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發(fā)布:2024/6/7 8:0:9

第一部分聽力做題時,先將答案標在試卷上。錄音內(nèi)容結(jié)束后,你將有兩分鐘的時間將試卷上的答案轉(zhuǎn)涂到答題卡上。第一節(jié)聽下面 5段對話。每段對話后有一個小題,從題中所給的 A、B、C 三個選項中選出最佳選項。聽完每段對話后,你都有 10秒鐘的時間來回答有關小題和閱讀下一小題。每段對話僅讀一遍。

  • 1. How is the weather this morning?
  • 2. What will Sim on prepare?
    A.Coffee and sandwiches.
    B.The documents.
    C.The computer.
  • 3. What is the man looking for?
    A.His keys.
    B.His phone.
    C.His wallet.
  • 4. What does the man want the woman to do?
    A.Look after his children.
    B.Run some tests for him.
    C.Visit his mother in the hospital.
  • 5. Where does the conversation probably take place?
    A.In a hospital.
    B.In a department store.
    C.In a parking lot.

第二節(jié)聽下面 5段對話或獨白。每段對話或獨白后有幾個小題,從題中所給的A、B、C三個選項中選出最佳選項。聽每段對話或獨白前,你將有時間閱讀各個小題, 每小題 5秒鐘; 聽完后,各小題將給出5秒鐘的作答時間。每段對話或獨白讀兩遍。

  • 6.(1)What does the new restaurant feature?
    A.Special opening hours.
    B.Special foods.
    C.Special offer.
    (2)How much did the woman pay altogether last time?
    A.About 10 dollars.
    B.About 20 dollars.
    C.About 35 dollars.
  • 7.(1)Who is the man?
    A.A shop assistant.
    B.A bank worker.
    C.A customer.
    (2)What day is it today?
  • 8.(1)What will John do together with the woman tomorrow?
    A.Go shopping.
    B.Prepare a turkey.
    C.Pract ice the piano.
    (2)What did the man buy for his little brother?
    A.A bag.
    B.A sweater.
    C.A toy.
    (3)What is the man's opinion about online shopping?
    A.It's not easy to operate.
    B.It's expensive to shop online.
    C.It's simple to compare prices.
  • 9.(1)What are the speakers discussing?
    A.What to do this weekend.
    B.Where to get a pair of boots.
    C.Whether to take some exercise.
    (2)What does the man think of horse-riding?
    (3)Why doesn't the man want to go for a walk?
    A.His shoes are broken.
    B.His feet are uncomfortable.
    C.He doesn't have strong boots.
    (4)What does the man suggest going for?
    A.A drive.
    B.A picnic.
    C.A ride.
  • 10.(1)Who are most likely to get the volunteering opportunities?
    A.People at a young age.
    B.People with experience.
    C.People with useful skills.
    (2)Why did the speaker volunteer?
    A.To rescue injured birds.
    B.To learn about wild cats.
    C.To develop survival skills.
    (3)What was the most important lesson the speaker learned from the project?
    A.The power of teamwork.
    B.The way of making fires.
    C.The differences between animals.
    (4)What should be seriously considered when you choose a project?
    A.How much you can earn.
    B.What you can do well in.
    C.What trouble you may run into.

第二部分 閱讀第一節(jié)閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的A、B、C、D四個選項中選出最佳選項。

  • 11.    With a headset,VR lets you look around a virtual (虛擬的) space as if you're actually there.Here's something about VR headsets in general to help you choose the best one.
    Meta Quest 2 The Meta Quest 2 improves on the original headset in nearly every way possible,and at a more affordable price.Simply put,the Quest 2 is for anyone interested in playing in virtual reality.It has plenty of games and software,and you don't need to connect it into anything except to charge its battery.
    Jump To Details
    Rate: $399.00$
    HP Reverb G2 There designed HP Reverb G2 VR headset offers a more comfortable fit and reliable experience,while maintaining the same sharp picture and reasonable price.The Meta Quest 2 is a better overall pick,but the Reverb G2 offers a slightly sharper picture.
    Jump To Details
    HTC Vive Pro 2 The Vive Pro 2 is the sharpest VR headset we've seen yet,with a price to match.If you want the best VR experience available without throwing yourself into professional extremes,the Vive Pro 2 is worth considering.It'll cost you at least $1,300,but you'll enjoy amazing visuals and controls.$
    Jump To Details
    Valve Index VR Kit The Valve Index is the most impressive consumer VR headset we've seen yet,entirely due to its brand-new,finger-tracking controllers.This is the go-to VR headset for use with PCs,thanks to its strong performance and excellent controllers.Jump To Details
    Rate: $1,479.99$
    (1)What edge does HP Reverb G 2 have over Meta Quest 2?

    A.Lower price.
    B.Longer battery life.
    C.Clearer picture.
    D.Better controllability.
    (2)Which is the best choice for a man who likes finger-tracking controllers?

    A.Meta Quest 2.
    B.HP Reverb G 2.
    C.HTC Vive Pro 2.
    D.Valve Index VR Kit.
    (3)What columnist his text probably taken from?

