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發(fā)布:2024/7/22 8:0:9

第一部分 閱讀(共兩節(jié),滿分37.5分)第一節(jié) 閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的A、B、C、D四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出最佳選項(xiàng)。

  • 1.Dallas Zoo
       With over 2,000 animals and more than 400 species,the whole family will learn so much about animals and conservation here.Bring your walking shoes because the Dallas Zoo is 106 acres,and you want to be comfortable as you walk from the gorillas to the giraffe feeding area and everywhere in between.For a behind-the-scenes tour of the Dallas Zoo operations,sign the family up for a 90-minute guided tour called the Backstage Safari.
    Legoland Discovery Center
       When the summer gets hot,it's nice to have some indoor fun with kids.Check out the Legoland Discovery Center,where the whole family can play with LEGO Bricks or take photos with their favorite characters from LEGO films.Relax in the 4 D cinema and watch some stellar short,action-packed films.Grab a quick snack at the cafe before letting the kids run wild on the playground.
    Dallas World Aquarium
       Dallas may not be anywhere near an ocean but that doesn't mean the family can't learn about the fish and mammals that call it home.At the Dallas World Aquarium,which is housed in a couple of old storehouses in Downtown Dallas' West End Historic District,the family can admire colorful fish,sharks and sea animals while walking through the aquarium.
    Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Garden
       Walk through 66 acres of beautiful parkland,creative nature displays,and an ever-changing selection of art.Children will love exploring the Rory Meyer's Children's Adventure Garden.In addition to an adventure bridge,the garden has various interactive exhibits that teach kids about the science of nature and space.Families with older children might enjoy cooking classes or Thursday night concerts in the arboretum.

    (1)What are visitors to the Dallas Zoo advised to do?

    A.Wear comfortable shoes.
    B.Sign up for the tour early.
    C.Avoid feeding the animals.
    D.Learn about the animals in advance.
    (2)What can children enjoy in the Legoland Discovery Center?

    A.Feed animals.
    B.Watch a 4 D movie.
    C.Learn about the fish.
    D.Experience an adventure bridge.
    (3)What do the four places have in common?

    A.They all offer free snacks.
    B.They are all nature-related.
    C.They all have playgrounds.
    D.They are all family-friendly.
  • 2.Sarah Park has known about the impact of music on the brain since a young age.The 13-year-old,who has been playing the violin since she was 4,says she noticed its positive effect on those around her,especially her grandmother,who suffered from mental illness.
       Now,the Jacksonville,F(xiàn)lorida,middle-schooler hopes to use music therapy (療法) to help others struggling with mental illness.Her invention,Spark Care+,earned her the title of "America's Top Young Scientist"at the 3 M Young Scientist Challenge on October 19,2021.
       Spark Care+ requires participants to respond to a series of questions based on the Hamilton Anxiety and Depression Scale.designed to assess the person's mental state.The device's inbuilt sensors record vital mental health indicators,such as heart rate and blood pressure.Spark Care+'s AI component analyzes the information and recommends the appropriate music to help lift the participants' spirits.It also monitors its impact on the listeners.
       Sarah Park hopes to make her invention accessible to all.The ninth-grader hopes to turn it into a wristband with inbuilt sensors,a heart-rate monitor,and Bluetooth.She also wants to build an app to make Spark Care+ accessible to everyone. "I hope to be able to distribute it around the world to people of all ages, "Park says.
       In addition to being an inventor,Park is also a musical prodigy who has won.several violin competitions,including the Florida state championship.She also plays the piano and is a math champion.The teen hopes to be an innovator and researcher in the medical field using technology and robotics.Her advice to other young scientists? "Dream big,ask questions,and anything is possible. "

    (1)What led to Park's invention of Spark Care+?

    A.Her desire to earn a title.
    B.Her research on brain health.
    C.Her grandmother's mental illness.
    D.Her observation of the effect of music.
    (2)What's a function of Spark Care+'s AI component?

    A.To monitor heart rate.
    B.To collect information.
    C.To lower blood pressure.
    D.To suggest delightful music.
    (3)What does Paragraph 4 mainly talk about?

    A.Park's future plans.
    B.Park's achievements.
    C.Influence of Park's invention.
    D.Application of Park's invention.
    (4)Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?

