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第二部分 閱讀(共兩節(jié), 滿分 50 分)第一節(jié)(滿分 37.5 分)閱讀下列短文, 從每題所給的A、B、C、D 四個選項中選出最佳選項。

  • 1.Four Best of British markets
    Whether you're looking for antiques,food,collectors' items or just random junk,our rich heritage has produced some of the finest markets in the world.Here are four of them.
        Edinburgh Farmers' Market
        Traders in Edinburgh have long sold their goods in the shadow of the city's spectacular castle.It takes place on Castle Terrace every Saturday and attracts a huge crowd with its locally sourced goods.The market is now in its 15th year and champions the very best in Scottish produce.
        Billingsgate Fish Market
        This hub in the heart of the East End of London is the biggest inland market in Britain.Dating back to the 16th century,Billingsgate is now served by almost every UK port,with fish transported through the night to arrive for trading,which starts at 4 a.m..It is famed for shifting 25,000 tons of fish each year.
        St George's Market
        Follow your nose along May Street in Belfast and the smells of delicious home-made food from across the globe will land you in St George's Market,once voted the best in the UK.Completed in 1896 and featuring tasty food,the trading place is also one of Belfast's oldest attractions,thanks to its wide range of goods and live music performances.
        Ford Airfield Market
        Looking for an old-style prosthetic leg,a ventriloquist's dummy,or even a suit of armour?The chances are you'll find what you're after - and plenty of other random stuff - at one of the hundreds of stalls here in West Sussex.Huge car-boot sales(舊貨市場)are held at the weekends all year round,come rain or shine.The market has been running for 25 years and is a well-known treasure trove for antiques experts looking for a bargain.

    (1)Which market has the longest history?

    A.Edinburgh Farmers' Market.
    B.Billingsgate Fish Market.
    C.St George's Market.
    D.Ford Airfield Market.
    (2)What is the main characteristic of St George's Market?

    (3)What do we know about Ford Airfield Market?

    A.It is held every day.
    B.It closes on rainy days.
    C.It is famous for its cars.
    D.It features car-boot sales.
  • 2.An American teacher who helped make collegeeducation accessible to low-income,immigrant,first-generation American,and refugee(難民)pupils has won the ﹩1 million Global Teacher Prize.Keishia Thorpe,an English teacher in Maryland,wasselected from more than 8,000 teachers in 121 countries.
       Ms.Thorpe toiches English to 12th-graders at the International High School Langley Park,where 95 percent of pupils arq from low-income faprilies.She redesigned their courses for the English department to make it culturally relevant to her pupils who are from mostly Africa,the Middle East,the Caribbean,and South America.Since then,her English language learners.have shown a 40 percent increase in their reading.
       Ms.Thorpe spent a lot of time encouraging her pupils to apply for college and helped them with their applications and'accessing fully funded scholarships.She helped her senior pupils in 2018-2019 win more than ﹩6.7 million in scholarships to 11 colleges,with most of them not having to pay for their education.
    12°She plans to use the prize money to give less ,well-off pupils an opportunity of receiving a third level education."Every person deserves the right to education and I want to be that person who champions that for them.Tplah to use the money to help students worldwide access higher education,"she said."Students are the reason I'm here,so I plan to use that to promote them and create a better future for them."
       Organized by UNESCO and first awarded in 2015,the.Global Teacher Prize is an annual award to a teacher who has made a vast difference to the profession.The winner of this year was announced at a.virtual ceremony in Paris on November 10th,2021.

    (1)How do Thorpe's redesigned courses influence her students?

    A.Students have spent more time reading.
    B.Students are more aware of their culture.
    C.More low-income students attend school.
    D.More students apply for college education.
    (2)What can be learned about the Global Teacher Prize?

    A.It devotes much to college education.
    B.It favors low-income immigrant teachers.
    C.It targets teachers with huge contributions.
    D.It encourages reforms in English teaching.
    (3)Which of the following words best describes Thorpe?

    A.Selfless and strict.
    B.Caring and devoted.
    C.Frank and considerate.
    D.Talented and humorous.
    (4)What is the best title for the text?