    A.Overseas Education.
    B.Sales Promotion.
    C.National Economy.
    D.Global Geography.
  • 12.    Teachers are some of the world's most underappreciated heroes.Not only are they themselves heroes,but they attempt to bring out the inner heroes of future generations.Raj,a film professor at New Mexico State University is a perfect example.
        Raj was born in Sri Lanka,an island off the coast of India.From a nearly age,he suffered from a variety of medical conditions.Growing political tensions in Sri Lanka forced him and his family to relocate to the United States.
        Raj was thrown into a world where he was different.He looked different,spoke a different language,and hardest of all,still dealt with serious medical conditions.However,his open-mindedness and sense of humor eventually won him the respect of his classmates.On making friends,Raj tells us, "I think that so many issues in the world come from the fact that we are isolated within groups,yet we have so much in common.Instead of focusing on what's different,let's find our commonalities,and we'll find ways to connect with each other."
        Even as a child,Raj did not allow his diseases to consume him,and he continued to be perfect academically.Raj has continued to receive spinal(脊柱) surgeries that force him to re-learn how to walk and drive.His natural interest in creativity led him to UCLA's world-class fine-arts program.Aside from being a film professor,he is a successful filmmaker.
        It is this positivity that gets Raj to where he is today. "I think that even the smallest positive impact that we can have on other people's lives can make us heroes," he tells us. "It may be very small for us,but that small thing could be huge for the person you do it for."

    (1)Why did Raj and his family move to America when he was young?

    A.To live his American dream.
    B.To escape political tensions.
    C.To receive a better education.
    D.To improve medical conditions.
    (2)What does the underlined word "isolated" mean in paragraph 3?

    (3)Which of the following best describes Raj?

    A.Positive and strong-willed.
    B.Creative and sensitive.
    C.Generous and open-minded.
    D.Productive and defensive.
    (4)What is a suitable title for this passage?

    A.What makes teachers popular?
    B.What makes Raj an everyday hero?
    C.What makes teachers admirable?
    D.What makes Raja humorous professor?
  • 13.    Washington,DC—In a press conference today,the National Gallery of Art will share groundbreaking new findings about Johannes Vermeer (1632-1675)to be explored in the exhibition of Vermeer's Secrets,opening on October 8,2022.
       These findings led a team of professors and scientists working together to determine that the painting Girl with a Flute was made by a partner of Vermeer-not by the Dutch artist himself,as was previously believed.
    This challenges the long-held belief that he was alone genius and,instead,assumes him as an instructor to the next generation of artists.In part because Vermeer's collection of works contains only about 35 accepted paintings,professors have generally considered it unlikely that he had students or partners.With no surviving documents to provide evidence of a workshop,it was believed that he must have worked alone.
       The existence of other artists working with Johannes Vermeer is perhaps one of the most significant new findings about the artist to be discovered in decades.It changes thoroughly the popular understanding of Vermeer,building on decades of research and using advanced scientific technology to expose exciting discoveries that add new knowledge to the secret artist. "I am unbelievably proud of the team of National Gallery staff who worked together to study these paintings," said Kay win Feldman,director of the National Gallery of Art.
       On view through January 8,2023,Vermeer's Secrets offers audiences a behind-the-scenes look at how National Gallery professors and scientists studied the museum's four treasured paintings—as well as two 20th-century fake(假的) copies—to understand "what makes a Vermeer a Vermeer".
       Research also led scientists to determine that Vermeer's Girl with the Red Hat was made at a turning point in the artist's career.They recognized Girl with the Red Hat as a key work that points to Vermeer's late style.

    (1)What does the underlined word "This" in paragraph 3 refer to?

    A.That a workmate of Vermeer worked on Girl with a Flute.
    B.That a team of devoted professors and scientists worked together.
    C.That Vermeer was alone instructor to the next generation of artists.
    D.That there is no surviving evidence of Vermeer owning a workshop.
    (2)What does paragraph 4 mainly talk about?

    A.The property of the research.
    B.The process of the new research.
    C.The praise from Kay win Feldman.
    D.The significance of the new finding.
    (3)Why was the exhibition of Vermeer's Secrets held?

    A.To guide us to enjoy Vermeer's paintings.
    B.To offer us a better understanding of Vermeer.
    C.To show us alone and familiar painting genius.
    D.To give us an insight into Dutch art of painting.
    (4)What will the author most probably talk about next?

    A.What effects the new findings have on the previous views.
    B.Whether Girl with the Red Hat was created by Vermeer alone.
    C.How Girl with the Red Hat is different from Girl with a Flute.
    D.Why Girl with the Red Hat marked a turning point in Vermeer's career.


  • 38.There is a danger of entering a cycle of highs and lows
    more and more comfort food,high in carbohydrates,needs to be eaten. (用適當?shù)脑~填空)

第五部分 寫作

  • 39.假定你是李華,上周日你校邀請心理學家王教授做了題為"積極情緒的力量"的講座。請你為校英文報寫一篇報道,內(nèi)容包括:
    Lecture on the power of positive emotions_______
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