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發(fā)布:2024/4/20 14:35:0

第一部分 閱讀理解(共兩節(jié),滿分 40 分) 第一節(jié)(共 15 小題;每小題 2 分,滿分 30 分)閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的四個選項(A,B,C 和 D)中,選出最佳選項,并在答題卡 上將該項涂黑。

  • 1.Stay-at-home or working mom?
    Nowadays,there is a heated discussion:Which is worthwhile,being a full time working or a stay-at-home mum?Readers share their opinions and you're welcome to add yours.
       Catherine (China)
       I love being a stay-at-home mom.In the beginning it was truly rough for me from being a workaholic(工作狂) to staying at home.Yet,I did not want my child to face growing up with both parents at work.So after discussing it with my husband,we decided that I would be the one to stay at home.Now,our daughter is soon to be 3 years old,and has an amazing personality.It's not for everyone but it is very rewarding in the long term.
       Taking care of children is a temporary job,and children will grow up and leave.The longer women are out of the workplace,the harder it is to enter it.Women need to realize and accept that you do not want to be dependent on anyone for basic food,clothes and shelter.It has been hard to work and take care of my kids but I make it work.
       Cynthia (US)
       Some days I think we shouldn't give up on our careers.And some days I'm jealous of the moms who get to stay home or at least work part time.I'm the only one that supports the family,so there will never be an option for me.I have the career and title I've always wanted but now I can't help but think it's at the expense of precious time with my family.
       Celina (US)
       Being a stay-at-home mom isn't always easy,but it is worth it!Being there with my children means they are getting the exact love and care I want them to have.We do not have a lot of money,but we've sacrificed to make it possible.

    (1)What can we learn about Catherine?

    A.She stayed at home because she was tired about her job.
    B.Her daughter was very naughty.
    C.Her husband agreed with her staying at home.
    D.She accustomed herself to staying at home easily.
    (2)How many working moms in this passage?

    (3)Which one is NOT true?

    A.Celina feels dissatisfied with the life now.
    B.Cynthia has no other choice but to get a job.
    C.Sassy is determined to be an independent woman.
    D.Catherine thinks that being a stay-at-home mom is worthwhile.
  • 2.I was selfish as a teenager.I usually spent my time thinking about myself and taking care of my own needs.I let my older brother do most of the work around the house until he left for college.
       I let my Mom and Dad worry about our bills and problems while I read books,played,and lost myself in my own imagination.This didn't change even when I went to college either.I studied hard but only to make my own life better.Even when I started to explore my faith and spirituality,it was only to increase my own happiness.
       I married after graduation and decided to start a family.Of course,I had no idea what hard knocks reality had in store for my selfish soul.Soon I found myself unemployed,deeply in debt,and with a new baby on the way.I found out that life has little sympathy for spoiled people.In fact,all of the struggles I was going through were beating the selfishness slowly out of me.
       Still,I didn't give up on happiness.I knew that there must be a way to find it.I finally realized,however,that it had to include more than just my own needs,wants,and desires.The answer began to make itself clear one night shortly after my baby boy was born.I got a bottle and held him in my arms.As I was feeding him I looked down and saw his big,innocent,trusting eyes.I smiled and talked to him.Then he smiled and I could feel my heart growing,expanding with love.I felt such peace and joy.At that moment I had a hint of the truth:it is by growing our hearts with love that we find our happiness.
       Carolyn Arends wrote:"The more people you let into your heart,the bigger your heart gets.The more love you get,the more love you have to give.It just keeps growing." So,keep loving,keep living and keep caring.Keep growing your heart today,tomorrow,and always.

    (1)What do we know about the author from the first paragraph?

    A.He often helped his brother with housework.
    B.He studied hard for his family.
    C.He put his own needs above others'.
    D.He was concerned about his family.
    (2)Which of the following can replace the underlined words "hard knocks" in Paragraph 3?

