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發(fā)布:2024/9/3 7:0:8


  • 1.Have you ever thought about what kind of job you would like to have when you grow up?Many people think that they can have only one job in their lifetime. (1)
    most of us know that this is not true,quite (2)
    people actually think this way.For example,when people choose (3)
    major(專業(yè)) in college,they think that the decisions they make now (4)
    the jobs for the rest of (5)
    life.However,there are many examples that people became well-known after (6)
    their jobs later.
       J.K Rowling,the writer of the (7)
    novel Harry Potter,was actually a school teacher before she began (8)
    books.In fact,she was out of work before the first Harry Potter book came out.
       The former US President Ronald Reagan began his working life (9)
    an actor when he was a young man.He later decided that he wanted to do political work.The decision finally made him (10)
    the President of the United States.
       The famous 149th century artist Vincent van Gogh (11)
    not a painter from the beginning.He once was an art salesman (12)
    later became a preacher(講道者). (13)
    was only 10 years before he died that he decided to become an artist.
       Jobs are always open to changes.The important thing is (14)
    what you are really good at or what you really want to do.Once you find it,it's (15)
    a matter of how hard you try.

    (1) A.Since B.Although C.Until D.Unless
    (2) A.little B.a(chǎn) little C.few D.a(chǎn) few
    (3) A.a(chǎn) B.a(chǎn)n C.the D.∕
    (4) A.decides B.decided C.will decide D.have decided
    (5) A.their B.them C.they D.theirs
    (6) A.changing B.change C.to change D.to changing
    (7) A.success B.succeed C.successful D.successfully
    (8) A.write B.writing C.wrote D.to writing
    (9) A.on B.for C.to D.a(chǎn)s
    (10) A.become B.became C.to become D.becomes
    (11) A.is B.a(chǎn)re C.was D.were
    (12) A.or B.a(chǎn)nd C.but D.so
    (13) A.This B.That C.It D.One
    (14) A.find B.to find C.found D.to finding
    (15) A.neither B.either C.a(chǎn)ll D.both


  • 2.When I was 16 years old,I visited the United States for the first time.I was really looking forward to having a(1)
    holiday without any language problems.
       How wrong I was!The misunderstanding(誤會) began at the airport.I was (2)
    a public telephone to call my American friend Danny.A friendly old man saw me looking like being(3)
    and asked if he could help me.
       " Yes,"I said."I want to give my friend a ring.""Are you getting married?" He was(4)
    " But aren't you a bit(5)
       "I just want to give my friend a ring to tell him I've(6)
    .Could you tell me where there's a phone box?"I replied.
       "Oh,I see!"he said."There's one downstairs."When at last we did meet up,Danny explained the misunderstanding to me." Don't(7)
    ," he said to me."I had many(8)
    at first.The Americans
    use lots of words differently in(9)
    from us British.You' ll soon get used to all the funny things they say.But most of the time the British and Americans can(10)
    each other!"

    (1) A.terrible B.dangerous C.nice D.boring
    (2) A.looking for B.looking after C.giving out D.getting on
    (3) A.refused B.lost C.encouraged D.tricked
    (4) A.sad B.excited C.a(chǎn)ngry D.surprised
    (5) A.young B.healthy C.tall D.heavy
    (6) A.failed B.stopped C.a(chǎn)rrived D.slept
    (7) A.cry B.worry C.laugh D.a(chǎn)sk
    (8) A.thoughts B.ideas C.ways D.difficulties
    (9) A.meaning B.spelling C.listening D.writing
    (10) A.expect B.invite C.understand D.trust


