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第一部分 閱讀[共兩節(jié),滿分20分]第一節(jié)(共3小題;每小題6分,滿分20分)閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的A、B、C、D四個選項中選出最佳選項。

  • 1.Here are some libraries in British.Have a look and visit them in your spare time.
       Duke Humfrey's Library
       Duke Humfrey's Library,well known for its long history and luxurious collections,is one of the top 10 libraries in British.The library holds 6.12 million volumes.It has 44 service stations,with an average daily reception of 5,000 visitors.It also exchanges documents and literature works with Japan,the United States and Austria at irregular intervals(不定期地).
       Opening Hours:8:30 a.m.-7:00 p.m.,closed every Monday afternoon(except for festival holidays)
       Liverpool Central Library
       Liverpool Central Library is a cultural landmark in British.It is an intelligent and modern library with 100 staff and 1.23 million volumes.It consists of a total of 32 halls and rooms,as well as newly-developed lecture halls,exhibition centers and electronic reading rooms,with more than 1,900 seats.The library remains open every day.
       Opening Hours :8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m
       Maughan Library
       Maughan Library was founded in 1956 and rebuilt in 1993.It has 56,000 books,more than 1,000 bound volumes of newspaper,5,000 bound volumes of journals,120 English books from the old time and more than one TB of digital books.The library has three service stations,receiving more than 92,000 visitors every year.
       Opening Hours:From Monday to Sunday 8:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m.;2:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m.

    (1)What is special about Duke Humfrey's Library?

    A.It ranks the tenth in British.
    B.It keeps open from Monday to Sunday.
    C.It has the largest book collections in British.
    D.It exchanges resources with some foreign countries.
    (2)How long does Liverpool Central Library run per day?

    A.For 6 hours.
    B.For 9 hours.
    C.For 10 hours.
    D.For 10 hours and a half.
    (3)What do we know about Maughan Library?

    A.It opens all day long.
    B.It has many ancient English books.
    C.It has 100 staff with three service stations.
    D.It has the most volumes of books among the three.
  • 2.My 12-year-old niece(侄女) was staying with us for a couple of days.She was remembering some acts of kindness that we did together when she was less than five years old.We talked about how so much had changed,and how difficult it would be to do so many of those things,especially when it comes to strangers.
       The next day,I needed something from the downtown area and happened to take her with me.As we walked around on the street,we heard a beautiful male voice singing a very soulful song .We turned around to see a middle-aged man sitting on a street corner with his guitar.A couple were sitting on a bench nearby and listening to his music
       After getting a few things done,we happened to sit at an outdoor dining restaurant across from him on the other side of the street.My niece was learning how to sing herself,and she kept smiling and saying how wonderful his singing was.Seeing how moved she was by his music,at the end of our meal,I gave her a ten-dollar bill and asked her to walk across the street and put it in his bowl.
       She was a little surprised. "Really?" she asked with bright eyes.I nodded.So she headed over and as she approached,the man was just finishing a song and started talking to her,and they ended up having a sweet conversation.She told him how touched she was by his music,and he ended up telling her that she made his day.As she was excitedly repeating the conversation back to me,she mentioned, "He didn't even know how much it was.He was just thankful that someone was enjoying his music."

    (1)What did the author and her niece do 'in the first paragraph?

    A.They thought back to the past.
    B.They decided to do good deeds outside.
    C.They made a plan for going downtown.
    D.They talked about meeting more strangers.
    (2)What caught the author and her niece's attention on the street?

    A.A guitar.
    B.A restaurant.
    C.A couple.
    D.A voice.
    (3)What did the author want her niece to do?

    A.Talk with the man.
    B.Praise the man.
    C.Learn music from the man.
    D.Give money to the man.
    (4)What do we know from the meeting of the man and the author's niece?

    A.They shared singing skills.
    B.They felt thankful to each other.
    C.The man was proud of his singing.
    D.The girl introduced the author to the man.
  • 3.Since smartphones were invented,more and more people have been obsessed(癡迷) with them.The obsession with phones has spread to running.They're perfectly used during a run outside.Smart phones can provide music for you and track your route.But experts warn that it's not a good idea to hold your phone in your hand while you go out for a run because It could cause hip(臀部) and shoulder injuries.
       The habit could make the body lose balance.The same goes for water bottles,or anything else you might carry in one hand while on a run.
       Professional UK Athletics running coach,Alexa,asks runners to carry phones in a fanny pack(腰包)instead."When you hold something in your hands,there are slightly indirect influences on your pace.It influences the balance of muscles(肌肉),affects the weight of some body parts,and makes you run less fast," she tells Cosmopolitan UK." This could be happening every time you train,week after week,month after month."
       And as mobile phones get bigger and heavier,the more injuries are likely to happen.People like to always hold their phones in the same hand.It's a force of habit.With one arm heavier,your body will try to compensate for the imbalance,by working certain muscles harder than others.
       The other risk of running with phones in hand,of course,is damaging the screen of your phones if you fall.It's very expensive to change a screen.Some of the latest phones can close to ﹩ 300.