    A.A Good Teacher Ensures a Bright Future
    B.Teacher Prize Helps Realize Students 'Dream'
    C.Immigrant Teacher Shares Her Moving Story
    D.High School Teacher Wins a ﹩1 Million Prize
  • 3.With nearly a quarter of global greenhouse gas coming from all types of transportation,can we keep ourselves off gas-powered vehicles to avoid the worst effects?As more governments push for urgent action on climate change,quite a few companies are betting their future - that millions of consumers are finally ready for electricity-powered vehicles.Modern battery-powered cars are selling fast and zero- emission(排放)planes are coming.These changes,both leading to a more sustainable future,are reinventing how we get from here to there.
        Cars and trucks are undergoing their greatest improvement since the automobile's(汽車)existence more than a century ago.Almost overnight,the era of the electric car has arrived.Electricity has the advantage that it works without smell and with less noise.Global annual sales of electric vehicles are expected to soar from just over 3 million today to 14 million by 2025.Just a month after Ford unveiled an electric version of the popular F-150,customers had reserved more than 100,000 of them.The price is about $10,000 above the gas-powered one,but Ford says the electric model will cost much less to maintain.Everything creating a green revolution on the ground is of limited help in the sky for the time being.
        High-storage batteries are useless at present when it comes to the technological challenge of launching a few hundred people into the sky and carrying them thousands of miles.No battery yet invented can power,say,a Boeing 747 from New York to London.Promising improvements,however,do add up.Developments with zero-emission,battery-powered electric engines are already happening in commercial flight,involving trips of limited duration and distance.Airlines specializing in short journeys with small planes will lead the way to electric flight.
        Our planet's health depends on zeroing out carbon dioxide emissions by 2050,and yet,by the timetable needed to address the climate challenge,the shift away from gas-powered vehicles remains far too slow.Nevertheless,the train has left the station.Someday,electric-powered transportation will be as common as air.

    (1)Why are many companies switching to electricity-powered vehicles?

    A.To reinvent the way we travel.
    B.To cut the costs of car production.
    C.To improve the quality of products.
    D.To pursue sustainable development.
    (2)What do we know about the electric car?

    A.It came into use a century ago.
    B.It enjoys increasing popularity.
    C.It sells better than the traditional one.
    D.It costs less than the gas-powered one.
    (3)What does the author intend to do in Paragraph 3?

    A.To show the disadvantages of battery power.
    B.To emphasize the significance of short flights.
    C.To stress the future prospects of electric planes.
    D.To state the developments of commercial flight.
    (4)What does the author mean by saying "the train has left the station"?

    A.Train transportation has improved.
    B.Green transportation is on its way.
    C.The electric train is running regularly.
    D.The gas-powered train has become the past.

第四部分 寫作(共兩節(jié), 滿分 40 分) 第一節(jié)(滿分 15 分)

  • 8.你校英文報開設(shè)了新專欄"My Future Plan"。請你寫一篇短文投稿,內(nèi)容包括:
    (1)寫作詞數(shù)應(yīng)為 80 左右;

第二節(jié)(滿分 25 分)

  • 9.閱讀下面材料,根據(jù)其內(nèi)容和所給段落開頭語續(xù)寫兩段,使之構(gòu)成一篇完整的短文。
        Daniel got a job as a delivery man to work his way through college.His parents couldn't save up all the money he needed to get into law school,so since he was 15,he would take summer jobs and find some other jobs between studies to earn extra cash.
        The boy was determined and every day he would wake up at 5 a.m.,summer or winter,riding on his old bike to deliver parcels.It wasn't an easy job,especially during winter.Besides that,his old bike was slow,making things harder.But that wasn't a problem for Daniel.
        Daniel's schedule was always the same every day and people in the neighborhood already knew him.
        He called them by their names,and they would often wave and greet him as he passed.
        It was a normal day and Daniel was delivering parcels as usual. "Morning,Daniel!Check out my brand-new mountain bike!" called out a man whose home Daniel visited frequently. "Morning,Mr.Warren!That's a really fancy bike!" Daniel screamed back at him as he rode towards his first delivery.He couldn't help imagining what it would feel like to own a bike like the one Mr.Warren had just shown him. "My deliveries would double with that," he thought longingly.
        Suddenly,Daniel lost balance and fell on the road.He got up and leaned the bike against the wall to see what had happened.He found a nail stuck in the back tire(輪胎)and he unluckily had a flat tire.
        As he turned around and tried to think of what to do,he saw something unusual.A strange man Daniel had never seen before furtively(鬼鬼祟祟地)looked around and placed a package under his jacket. "Hey!" Daniel shouted at the man. "Hey there!What are you doing?That's not yours!" The man heard Daniel and started to run as fast as he could.
    注意:1.續(xù)寫詞數(shù)應(yīng)為 150 左右;
    After having a look at his bike's flat tire,Daniel quickly started to run after the man.
    Mr.Warren arrived on his new bike,and then helped pin (按?。?the thief down.
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