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發(fā)布:2024/5/31 8:0:9

第一部分:知識(shí)運(yùn)用(30分)第一節(jié) 完形填空(共15分)閱讀下面短文,掌握其大意,從每題所給的 A、B、C、D 四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中,選出最佳選項(xiàng),并在答題卡上將該項(xiàng)涂黑。

  • 1.    My mom is about to have a spinal (脊柱的) operation.The operation is(1)
    minor,but does carry a risk of paralysis(癱瘓).Friends and family have reacted to this news by talking in such pessimistic terms that Mom has come to(2)
    this kind of talk as "psychological theft".It occurs when other people increase your anxiety(3)
    providing comfort.
        Last week Mom ran into Geoff who works for the local school."How are you?"he asked."Not great,"she replied, "I have been having some trouble with my back and I'm going to need an operation.""Oh,the back is the most(4)
    place to operate on!My mom had that and she was in terrible pain."He responded.Geoff's(5)
    had been kind.He'd given his own mother's story to show sympathy,(6)
    Mom only heard danger and pain.
        People could have alternative things that would be equally true,but more familiar to patients."The specialists in our hospitals are among the best in the world."——That's a good one."You're going to feel much better(7)
    ."——That's another.
        I'm not suggesting patients should be(8)
    from the reality of the risks they're taking.But if the decision to have an operation can't really be(9)
    ,what's the purpose of stressing the(10)
    ?It's just common sense to say, "Get well soon,and how can I help?"

    (1) A.definitely B.unusually C.relatively D.typically
    (2) A.choose B.label C.employ D.mistake
    (3) A.in need of B.in favor of C.instead of D.regardless of
    (4) A.secure B.dangerous C.common D.a(chǎn)pparent
    (5) A.intention B.a(chǎn)ssumption C.emotion D.description
    (6) A.because B.a(chǎn)s C.when D.yet
    (7) A.occasionally B.permanently C.initially D.ultimately
    (8) A.released B.deleted C.separated D.sheltered
    (9) A.a(chǎn)ccepted B.made C.a(chǎn)voided D.reached
    (10) A.drawbacks B.strengths C.dimensions D.procedures

第二節(jié) 語(yǔ)法填空(共1小題; 每小題1.5分,共15分)閱讀下列短文,根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容填空。在未給提示詞的空白處僅填寫(xiě)一個(gè)適當(dāng)?shù)膯卧~,在給出提示詞的空白處用括號(hào)內(nèi)所給詞的正確形式填空。

  • 2.A When you read the writings of Confucius,you will see a(1)
    (constant) recurring word,a Chinese character that represents the heart of Confucian thought:the character ren.What is ren?If you look closely at the(2)
    (write) character,you can understand what it means.The left-hand element of the character represents a person,a human being;the element on the right stands for the number two.The two elements,when joined,indicate(3)
    (relationship) between individuals,or with all of society.
    B An important symbol of China is the Chinese characters-hanzi.While this unique writing system has an ancient origin,it was standardised and unified by Emperor Qinshihuang.Since then,it(4)
    (be) one of the great things(5)
    (bind) the Chinese people together,and a symbol of Chinese national pride.
        Another popular symbol of China around the world is the Great Wall.It was originally built by Emperor Qinshihuang,and(6)
    (expand) afterwards.The part of the Great Wall most people are familiar with was built by the Ming Dynasty in the 14th century,though.
    C China has made significant progress in space exploration(7)
    the past few years.The country's space program has achieved several milestones,including multiple missions launched by the Chang'e Lunar Exploration Program China has also launched its own space station,the Tiangong,which is expected(8)
    (complete) by 2022 and will be used to conduct long-term experiments in microgravity and host international collaborations.Chinese rocket manufacturers have developed new heavy-lift rockets,(9)
    (enable) more(10)
    (ambition) missions.Overall,China's achievements demonstrate a strong commitment to advancing its space program and making significant contributions to the global space community.

第二部分:閱讀理解(共兩節(jié),38分)第一節(jié)(共4小題; 每小題6分,共28分)閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的A、B、C、D四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中,選出最佳選項(xiàng)。

  • 3.    菁優(yōu)網(wǎng)The National Council for the Traditional Arts (NCTA) is a leading non-profit organization dedicated to the presentation and documentation of folk and traditional arts in the United States.The NCTA presents the nation's very finest artists in festivals,tours,international cultural exchanges,workshops,demonstrations and exhibitions,media productions,school programs,and other activities.It works in partnership with communities across America to establish new,sustainable traditional arts events that deliver lasting social and cultural benefits.
        The NCTA seeks Festival Support Staff for the 2020 festival season to provide office and on-site support for three large-scale festivals.Positions available include:
        ●Programming Administration Assistant
        This is the perfect position for someone with an interest in history,arts management,cultural anthropology,and related fields.
        Responsibilities include programming research,marketing and promotion,and event organization.The position may also be responsible for press and photo document management,social media updates,and customer service.
        Qualified applicants will be detail-oriented and organized,with excellent people skills and a general interest in the traditional arts.Computer literacy is essential.The contract runs from May 1 to December 15.
        ●Festival Assistant
        This is the perfect position for some one with an interest in arts,culture,and event logistics(后勤) who enjoys operating in a fast-paced,collegial small-office environment.
        The position provides festival staff support.Responsibilities include document creation,travel purchase,logistics support,data entry,and database maintenance.
        Qualified applicants will be outgoing and open-minded,with effective oral and written communication skills and computer literacy.Prior experience with festival planning is preferred.The contract runs from May 18 to October 30.
        ●Production Associate
        The production associate is a key member of the production team who will work closely with the production manager on all festival audio,backline,and lighting needs,from planning through implementation (實(shí)施).
        The role will contribute to the following key tasks:advancing technical needs with artists,making tech books,accurate record-keeping,and working with the NCTA and festival staff to insure smooth on-site operations.
        Qualified applicants will be responsible and adaptable,with excellent people skills.Prior experience in concert production is preferred.The contract runs from June 15 to October 30.
        All Positions:Experience with database entry,Microsoft Office,and Adobe Acrobat is required.Must have a clean driving record,or reliable transportation.Some evenings,weekends,and travel are required.
        More details and how to apply at:http//ncta-America.com.

