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  • 1.Make unforgettable summer holiday memories,with amazing holiday experiences!Fit For Sport Summer Holiday Camp at Ivybridge Leisure Centre.
       Fit For Sport summer holiday camps are the perfect solution to ensure your child enjoys a school holiday like no other as we invite your child to join us on our action-packed holiday programmes full of fun and adventure.With a brilliant mix of skills for sports,energizing activities to get children moving,creative sessions that encourage children to express themselves and much more—ensure your child doesn't miss a moment by securing a place today!
       At Fit For Sport,they put children at the centre of everything they do—ensuring each day is filled with opportunities for your child to:
       1.Keep active with a wide range of options
       2.Build confidence through learning new skills
       3.Enjoy positive social interaction experiences with friends in a safe environment
       4.Discover new activities delivered by expert play leaders
       5.Improve well-being through promoting happiness,mindfulness and kindness
       Summer Programme
       Date:August 1~September 2
       Claim 10% off summer camps:If you book the camps by July 15,you will receive a 10% early bird discount.
       Booking Information
       Call their friendly bookings team on 020 8742 4990 or drop them an email at enquiries @ fitforsport.co.uk.For any further information please visit www.fitforsport.co.uk.

    (1)What can we know about Fit For Sport?

    A.It improves children's communication skills.
    B.It provides a lifelong learning experience.
    C.It gives students chances to be leaders.
    D.It offers an early bird discount anytime before camps open.
    (2)How can you book the camp for your child?

    A.By visiting the website.
    B.By writing a letter.
    C.By sending an email.
    D.By calling your friend.
    (3)What is the text mainly intended for?

    A.Calling for students to exercise.
    B.Spreading sports knowledge.
    C.Introducing a fitness center.
    D.Advertising summer holiday camps.
  • 2.I was sitting at an airport restaurant when I received the email.It informed me I had failed my qualifying exam on my third attempt,which meant dismissal(解雇)、from a science program.I knew things hadn't gone perfectly. 'But I was still dumbfounded.How was it possible that one exam could deny all my other successes and define me as unfit to be a scientist?
       As an Afro-Latinx first-generation college graduate,I didn't have family members who could tell me what Ph.D.program was like.But I struggled with my classes,spending countless hours studying in the library.I ended that year with increased confidence.But my confidence disappeared when I made my first attempt at the qualifying exam.Because I had never taken an oral(口頭的) exam before,the result was disappointing.
       I switched research projects 5 months later because my first teacher left the university.This gave me no confidence in taking the exam again.Not surprisingly,I failed again.That's when I was told í'd have one more chance.
       For the next 2 months,I did everything in my power to prepare.I even stopped doing lab work to focus on my exam preparations.I was all in.But I still failed.
       I reflected(反思) on how different my experience going into the exam was from my peers'.This exam does not represent a lot.My teacher believed in me and persuaded the department to allow me to complete the Ph.D.degree.So I carried on with my research.I still have a little voice in the back of my head that I'm not good enough.But I try to quiet it by surrounding myself with teachers who support me and by staying focused on developing into the great scientist I know I can be.In the end,I am much more than that 1-hour exam.

    (1)What does the underlined word "dumbfounded" in paragraph 1 probably mean?

    (2)Why did the author fail the first exam?

    A.He did not study very hard.
    B.His teacher no longer worked there.
    C.He was dismissed from his program.
    D.He was not good at oral exams.
    (3)How many times did the author attend the exam?

    (4)What does the author most probably agree with?

    A.It is impossible for him to be a scientist.
    B.One test cannot determine a person's life.
    C.Exams can show a person's ability.
    D.Support is more important than hard work.
  • 3.China's first cloned police dog,three-month-old Kunxun,has begun training after arriving at a police base in Kunming,southwest China's Yunnan Province earlier this month.
       Kunxun was cloned from a 7-year-old female police dog named Huahuangma,which is considered a great detective(偵探的)dog.A study showed that Kunxun's DNA is 99.9 percent 'similar to Huahuangma's.
       Kunxun will begin training in drug'detection,and is to be a grown-up police dog at 10 months.But it would take four to five years to train a dog like Huahuangma.The birth of Kunxun provides the possibility of extending animal clone technology to police dogs,and will significantly reduce the time to train one,Zhao Jianping,Sinogene deputy general manager,told the Global Times on Tuesday.He also noted that the cost of cloning remains a bottleneck for mass production.
       Wan Jiusheng,a lead researcher at the Kunming Dog Base of Public Security,told the Science and Technology Daily that Kunxun shows a better potential than the regularly bred Kunming wolfdogs in a series of tests.Wan said Kunxun will be able to become a police dog when it is about 10 months old.
       A police officer told the Global Times on Tuesday that preserving the police dog blood has always been a challenge,as traditional breeding methods would dilute(稀釋)the original,and the next generation's genes will be largely beyond control.The successful police dog clone technology would address those problems and lower the elimination(淘汰)rate of police dogs at the puppy training stage,he said.
       However,such technology does not mean that the mass production of police dogs has already arrived,as factors like the surroundings and trainers' skill also play an important role,Wan noted.
       Kunxun is not the first cloned police dog.In South Korea,six cloned police dogs first appeared and began patrolling(巡邏) the streets in 2008.The world's first cloned animal,Dolly the sheep,was born in Scotland in 1996.