  • 3.How to fight against COVID- 19?We choose some books 10 help you.The books were translated into 13 languages,including Japanese,F(xiàn)rench and Russian.They are convenient for readers to enjoy.
    菁優(yōu)網(wǎng) Virus,Virus,You Cannot Scare Me!by Mu Xiangzhen
    The book makes parents and children be able to learn – in a fun way - about how viruses spread and what people can do to protect themselves.It tells children not to fear about viruses.Besides,it also introduces the idea of getting along well with nature,and hopes children can protect wild life and the natural environment
    菁優(yōu)網(wǎng) A Special Spring Festival by Gao Jing
    This book pictures children's special Spring Festival in China during the outbreak of COVID-19.It tells a story of a common family in China.It tries to answer the child's question "Why can't I be allowed to play outside?It tells the child what COVID -19 is,how it spreads,and how we can protect ourselves from it.The pictures show love between family members,friends and everyone.
    菁優(yōu)網(wǎng) Ten Tips to Fight Monsters by Dong Ruihan
    Dad leaves 10 tips to help us fight the virus.Who will win the war?The story will gently teach children how to prevent the disease in a language that they can easily understand.It will help kids remain calm in the hard time,and encourage them to help family members to prevent the disease.
    菁優(yōu)網(wǎng) A Brief History of Viruses for Children
    by Changsha White-flag Dolphin Children's Book Workshop
    This story book tells the origin of the virus,so the readers can understand the history of the virus easily.The book sets up a "Ten Questions about COVID-19" section,which explains the knowledge of COVID-19 (including how it spreads),helping children readers to understand the virus basing on reason and science.
    (1)If you want to know the beginning of the virus,you can read
    A.Virus,Virus,You Cannot Scare Me!
    B.A Special Spring Festival
    C.Ten Tips to Fight Monsters
    D.A Brief History of Viruses for Children
    (2)The spread of the virus is mentioned in
    a.Virus,Virus,You Cannot Scare Me!
    b.A Special Spring Festival
    c.Ten Tips to Fight Monsters
    d.A Brief History of Viruses for Children
    (3)According to the passage,which statement is NOT TRUE?

    A.The books were translated into many languages.
    B.Children can do something to protect themselves.
    C.We can understand the virus basing on reason and science.
    D.Dad raises 10 questions about the virus in Don Ruihan's book.
  • 4.I earned my graduate degree in the UK and planned to live there.But things didn't go to plan.I found a great job in America,teaching drama.Years passed and I still hadn't made it back to Europe.I did,however,find myself working at a university.This is when China knocked on my door.
       The university encouraged us to attend classes as part of our professional development.They offered two foreign language choices:Chinese and Japanese.For I liked Chinese food a little more,I decided to take the course.Two terms in,and I was hooked!I co-founded the Chinese Culture Club at school.We attended the Spring Festival celebration hosted by our local Chinese community center.I learned to make baozi and tried out my fledgling language skills at the local Chinese restaurant.
       The club decided on a foster (寄養(yǎng)) home that supported orphans (孤兒).It helped me make a decision to visit China.After all,if I'm going to learn a language,I might as well go to the country itself!So I made arrangements with the foster home to volunteer in exchange for lodgings.My stay would be three weeks.
       A year of language learning did not prepare me for the culture.Firstly,dirt roads,stray dogs,limited indoor heating and the language problem made me very worried.Luckily,the people there helped me work through the change from America to China.
       Once the initial shock wore off,I was completely charmed.The food was amazing,the people were friendly and curious,and the children were cute.My Chinese was pushed to its limit.I used my weekends to take in everything from the Forbidden City,the Summer Palace and the Great Wall.I also took a trip to the Shaolin Temple in Henan province.
       And,just as I was getting comfortable,it was time to go home.I knew before I left that I would return,not just for a visit,but to live.
       Ten long years later,a chance came itself I left everything except my 16-year-old cat,Darcy,and we are now happily two years into our new lives in Beijing.
       It took me a decade to move to China.And it was worth the wait.

    (1)When did China knock on the writer's door?

    A.While studying in the UK.
    B.After earning his graduate degree.
    C.While working at a university.
    D.After going back to Europe.
    (2)How did the writer feel after taking the Chinese course?

    A.He felt relaxed
    B.He fell cheated
    C.He felt bored
    D.He felt interested
    (3)According to the passage,we can know
    A.the writer came to China to support orphans
    B.the writer was used to the life in China at first
    C.the writer stayed in Beijing for three weeks
    D.the writer now is living in China with her cat
    (4)By the sentence "And it was worth the wait",the writer wants to
    A.complain the time she waited
    B.praise the delicious Chinese food
    C.tell us the period of learning Chinese
    D.show us how she loves China

完成句子(共5 小題;每小題2分,滿分10 分)

  • 13.莉莉?qū)Τ鐾獬燥垱]有興趣。
    going out for dinner at all .


  • 14.假設(shè)你是英語校報編輯李華。校報收到初一新生Ben的來信,他提出了所面臨的兩個問題。請你根據(jù)以下提示寫一封回信,說明Ben的問題,提出你的建議并陳述理由。
    Ben's problems Your advice and reasons

    2. ?(請你補充)

    2. ?(請你補充至少兩點)
       Dear Ben,I am sorry to hear that you are having trouble getting used to life in middle school.                 
       Good luck in everything!
    Li Hua
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