    A.New Invention Surprises the Science Field
    B.Sarah Park Has Become the Youngest Scientist
    C.Young Scientist Uses Music to Improve Mental Health
    D.Spark Care+ Brings Honor to Young Scientist Sarah Park
  • 3.Mangroyes are trees that typically grow in saltwater along coasts.But some red mangroves end up deep in the rainforests of Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula.These plants live in freshwater along the San Pedro Martir River.That's nearly 200 kilometers from the sea.Scientists wanted to know how these mangroves got trapped so far inland.Carlos Burelo was among them.He became curious about these mangroves on a childhood fishing trip there 35 years ago.Burelo saw that the roots of the mangroves grew above ground.This was different from the other trees.
       Burelo's team first investigated where the freshwater mangroves came from.They started by collecting their leaves and then compared their DNA to the leaves from coastal mangroves which were growing along the Gulf of Mexico.The DNA helped identify the origins of the mangroves on the San Pedro Martir River.They had started along the Gulf of Mexico,some 170 kilometers away from the river.The team discovered other evidence that this ecosystem had once been coastal.They discovered 112 other species in this region that are typically found near coasts.
       The researchers looked at the soil too. "These sediments(沉積物)near the mangroves revealed exactly what we expected,says Exequiel Ezcurra,an ecologist at the University of California.In all,the researchers turned up coastal stones,shells of sea snails and clay sediments rich in shell fragments(碎片).These led the researchers to conclude the area used to be part of the ocean long ago.
       Computer models of how sea level has changed over time confirmed those findings.The models showed that when sea levels were higher in the past,the ocean merged with the lower basin of the San Pedrc Martir River.That would have been around 150,000 to 130,000 years ago.This pushed red mangroves and other species inland.
       "This discovery highlights how changes to the past climate have affected the world's coastlines, " Ezcurra says. "It also offers a chance to better understand how future sea level rise may affect these ecosystems. "

    (1)What did Burelo notice as a child?

    A.The changes of the sea water.
    B.The problems facing the rainforest.
    C.The unusual roots of some mangroves.
    D.The influence of mangroves on fishing.
    (2)What can we infer about the freshwater mangroves and the coastal ones?

    A.They are close in DNA.
    B.They have different leaves.
    C.They have different origins.
    D.They both have many species.
    (3)What does the research of the soil show?

    A.The composition of the soil is very complicated.
    B.The freshwater mangroves once grew in the sea.
    C.Sea creatures influence the growth of mangroves.
    D.The sea level has little change over the past years.
    (4)What does the underlined phrase "merged with" in Paragraph4 probably mean'?

    A.Developed from.
    B.Changed into.
    C.Depended on.
    D.Combined with.

第三部分 寫作(共兩節(jié),滿分15分)第一節(jié) (滿分15分)

  • 8.假定你是李華,你校計(jì)劃組建英文辯論隊(duì)。請(qǐng)你寫一則通知,內(nèi)容包括:


第二節(jié)(滿分25分) 閱讀下面材料,根據(jù)其內(nèi)容和所給段落開頭語續(xù)寫兩段,使之構(gòu)成一篇完整的短文。

  • 9.I was sitting at my desk surrounded by New Year gifts,feeling happy that I had managed to buy some hard-to-find items.These were for Kids Need More,a charitable organization offering services to socially disadvantaged children.One of its most popular events is the Holiday Cheer Bus.The organization always fills the buses with donated gifts for the families on the Cheer Bus routes.Each bus is manned by a team of volunteers.My family had been volunteers for years.I had a list of the families on our route.
        Just as I was packing up the items with my husband and my son,I received a call from the director of the organization.She asked if I could add a family to my route- here was a young mother,Leanne,and her son.
        I called Leanne and told her that a Holiday Cheer Bus would be visiting her family.Leanne seemed really excited and began to cry.I comforted her,"The Holiday Cheer Bus is really going to come.Is there something special that your child would like?"
        "My son is three.All he wants is a pair of Spider-Man snow boots so that he can play outside in the snow."
        I asked about her son's shoe size.She told me the size and I promised I would have Spider-Man snow boots in size 9 for her son.
        After I said goodbye and ended the call,panic set in.It was two days before the Holiday Cheer Bus was going on its run,less than a week before New Year.I was going to need a holiday miracle to find Spider-Man snow boots in size 9.
        "We have to go shopping!I called out to my husband and son.They were surprised but still we set off.We went to a few department stores and the shoe departments,without success.We were tired and hungry.We were becoming disheartened.My son suggested giving Leanne a gift card so she could get the boots herself.But I didn't want to give up.I promised we would bring boots.
    At our final stop,expecting defeat,we entered the shoe department.______
    Two days later,we arrived at the young mom's home.______
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