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發(fā)布:2024/4/20 14:35:0


  • 1.Below is a brief description of the process involved in selecting the Nobel Prizelaureates(獲獎?wù)撸﹊n physics.
       September-Nomination(提名)forms are sent out.
       The Nobel Committee sends out confidential forms to around 3,000 people-selected professors at universities around the world,Nobel Prize laureates in physics and chemistry,and members of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences,among others.
       February-Deadline for submission.
       The completed nomination forms must reach the Nobel Committee no later than 31st January of the following year.The Committee screens the nominations and selects the preliminary candidates.About 250-350 names are nominated as several nominators often submit the same name.
       March-May-Consultation with experts.
       The Nobel Committee sends the names of the preliminary(初步的)candidates to specially appointed experts for their assessment of the candidates' work.
       Jun-August-Writing of the report.
       The Nobel Committee puts together the report with recommendations to be submitted to the Academy.The report is signed by all members of the Committee.
       September-Committee submits recommendations.
       The Nobel Committee submits its report with recommendations on the final candidates to the members of the Academy.The report is discussed at two meetings of the Physics Class of the Academy.
       October-Nobel Prize laureates are chosen.
       In early October,the Academy selects the Nobel Prize laureates in physics through a majority vote.The decision is final and without appeal.The names of the Nobel Laureates are then announced.
       December-Nobel Prize laureates receive their prize.
       The Nobel Prize award ceremony takes place on 10 December in Stockholm,where the Nobel Prize laureates receive their Nobel Prize,which consists of a Nobel Prize medal and diploma(證書),and a document confirming the prize amount.

    (1)When should nomination forms be sent back to the Nobel Committee in the following year?

    A.Later than March.
    B.Later than April.
    C.Earlier than February.
    D.Later than August.
    (2)Where does the Nobel Prize laureates receive their Nobel Prize?

    A.In Stockholm.
    B.In New York.
    C.In Canberra.
    D.In London.
    (3)The Nobel Prize is NOT made up of
    A.A medal
    B.A diploma
    C.A document
    D.A souvenir
  • 2.The UK Government has announced plans to build eight nuclear power reactors as part of its new energy strategy.
       By 2030,the Government wants 95%of the UK's electricity to come from low-carbon energy sources.Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas that is released from the burning of fossil fuels (coal,oil and gas).It is a big cause of climate change- long-term shifts in weather patterns,including rising temperatures.
       The Government wants to increase renewable energy sources,such as wind turbines and solar panels.The Government hopes that by 2030,50 gigawatts(億瓦特)of energy will come from offshore wind farms(ones that stand in the sea).That's enough to power all the houses in the UK.There are also plans to build eight new nuclear reactors.Nuclear reactors generate(產(chǎn)生)energy through a process called nuclear fission(裂變),when heavy atoms are split into lighter ones.The Government wants to make the UK's energy cleaner and cheaper,and for the UK to produce its own energy rather than relying on other countries.Russia's invasion of Ukraine has affected the world's gas and oil supply,making power more expensive.
       The UK Prime Minister,Boris Johnson,says the plans will lead to"clean and secure energy made in Britain.Some people have said that these plans don't go far enough and won't help people who are struggling with high energy bills at the moment.
       Labour Party leader Keir Starmer has said that the Government should do more to insulate people's homes.Insulating homes is when material is put inside a house to stop heat from getting out.It means people would need to use less energy to heat their homes.

    (1)What does the underlined"It"refer to in the second paragraph?

    A.Carbon dioxide.
    B.A fossil fuel.
    C.A renewable energy source.
    D.The low-carbon energy source.
    (2)What can we infer from Paragraph 3?

    A.The Government wants to be more independent on energy production.
    B.Nuclear reactors produce energy through nuclear fission.
    C.The UK is unwilling to produce its own energy.
    D.In the process of nuclear fission,lighter atoms are split into heavy ones.
    (3)What is some people's attitude towards the energy plan?

    (4)What is the best title for the text?

    A.Cheaper Energy in the UK
    B.Electricity from Low-carbon Energy Sources
    C.The UK Government Builds Eight Nuclear Reactors
    D.The UK Government Launches Energy Plan


  • 7.Throughout the course of history,it is the morals and(1)v
    of humanity that makes us human the paragon(模范)of the world.
        Think of Dr.Lin Qiaozhi.Unlike the(2)m
    of girls of her time,she studied hard (3)
    (admit)to the medical university,and finally became a great woman (4)
    (know)as the"mother of ten thousand babies".
        Then think of the immigrants who went to America to seek their (5)f
    during the goldrush.They(6)s
    down and opened up shops to (7)
    a living.They brought their own cultures to the country, (8)
    (make)it a nation with great cultural (9)d
        Finally,there are scientists and(10)a
    who are intelligent, (11)
    (有耐心的)and brave enough to carry on this mission (12)
    the huge risks.They believe the (13)
    (explore)of this final(14)f
    can help them (15)
    (追求)a better future for mankind.


  • 8.假定你是李華,你們學(xué)校要舉辦傳統(tǒng)中醫(yī)講座,你的留學(xué)生朋友Chris對中國傳統(tǒng)文化有濃厚的興趣,因此,你想邀請他參加該講座。請給他寫封郵件,內(nèi)容包括:1.講座的時間和地點;2.講座的內(nèi)容(中醫(yī)的歷史、作用、影響等);3.講座對他的幫助。
    參考詞匯:傳統(tǒng)中醫(yī)traditional Chinese medicine
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