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發(fā)布:2024/7/22 8:0:9


  • 1.Nowadays,over 6,000 national parks exist in the world.Of all,these are the ones that have been around for hundreds of years and should be on everyone's bucket list.
       Guilin and Lijiang River National Park,China
       It is surrounded by striking natural beauty and can be explored by land.But the river national park,as the name suggests,is best explored through leisurely boat rides and cruises that take visitors through many canals and ancient towns that come along the way of the river.
       Calanques National Park,F(xiàn)rance
       While most go to France for the twinkling Eiffel Tower,few tour plans involve a stop at the Calanques National Park,which is made up of both land and sea,with over 140 protected species of animals and plants that reside inside.Because of its topography,the park is unique in that it can be explored through a mix of activities both for those who like water bodies and those who'd rather stay on land.
       Yorkshire Dales,United Kingdom
       Contrary to the popular association of national parks with the wilderness it is filled with winding valleys,hills and villages where over 24,000 people live and work.Yorkshire Dales is also home to several food shops,and the park hosts cheese festivals and farmers markets regularly,so it's best to go hungry.
       Kakadu National Park Australia
       It is a delight for those who like a bit of history mixed with the biodiversity of national parks.While it houses thousands of species of wildlife,there's more to the national park than that.

    (1)What is recommended for a trip to Guilin and Lijiang River National Park?

    A.Observing local customs.
    B.Exploring it through boats.
    C.Witnessing geological process.
    D.Going with an empty stomach.
    (2)What can tourists do in Calanques National Park?

    A.Visit an archeological reserve.
    B.Enjoy the local farmers markets.
    C.See the world-famous Eiffel Tower.
    D.Observe protected animals and plants
    (3)What do the four national parks have in common?

    A.They have a long history.
    B.There are residents inside.
    C.They feature cheese festivals.
    D.There are many ancient towns.
  • 2.Our clothes do a lot for us.They keep us warm in the winter or cool while we're working out.They let us dress to impress or comfortably veg out on the couch with the TV on.But some researchers think our clothes could be doing even more.Those scientists and engineers are dreaming up new ways to make clothes safer,more comfortable or just more convenient.
       Some ideas for new clothes aim to protect people from harm.One new shoe design,for example,features pop-out spikes (鞋釘) on the sole that grip the ground.This could help people keep their footing on slippery or uneven ground.A new fabric coating,meanwhile,could absorb and neutralize (中和) some chemical weapons.That coating is made from a metal-organic framework that breaks down harmful compounds.It could offer protection to people in war-torn countries.
       Not all advanced clothing is designed to save lives.Some could just make clothes more comfortable.One day,for instance,you may not need to layer up to stay warm.Fabric filled with nanowires could reflect your body heat back onto your skin.Electric current humming through those metal threads could provide warmth,too.This maybe especially useful for hikers,soldiers or others working in super cold conditions.
       Some researchers have dream up wholly new uses for clothing —like turning wearers into walking power outlets.Flexible solar panels sewn into fabric could absorb the sun to recharge phones or other devices on the go.Another team threaded fabric with magnetized (磁化的) copper and silver to write data into fabrics.Such data-packed fabric could be used as a hands-free key or form of ID.
       Many of these ideas have not yet left the lab—and they're still pretty far from hitting retail (零售) shelves.But inventors hope these and other innovations could someday let you get more from your clothes.

    (1)What do the underlined words "veg out" in paragraph 1 probably mean?

    B.Stand out.
    D.Dream about.
    (2)Why do the new shoes feature pop-out spikes on the sole?

    A.To make them comfortable.
    B.To make them fashionable.
    C.To prevent people from slipping.
    D.To turn wearers into walking power outlets.
    (3)What kind of clothes are suitable for hikers?

    A.Coats filled with nanowires.
    B.Shoes with pop-out spikes on the sole.
    C.Clothes with a new fabric coating.
    D.Clothes made of data-packed fabric.
    (4)What can we infer from the last paragraph?