    (1)What is the benefit of cloning police dogs according to paragraph 3?

    A.Living longer.
    B.Costing less money.
    C.Reducing training time.
    D.Completing harder tasks.
    (2)What do Zhao Jianping's and Wan Jiusheng's opinions have in common?

    A.Clone technology will be used on humans.
    B.Cloned animals can help people in some ways.
    C.Cloning police dogs hasn't yet reached mass production.
    D.The cloned police dog trainers' skill is very important.
    (3)Where was the world's first cloned police dog born?

    A.In Scotland.
    B.In China.
    C.In the US.
    D.In South Korea.
    (4)Where is this text most likely from?

    A.A diary.
    B.A magazine.
    C.A novel.
    D.A guidebook.
  • 4.Students at an elementary school in California,with the help of their art teacher,created a telephone hotline that people can call to get cheerful advice from kids during difficult times.In just days,the hotline began getting thousands of calls an hour,
       Most people agree that with concerns like COVID 19,extreme weather,and the climate crisis,the last couple of years have been stressful.
       Jessica Martin,who teaches art at West Side School in Healdsburg,California,thought her students just might have the magic words to bring calm to people in these difficult times.So Ms.Martin,along with artist Asherah Weiss,worked with students on a project they called "PepToc".
       The project had two parts- one was the hotline,and the other was creating encouraging posters.The two adults worked with students from kindergarten to sixth grade.They had the same basic question for all the students,"What could you say to help or encourage someone else?"" Students working on the hotline thought of what they would like to say.When they were ready,Ms.Martin recorded each one.Later,she sorted out the recordings into the different parts of the telephone hotline.
       Pressing 1 brings up ideas for people who are "feeling mad,frustrated or nervous" Helpful suggestions include" punch your pillow" or"go get a cookie".Pressing 2 results in " words of encouragement and life advice".By pressing 3,you can hear a group of kindergartners saying together:"You can do it!Keep trying,don't give up!"Pressing 4 starts the sounds of children giggling and laughing- a sound certain to bring a smile to anyone's face.
       Ms.Martin thought the project would only attract interest from people near the school..But the hotline was soon getting hundreds of calls a day.Words of the hotline spread quickly on social media.The hotline has become incredibly popular with stressed adults,patients in hospitals,older people in homes,and others who just want to hear the happy voices of children.

    (1)Who came up with the idea of the project?

    A.Parents of West Side School.
    B.Jessica Martin and Asherah Weiss.
    C.A student of West Side School.
    D.The government of Healdsburg.
    (2)Which number should a caller press if he feels nervous?

    (3)What was unexpected for Ms.Martin?

    A.The magic of the children.
    B.The sadness of the people.
    C.The popularity of the hotline.
    D.The influence of the social media.
    (4)What could be the best title for the text?

    A.The Charm of Art Is Beyond Words.
    B.A Project Is Carried Out to Study COVID-19.
    C.A Hotline Brings Stressful People Hope.
    D.Positive Messages From Kids Make a Hotline a Hit.
  • 5.In many people's eyes,plants are quiet and passive.They can't talk.They can't walk.(1)
       Or can they?A new BBC documentary series,The Green Planet,gives us a new look at plants.Released on January 10 on Bilibili,it uncovers the wonderful and dramatic ways that plants behave.
       Plants compete against each other to live.Each species has its own ways of defense.In rainforests,different kinds of plants race for sunlight.The forest floor is described as a " battlefield " in the series as only two percent of the sunlight filters(透過) through it.(2)
    .But they are caught up in a vine(藤蔓) that tries to take a ride.Finally,they are both overtaken by a fast-growing balsa tree.As the balsa's leaves are smooth,the vine can't get a hold.Similarly,some trees make poisonous sap(毒汁) to protect themselves.
    .In deserts,the roots of Euphrates popular are connected.If a tree finds water,it will share it with others through the roots.Studies also show that plants use fungus(真菌) in the soil as a way to " talk " to each other.It's kind of like how Wi- Fi works.(4)
       The series not only lets us wonder at the plant world but pushes us to understand that plants are important."(5)
    .We depend upon them for every mouth of food that we eat and every breath that we breathe,"said David Attenborough,presenter of the series.It's time to look after wild plants just as carefully as our houseplants.