    (3)What can be inferred from the passage?

    A.The author loved kids.
    B.The author often fed his baby.
    C.The author realized the importance of happiness.
    D.When caring for his baby,the author got inspired.
    (4)Which can be the best title of the passage?

    A.Loving Others ,a Way to Happiness
    B.The Elder One Grows,the More He Gets.
    C.Help Others ,Help Oneself
    D.Keep Growing to Live a Happy Life
  • 3.After four silent years,the 27-year-old British singer Adele Adkins has finally introduced herself to the world again with Hello,the opening song from her third album 25,which will come out on Nov.20.
       Although Adele is a very successful singer now,music wasn't always what she saw herself doing.At age 10,when she saw her grandmother's pain over the death of Adele's grandfather,she pictured herself as a heart surgeon.
       "I wanted to fix people's hearts," she told the UK music website i-D,remembering the childhood interest she'd had in biology classes until she found out that her real talent was for singing.
       Adele didn't go to medical school,but many would agree that she still has healing(治愈)powers. "Her songs find the kind of memory every listener holds somewhere in their heart.This kind of feeling is what people have always liked in Adele," said The Telegraph. "She writes a pop diary,sharing the simple secrets of her heart."
       Most successful pop stars make albums at a fast pace,but not Adele.After her second album 21 won the 2012 Grammy Award for Album of the Year,she made it clear with her label that she would spend "four or five years" making her next album.She told Vogue magazine,"I won't come out with new music until it's better than 21."
       Instead of seeking fame,Adele remained silent and moved to the countryside.In her free time,she loved to watch TV series Teen Mom,American Horror Story,and The Walking Dead.
       Living life as normally as possible is important to the singer's art. "Nobody wants to listen to a record from someone who's not living in the real world," Adele told i-D." So I live a low-key life for my fans."

    (1)What does the text mainly tell us?

    A.The popularity of Adele's album 25.
    B.The healing powers of Adele's music.
    C.The secrets of Adele's success in music.
    D.The reason for Adele's becoming a singer.
    (2)What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 probably mean?

    A.Adele wasn't interested in music.
    B.Adele wasn't good at music at first.
    C.Music wasn't very important in Adele's life.
    D.Music wasn't all Adele wanted to be devoted to.
    (3)Why doesn't Adele want to make albums at a fast pace?

    A.To live a low-key life.
    B.To win the Grammy Award.
    C.To guarantee the quality of her music.
    D.To share the secrets of her heart as a musician.
    (4)What can we know about Adele?

    A.Her album Hello will come out on Nov.20.
    B.She has kept a diary since childhood.
    C.She moved to the countryside before 2012.
    D.Her works are based on real life.

第三部分寫作(共兩節(jié),滿分 35 分)第一節(jié) 短文改錯(共 10 小題;每小題 1 分,滿分 10 分)

  • 8.假定英語課上老師要求同桌之間交換修改作文,請你修改你同桌寫的以下作文.文中共有10處語言錯誤,每句中最多有兩處.每處錯誤僅涉及一個單詞的增加、刪除或修改.
    It is Mother's Day today.Though it's a western festival,it's popular in China now.Mom has a full-time job,so she has to do most of the houseworks.She is a great mother.Both Dad and I planned to do something on Mother's Day.We get up early in the morning.Dad cleaned the house,and then went on shopping.When he came back,I found a bunch of flowers in her hand.I asked Mom to stay in the sitting room and I cooked in kitchen.The dishes what I cooked were Mom's favoritest.At dinner,we said to her, "Happy Mother's Day!"Mom was grateful and moving.

第二節(jié) 書面表達(滿分 25 分)

  • 9.假定你是李華,在你的美國朋友 Jonah的鼓勵和建議下,你的英語最近取得很大進步.現(xiàn)在請你寫一封感謝信,表示對他的感謝并請他幫忙推薦兒本英文小說,最后邀請他來中國參觀.
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