    (1)According to the passage,the NCTA
    A.focuses on cultural and arts education
    B.keeps a record of American traditional arts
    C.enjoys economic benefits from communities
    D.a(chǎn)ims to help the artists in art-related activities
    (2)The programming administration assistant will probably
    A.plan and design programs
    B.create social networking websites
    C.deal with complaints from customers
    D.photograph newspapers and documents
    (3)What is the requirement for all the three positions?

    A.Driving skills.
    B.Working experience.
    C.Communication skills.
    D.Knowledge on traditional arts.
  • 4.A blog posted Dec 7,2018 at 12:17 PM by Alanna Mallon
       Alanna Mallon is a Cambridge City Councilor.
       Each year in November,I receive a flurry of emails and texts from friends who want to volunteer with their families on Thanksgiving as a way to give back.I also field phone calls from organizations who want to donate to local programs that provide Thanksgiving meals.
       However,as an official who still works in the nonprofit sector,I also feel deeply anxious because I know the other 51 weeks of the year,these critical programs that provide food access to residents in need are starving for both volunteers and donations.Hunger is a year round problem,and each week volunteers are the necessary part to ensure that programs are able to serve the community.
       At Food For Free,we rely on about 100 volunteers per week,and each of those volunteers is extremely important to providing fresh,healthy food to people in the Greater Boston area who need it.School children who take backpacks of food home on Fridays,community college students who rely on our Family Meals program to thrive in class,elderly and disabled residents who receive twice monthly deliveries of food to their doors through our Home Delivery program, - they all rely on us ensuring enough volunteers show up to do the work.
       These volunteers don't show up in your social media feeds,they don't win awards and no one writes about them in the local newspapers.But they are heroes.And you can be too.
       If everyone made a promise to volunteer once a month,or even once a quarter,I know that we could reduce some of the anxiety these organizations feel,as a more reliable volunteer network allows them to focus on helping people,not filling volunteer slots.
       Here is a list of a few organizations who are doing critical work in Cambridge to address food insecurity.Offer your time to an organization,they will be deeply grateful-and I am going to bet that you will feel pretty good about yourself too.
       Food For Free:http://foodforfree.org/volunteer.
       Harvard Square Homeless Shelter:https://hshshelter.org/volunteer.
       Community Cooks:https://communitycooks.org/join-us.
       Margaret Fuller Neighborhood House:http://margaretfullerhouse.org

    (1)What can be learnt from the first two paragraphs?

    A.The food safety worries the author.
    B.Volunteers are needed all year round.
    C.Donations can be made through the Internet.
    D.People like getting together on Thanksgiving.
    (2)Paragraph 3 is mainly about

    A.the need for fresh food
    B.the duty of Food For Free
    C.the value of voluntary work
    D.the difficult life of local people
    (3)The passage is to

    A.call for action
    B.express thanks
    C.a(chǎn)dvertise programs
    D.introduce websites

第三節(jié)(共1小題; 每小題 1分,滿(mǎn)分4分)請(qǐng)用方框中詞組的正確形式完成句子,每個(gè)詞組只使用一次。 (方框中有一個(gè)選項(xiàng)為多余選項(xiàng))

  • 13.
    bring about figure out judge from (be) keen on run out
    (1)In the future,care for the environment will become very important as Earth's natural resources
    her accent,she must be from Scotland.
    (3)The present situation is quite complicated,so I think it will take me some time to
    its reality.
    (4)If you like astronomy,you may
    collecting stamps describing the stars,planets,space crafts,spacemen,etc.

第四節(jié)書(shū)面表達(dá) (滿(mǎn)分15分)

  • 14.假設(shè)你是紅星中學(xué)高三學(xué)生李華。2022年4月神舟十三號(hào)(Shenzhou-13 manned spaceship)即將返航,你校電視 臺(tái)英文頻道向?qū)W生征集以"航天"為主題的原創(chuàng)短視頻。你打算邀請(qǐng)留學(xué)生Jim 一起完成作品。請(qǐng)你給他寫(xiě)郵件,內(nèi) 容包括:
    提示詞:神舟十三號(hào):Shenzhou- 13 manned spaceship
    Dear Jim,
    Li Hua
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