    A.And they can't think like us
    B.Plants are the basis of all life,including ourselves
    C.The Green Planet reveals the secret lives of plants
    D.Plants also help each other and even communicate
    E.Some plants like Monstera spread their big leaves to reach light
    F.Filming took three years to complete and took place in 27 countries
    G.If a tomato plant gets a leaf disease,it can tell nearby plants about it

語言知識運用(共三節(jié), 滿分30分)

  • 6.As is customary in many cultures around the world,when a Japanese couple(1)
    a baby into the world,relatives come to visit the family and(2)
    .However,because of the pandemic and social distancing rules,that hasn't been(3)
    lately.Dakigokochi—rice babies(4)
    in Japan have been around since the early 2000s,but their popularity has(5)
    once again because of COVID-19.With relatives unable to(6)
    ,baby-shaped rice bags have become a much-needed way of(7)
    the joy of having a baby with ?(8)
    ones.Rice babies are bags of rice that weigh(9)
    as much as the babies they are replacing,and that have photos of the(10)
    printed on them.They are(11)
    to relatives so they can hug the "new human" while looking at a picture of the baby's face.
       Naruo Ono,the owner of a rice shop,(12)
    the idea for rice babies 14 years ago when his own son was born and he was thinking about what he could do for relatives who(13)
    far away and couldn't come and see him.He decided to make rice bags that were the(14)
    shape and weight as the baby,and(15)
    a picture of him on them,so the relatives could see and feel him.
       One day,someone saw Naruo's rice baby in the window of his shop and(16)
    on how interesting it was.That's when he(17)
    that there might be a(18)
    for his cute rice bags.He started making them for(19)
    and has since been shipping them all over Japan.Since then,several companies have(20)
    his invention.

    (1) A.a(chǎn)pproves B.welcomes C.convinces D.chooses
    (2) A.celebrate B.communicate C.compete D.inquire
    (3) A.necessary B.important C.difficult D.possible
    (4) A.known B.taught C.done D.kept
    (5) A.spread B.delayed C.grown D.decreased
    (6) A.connect B.visit C.cooperate D.follow
    (7) A.comparing B.providing C.sharing D.learning
    (8) A.loved B.mature C.legal D.suitable
    (9) A.obviously B.surely C.barely D.exactly
    (10) A.babies B.family C.parents D.rice
    (11) A.sold B.sent C.exposed D.lent
    (12) A.depended on B.laughed at C.got away from D.came up with
    (13) A.stood B.shopped C.lived D.moved
    (14) A.different B.same C.original D.common
    (15) A.printed B.measured C.handled D.built
    (16) A.a(chǎn)greed B.called C.commented D.discussed
    (17) A.a(chǎn)dmired B.heard C.a(chǎn)dmitted D.realized
    (18) A.change B.trick C.market D.comfort
    (19) A.relatives B.customers C.himself D.children
    (20) A.criticized B.judged C.remembered D.copied

單詞填空(共15小題;每小題1分, 滿分15分)根據(jù)句意及中英文提示, 用單詞的正確形式填空

  • 7.This class is too large,and we shall have to
    (分成)it into several groups. (根據(jù)漢語提示單詞拼寫)
  • 8.Many people enjoy the pleasure and
    (便利) of living in a city centre.
  • 9.The people in Iraq lived a hard life, because it was
    (不斷的) hit by war.
  • 10.He can hardly find a job in this industry,because he has no
    (先前的) experience of this kind of job.

單句改錯(共10小題;每小題1分, 滿分10分)請你修改以下的每個句子,每句有1處語言錯誤,錯誤涉及一個單詞的增加、刪除或修改。增加:在缺詞處加一個漏字符號(∧),并在此符號下面寫出該加的詞。刪除:把多余的詞用斜線(\)劃掉。

  • 31.It took me a few weeks to get used to my new surrounding.


  • 32.假定你是李華,你校要舉行一次英語演講比賽,話題是"暢想未來生活"。假設(shè)你已報名,請你用英語寫一份演講稿準(zhǔn)備參加比賽。
    Hello,everyone!I am glad to be able to give a talk about the future life and study here.
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