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發(fā)布:2024/6/15 8:0:9


  • 1. What will the woman do first?
    A.Discuss a project.
    B.Finish a report.
    C.Attend a meeting.
  • 2. Where did the woman intend to go?
    A.To a cinema.
    B.To a restaurant.
    C.To Maggie's house.
  • 3. How does the man feel about the speech?
  • 4. Why didn't the woman have breakfast?
    A.She is busy with her paper.
    B.She gets used to skipping it.
    C.She doesn't think it's important.
  • 5. What are the speakers mainly talking about?
    A.Why the cheese factory is closing.
    B.When the cheese factory is closing.
    C.Whether the cheese factory is closing.


  • 6.(1)Where does the conversation probably take place?
    A.At a hotel.
    B.At a museum.
    C.At a store.
    (2)What does the man ask for?
    A.A phone number.
    B.Some photos.
    C.The receipt.


  • 18.假定你是李華,上周末你所在的城市在人民廣場(chǎng)舉辦了主題為"The Earth Is Our Only Home"的活動(dòng),探討了環(huán)境污染的方方面面,并宣傳環(huán)保措施。你的外國(guó)朋友Henry對(duì)此很感興趣,請(qǐng)你用英語寫一封郵件,告訴他活動(dòng)的具體情況。
    Dear Henry,
        Is everything all right with you?__________
        If you want to know more about similar activities,you can e-mail me.
    Li Hua
  • 19.One day,Dad took Tim and Lily to the supermarket. "Now where has Tim gone? " asked Dad.Lily shrugged.Keeping track of Tim was not on her agenda today.She'd been trying to decide on the perfect gift for Dad's upcoming birthday.This year,she was determined to prepare a present that couldn't be bought at a store or ordered online.
        "Daddy!" Tim appeared out of nowhere,disturbing Lily's thoughts.He yelled,holding a cereal (麥片) box in the air, "Let's get it!It's nutritious and delicious!And it has a dragon inside! " Tim remembered Dad saying that when he was a kid,almost every box of cereal came with a toy.Ever since,Tim was certain that he,too,would find a toy in the next box.
        When they got home,Dad and Lily began putting away the groceries.Tim couldn't wait to take the box of cereal upstairs to his room.By the time they finished,Lily could hear Tim shouting. "No!No!" Tim's voice kept getting louder and louder.Lily imagined each word as the sound of a hammer striking metal.Then she raced towards her brother's room.The moment she stepped inside,she felt a crunch (嘎吱聲) beneath her feet.It was obvious that Tim dumped all that cereal looking for a toy dragon. "They lied!No dragon.Just a picture on the box." Tim sounded close to tears.Annoyed as Lily was,she said quietly, "Let's see what the box says." "I don't know how to read." her brother said in a low voice.
        It reminded Lily that last school year,Tim's teacher who sent home easy-to-read books and worksheets insisted that he was ready to learn to read and just needed some extra help,but Tim complained about books "for babies" and "boring" homework assignments.It was really a headache for Dad to teach Tim to read!At the thought of these,it seemed that Tim's dragon issue had swept away her concern for a present for Dad.

    (1)續(xù)寫詞數(shù)應(yīng)為 150 左右;
    Paragraph 1:
        Lily decided to cooperate with Tim,making up a dragon story and having Tim read for Dad.
    Paragraph 2:
        After what seemed to be a century,Dad's birthday finally came.
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