    (1)Why do experts think it is unsuitable to run with a smartphone?

    A.It affects people's hearing.
    B.It makes people lose eyesight.
    C.It does harm to parts of people's bodies.
    D.It causes people to fall down and get lost.
    (2)What does Alexa advise people to do?

    A.Carry smartphones in a bag.
    B.Avoid touching smartphones with your hands.
    C.Watch smartphones when running.
    D.Carry smartphones in a fanny pack.
    (3)What does the underlined phrase "compensate for" in Paragraph 4 mean?

    A.Meet up with.
    B.Make up for.
    C.Face up to.
    D.Come up with.


  • 4.The relationship between parents and a child is among the most important in a person's life.Of all the people in the world,parents are the only ones who are always there for us,no matter what happens.
       But why,is it that some teenagers act like their parents are the biggest enemies?(1)
    Once the journey to independence begins,the parents are going to be less acceptable than they used to be.
    As kids,we learn almost everything about the world form them.But once we reach our teenage years,we begin to feel like we don't need their help any more.And at the same time,everything from the clothes they wear to the way they speak makes us feel embarrassed.
       However,it is our parents who brought us into the world.Naturally,they have been around a lot longer and they know many more things.(3)
    They just want to protect us from making the mistakes they have made.
       Remember that any parents' wish for their children to be safe and do well.(4)
    Moreover,while it might seem like all our parents do is to annoy and criticize(批評)us,we should listen to their words.(5)

    A.After all,our parents are our greatest teachers in life.
    B.So if our parents are always telling us what to do,there's a good reason for this.
    C.But any advice they give us is meant to protect and guide us.
    D.With this in mind,we should put ourselves in our parents' shoes.
    E.This is because teenagers are just trying to find their own identity.
    F.They refuse their parents in an attempt to create their own unique world.
    G.Indeed,we tend to think that we know better than our parents as we grow older.

第二部分 語言運用[共兩節(jié),滿分15分]第一節(jié)(共1小題;每小題15分,滿分15分)閱讀下面短文,從每題所給的A、B、C、D四個選項中選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項。

  • 5.When my little sister Indi turned six,she started(1)
    my every move.She would repeat whatever I said or did,which got me annoyed(惱怒的).
       One afternoon my friend Mareya and I were making bracelets(手鏈)."What are you doing?" Indi asked,(2)
    down next to us at the table."May I make one to?" I(3)
    but Mareya said yes.Indi squeezed(擠)in so(4)
    to me that I could hardly see what I was doing.I asked her to give me more(5)
    but she said she was trying to see my move clearly."You don't have to see what I'm doing.You can make your own design!" I told her in a(n)(6)
    voice."I can!" she said.But she was still using(7)
    the same thing as I was using.
       Later,Mareya suggested playing the guitar.I didn't want Indi to(8)
    me so we went to the backyard.(9)
    ten minutes later,Indi turned up."You are always following me,and I'm(10)
    it!" As soon as those words came out of my mouth,I wished I had never said them.Indi was surprised and her eyes started filling up with(11)
    .She ran away(12)
    I could say another word.
       I disliked the shadow(影子)that didn't belong to me,but I also felt(13)
    about what said."It's worth trying to(14)
    the way you see the situation.She acts like your shadow because she looks up to you." Mareya said to me.
       Now I till remember Mareya's words and feel less bothered by Indi's behavior.Anyway,she should be treated with(15)
    and kindness.

    (1) A.correcting B.copying C.admiring D.inspiring
    (2) A.putting B.waiting C.sitting D.looking
    (3) A.refused B.waited C.accepted D.asked
    (4) A.well B.much C.apart D.close
    (5) A.room B.freedom C.options D.opinions
    (6) A.nervous B.impatient C.excited D.curious
    (7) A.gradually B.finally C.exactly D.hardly
    (8) A.support B.surprise C.follow D.recognize
    (9) A.But B.So C.Or D.Until
    (10) A.proud of B.impressed with C.unfamiliar with D.tired of
    (11) A.tears B.life C.trust D.joy
    (12) A.if B.though C.before D.since
    (13) A.positive B.sorry C.powerful D.confused
    (14) A.ignore B.challenge C.learn D.change
    (15) A.panic B.humor C.anger D.respect

第三部分 寫作[共兩節(jié),滿分20分]第一節(jié) 英漢互譯(每題2分,滿分20分)

  • 16.in particular


  • 17.假設你是李華,你的好友Mary前不久隨父母去了加拿大,她寫信告訴你她覺得很無助,想征求你的意見去更好地適應加拿大的高中生活。請你根據以下要點用英語給她寫一封電子郵件。
    Dear Mary,
        I'm sorry to learn that you have trouble adapting to your new school life in Canada,________
    Li Hua
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