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發(fā)布:2024/9/5 9:0:8


  • 1. What day is it today?
  • 2. Where is the man's jacket?
    A.In the washing machine.
    B.On the sofa.
    C.On the floor.
  • 3. What does the man want the woman to do?
    A.Change a room with a different view.
    B.Wake him up in the morning.
    C.Have breakfast with him.
  • 4. What are the speakers probably doing?
    A.Making an engine.
    B.Looking at a photo.
    C.Playing with a model train.
  • 5. Why does the man like the cake?
    A.The outside is soft.
    B.It has a lot of eggs.
    C.It is not too sweet.


  • 6.(1)What are the speakers talking about?
    A.Environment protection.
    B.Public transportation.
    C.A birthday party.
    (2)How does the man usually go to work?
    A.By bus.
    B.By car.
    C.By bike.


  • 18.    When Yi Xiaoyang was two,he fell in love with skiing (滑雪).His first time on snow,however,wasn't successful.He slept on the ski lift until the coach found him.He started to learn how to ski from then on.Yi was a fast learner,and at the age of six,he began to ski in other parts of the world.
        In 2015,Beijing got the chance to hold the 2022 Winter Olympic Games.Yi felt it hopeful to take part in the Olympics.He decided to take training courses like a professional athlete (職業(yè)運(yùn)動(dòng)員).
        As a student,Yi has to take classes like others.At the same time,he has to train full day on weekends and half day on Tuesday,Wednesday and Thursday.In summer,the training goes on.
        At the beginning,that was a big challenge (挑戰(zhàn)). "When I started to train like an athlete,everything seemed to change, " said Yi, "I lost my interest.I even got angry with my coaches.They talked to my parents and decided to give me a one-week break from training."
        Luckily,during that break,he picked up his joy in skiing. "I found that skiing had already become one important part of me, " said Yi.After that,he moved back on his fight for his dreams.
        "I might have dreamed of becoming an Olympic champion (冠軍) before,but now it comes much clearer.I want to take part in the Olympics,and that will be my goal."

    determine ski opportunity happy realize fortunate
    succeed turn to excite train importance come true

    Beginning Yi Xiaoyang started(1)
    at the age of two.He fell in love with skiing at first sight,but his first time on snow was (2)
    .When he was six,he began to ski in other parts of the world.
    Rising Action In 2015 Beijing got the(3)
    to hold the 2022 Winter Olympic Games.Yi was(4)
    about it and hope to take part in it.He (5)
    to take training courses like a professional athlete.
    About the training As a student,he had to take classes while (6)
    at the same time.He trained full day on weekends and half day on Tuesday,Wednesday and Thursday like an athlete.
    He lost the interest in skiing and got mad at his coaches sometimes.He(7)
    his parents for help and decided to have a week's break from training.
    About his dream (8)
    ,he picks up his joy in skiing and it becomes the(9)
    part of him.He went back on his fight for his dreams.
    He wants to take part in the Olympics and (10)
    his dream.
    (11)Was Yi Xiaoyang's first time on snow successful?Why?

    (12)What makes Yi Xiaoyang a good skier?

    (13)Do you think Yi Xiaoyang should stick to the dream of becoming an Olympic champion?Why or why not?


  • 19.假定你是李華,你的英國(guó)朋友Tom來(lái)信詢問(wèn)你經(jīng)常進(jìn)行哪項(xiàng)運(yùn)動(dòng)。請(qǐng)你向他做以簡(jiǎn)單介紹,內(nèi)容包括:
    Dear Tom,
    I am glad to share my love of sport with you.___________
    Li Hua
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