    A.Many of these ideas are not realistic.
    B.Many smart clothes are too expensive to afford.
    C.People will benefit more from their clothes in future.
    D.Many comfortable clothes will come to the market soon.
  • 3.Like most people,I had a lot of time on my hands these past few years,and I spent most of it on my phone.This,together with anxiety medication (藥物治療),has made my brain weak.I've never had a very good memory,but by summer of 2021,I saw the little memory that I did have disappear suddenly while Googling "ben afleCk brther bad 1."
       I grew frustrated.I couldn't remember the name of Joan Holloway's military husband from Mad Men without looking it up,or the name of my college friend,who would come into my dorm regularly to talk about how much he worked out.None of this was especially useful or life-changing information,but I wanted to remember it without making a shameful mess of my search history.
       Inspired by a desire to impress myself and others,I decided to stop looking stuff up online and see what happened.When I couldn't remember the character from Mad Men,instead of instantly turning to my phone,I just sat there,thinking,very hard. (Aha!Greg was his name.) And so my new skill was born:Strong Brain.
       For a few months,I didn't make any progress.Sometimes I would sit without knowing something for hours,well after whoever I was with had looked it up and had moved on to knowing the next thing that I couldn't remember.I was frequently laughed at and made to feel stupid for sitting with my arms crossed.I was teased for not coming up with answers to things that no one on earth should know simply because I took an attitude against looking them up.
       But while the sounds of my haters got louder and louder,my brain beefed up in my defense.As friends tried to remember the name of the actor who played Robin Williams's sweetheart in Jumanji,I spoke unthinkingly with 'Bonnie Hunt'.
       If you're like me and have always wanted to be the shiny,pretty person at a party that everyone is listening to and smiling at and wondering where she got her hair cut,I think Strong Brain is the party trick for you.

    (1)What do we learn about the author from paragraph 1?

    A.She was overusing the phone.
    B.She wasted a lot of time on the calls.
    C.She was addicted to anxiety medicine.
    D.She made many spelling errors while searching.
    (2)What did the author decide to do after the summer of 2021?

    A.Improve her recall.
    B.Seek help from medicine.
    C.Clear up her search history.
    D.Connect with her college friend.
    (3)What did other people think of the author's new skill training?

    (4)What is the best title of the text?

    A.My Concern over Anxiety.
    B.My Way to Be Brain-Strong.
    C.My Fight with High Technology.
    D.My Suffering from Poor Memory.


  • 8.假如你是李華,你校邀請到了專家Mr.Wang為愛爾蘭訪問團做一個關(guān)于中國傳統(tǒng)文化的講座。你將作為主持人將專家介紹給愛爾蘭朋友。請你寫一篇發(fā)言稿,內(nèi)容包括:

第二節(jié) 讀后續(xù)寫閱讀下面材料,根據(jù)其內(nèi)容和所給段落開頭語寫兩段,使之構(gòu)成一篇完整的短文。

  • 9.One day,Reuben,a 12-year-old boy,saw something in a shop window that set his heart racing.The price—five dollars—was beyond his means,but he went in the shop anyway.
       Poorly dressed,he went up and told the shopkeeper what he wanted,adding, "I don't have the money right now.Will you please hold it for me for some time?"
       "I'll try," the shopkeeper smiled. "Folks around here don't usually have money to spend on such things.It should keep for a while."
       Reuben decided to raise the five dollars by himself.Walking along a side street,he had an idea.People built their own houses in his town,using nails purchased in Hessian sacks (粗麻袋)from a local factory.The sacks were sometimes thrown away.Reuben knew he could sell them back to the factory for five cents a piece.
       Every day after school,Reuben went around the town,collecting nail sacks.The school closed for the summer,and he was still wandering in the town,searching for his treasures.Often he was tired and hungry,but the thought of the object in the shop window kept him going.Sometimes his mother Dora would ask: "Reuben,where were you?We were waiting for you to have dinner."
       Dora would look at him in his face and shake her head.Boys!
       One day in spring,he counted his coins and found he needed twenty cents more.He had to find four sacks and sell them before the day ended.Late in the afternoon,just before the buyer was about to close up,Reuben arrived and sold the four sacks.With the coins in his hand,he murmured a thank you and ran away.

       Clutching the five dollars,he headed for the shop._______
       Dora opened it carefully and a lovely jewel box appeared._______
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