon only.
    C.enjoy some snacks and entertainment.
    D.do some sports.
    (3)What will people often do during the Mid-autumn Festival according to the passage?

    A.draw the moon
    B.tell the story about the moon
    C.talk with families
    D.give moon-cakes to their family and friends
    (4)Why the festival falls in August of lunar calendar?

    A.because it is the harvest season.
    B.because we have holidays.
    C.because the moon is considered the brightest and most beautiful full moon.
    D.because many families throughout the country and abroad celebrate the holiday.
    (5)When did the festival become our tradition?

    A.long long ago
    B.Tang Dynasty
    C.in 618
    D.in 907
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