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外研新版八年級上冊《Module 9-Module 10綜合學(xué)習(xí)評價》2023年單元測試卷

發(fā)布:2024/9/7 7:0:9


  • 1.I live in Yantai.That is a beautiful city.In spring(春天),the(1)
    is not too cold or too hot.It's very warm.It is the best time to(2)
    .We can go and look for the wild(野生的) vegetables to(3)
    .They are good for our health.In summer,the weather is a little hot and wet(4)
    people often swim in the pool or sea.In autumn,the weather is cool.People(5)
    Mid--Autumn Festival (中秋節(jié)) in autumn and you can enjoy many(6)
    like apples and grapes.Winter is from December to February.It is very(7)
    in winter.And there is lots of snow in the trees and streets,so the city is sometimes(8)
    during the winter.The children like going out and playing(9)
    snow.They like making snowmen outside.My grandmother doesn't like(10)
    .It's too cold,so she always stays at home.

    (1) A.water B.people C.weather D.food
    (2) A.go home B.look up C.get up D.go out
    (3) A.eat B.see C.watch D.wear
    (4) A.but B.because C.or D.so
    (5) A.spend B.buy C.take D.visit
    (6) A.a(chǎn)nimals B.fruits C.leaves D.subjects
    (7) A.rainy B.cloudy C.cold D.hot
    (8) A.red B.green C.yellow D.white
    (9) A.with B.for C.a(chǎn)s D.of
    (10) A.summer B.spring C.winter D.a(chǎn)utumn
  • 2.The world's population has been growing quickly.The environment is becoming worse and worse.Food prices,meanwhile,have kept rising.These (1)
    have made us worry about whether we will have enough food for everyone in the future.What will we be eating 20 years from now?
       Thankfully,there are so-called food futurologists (未來學(xué)家).These people have been looking for new ways to produce food.
       In the future,meat will be able to be produced not only on the farm but also in the lab.Growing meat in the lab is good for the environment since(2)
    greenhouse gases are produced.It also requires less water.But many people still find it hard to accept lab-grown meat.They wonder whether it will be good for their health.
       Insects may be the last thing you would consider eating.The idea of eating insects sounds(3)
    .However,insects are expected to become one of our basic types of food in the future.Worldwide,there are 1,400 different kinds of insects that we can safely eat.Researchers say insects can provide as much nutrition as traditional meat.It costs less to raise insects than farm animals.
    ,in some places,insects have already become a popular food.Wasps (黃蜂)are considered delicious in Japan.And eating crickets is widely accepted in Thailand.
       Another possible solution for our future dinner table is sonic-enhanced food (聲音增強(qiáng)性食物 ).Believe it or not,sound can(5)
    the taste of food.Scientists have found certain sounds can make things taste sweeter or more bitter.In this way,we can use some music to make the food taste sweet.
       These are just some of the possible foods that we may see in the future. (6)
    can say for sure what exactly it is we will be eating 20 years from now.You can use your imagination to think about some other possible foods we might see in the future.

    (1) A.excuses B.problems C.a(chǎn)ccidents D.emergencies
    (2) A.less B.more C.fewer D.most
    (3) A.unforgettable B.independent C.interesting D.unpleasant
    (4) A.In fact B.In brief C.In all D.In return
    (5) A.improve B.a(chǎn)ffect C.damage D.cause
    (6) A.Everybody B.Somebody C.Anybody D.Nobody


  • 3.Lily and Peter like playing sports very much.They often go swimming in the summer and skating in winter.They are planning a skate trip for this weekend,but they don't know about the weather.It's 7:30 now and they are listening to the weather report on the radio.The weather report is giving the weather for the weekend. "Friday is going to be cold and cloudy,but it's not going to rain.The temperature is going to be below zero.It's going to snow on Friday evening.Saturday and Sunday are going to be cold and sunny." Now Lily and Peter are happy.The weather is going to be very nice for a skate trip.They are going to have a good time on the hills.

    (1)Lily and Peter like

    A.listening to the radio
    B.watching TV
    (2)They are planning
    for this weekend.
    A.a(chǎn) class meeting
    B.a(chǎn) party
    C.a(chǎn) skate trip
    (3)They want to know about

    A.the rain
    B.the food
    C.the weather
    on Saturday and Sunday.
    A.will rain
    B.will be windy
    C.will be cold and sunny
    (5)Lily and Peter are happy because

    A.the weather is going to be nice for a skate trip.
    B.They are going to visit the friends.
    C.They are going to see their parents.


  • 10.英里


  • 11.寧德市是國家園林城市、全國文明城市,作為寧德人,你為你的家鄉(xiāng)感到驕傲吧!請用英語寫一篇短文,介紹一下寧德四季的天氣情況,并說說每個季節(jié)適合的活動(至少一項)、你最喜歡哪一個季節(jié)、為什么喜歡它,開頭已給出,不計入詞數(shù)。
    參考詞匯:fly kites,swim,climb hills,make snowmen

       I live in Ningde,F(xiàn)ujian.There are four seasons in a year here.__________
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