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新人教版必修2《Unit4 Wildlife protection》2017年單元測試卷(2)

發(fā)布:2024/4/20 14:35:0


  • 1.What will the woman do after high school?
    A.Start a business of her own.
    B.Do some business courses.
    C.Learn children education.
  • 2.What's the probable relationship between the speakers?
    A.Grandmother and grandson.
    B.Husband and wife.
    C.Guide and tourist.
  • 3.When did Henry probably leave home?
    A.At 9:00.B.At 9:30.C.At 10:00.
  • 4.Who swims best according to the woman?
  • 5.What does the woman mean?
    A.English films are good for her to learn English.
    B.The dialogues in English films are beyond her.
    C.Watching English films is her favorite.
  • 6.聽第6段材料,回答第6至7題.
    6.What does the man intend to do?
    A.To encourage the woman.
    B.To test the woman.
    C.To praise the woman.
    7.Where does the conversation take place?
    A.On a road.B.In a bus station.C.At a hotel.
  • 7.聽第7段材料,回答第8至9題.
    8.What do know about the man from the conversation?
    A.He can't understand the instructions of the new washing machine.
    B.There's something wrong with his new washing machine.
    C.He don't know how to use the new washing machine.
    9.How does Jay find Sue?
  • 8.聽第8段材料,回答第10至12題.
    10.What day did the conversation take place?
    11.Why did the man make the call?
    A.To invite Linda to the cinema with him.
    B.To ask Linda to attend a meeting together.
    C.To inform Linda of the change of their plan.
    12.What can we know from the conversation?
    A.The woman refused to help the man.
    B.The man made a wrong telephone call.
    C.Linda Johnson never heard of Tina.
  • 9.聽第9段材料,回答第13至16小題.
    13.Where did the man buy the book for his sister?
    A.In a bookstore.
    B.On the Internet.
    C.In a book fair.
    14.What Christmas gift did the woman got from her uncle?
    A.A new mobile phone.
    B.A new camera.
    C.A new jacket.
    15.What did the woman do at Christmas?
    A.She travelled to several cities.
    B.She got together with her friends.
    C.She went to her grandparents'.
    16.Why couldn't the woman show the man the pictures?
    A.She had left her new cell phone home.
    B.She couldn't find her new camera.
    C.She hadn't developed the pictures.
  • 10.聽第10段材料,回答第17至20題.
    17.What's the conversation about?
    A.The reason why people should protect animals.
    B.The way the people in North Haven protect deer.
    C.The problems brought by the deer in North Haven.
    18.How many deer can North Haven hold at most according to experts?
    19.Why have local animal protectors made a lot of noises?
    A.To stop the deer from being hunted.
    B.To encourage people to bring wolves back.
    C.To warn people of the threat from the deer.
    20.What's the woman's attitude towards bringing wolves back to the ecology?


  • 11.Lucy has been h
    for a job everywhere since she graduated last month.
  • 12.The hotel bill c
    every fee,including the broken glass.
  • 13.A sudden change in weather may a
    your health.
  • 14.I would greatly a
    it if you could send me the letter as soon as possible.
  • 15.Don't you know that she always s
    in whatever she tries?
  • 16.I was lucky enough to be e
    in a bank yesterday.
  • 17.The Chinese government states that there is no h
    to China from Japanese nuclear accident.
  • 18.On just the second day of the trip,I was b
    on the leg by a snake.
  • 19.The newly-built building is regularly i
    by the fire-safety officer.
  • 20.Her coat gave her p
    from the rain.
  • 21.These measures will help d
    the cost of production.
  • 22.I wrote an e-mail to my key pal in Rome,asking for his real name.He didn't r
  • 23.We all gave a sigh of r
    when we heard he was safe.
  • 24.Here I would stress the i
    of mathematics to the whole of science.
  • 25.Her parents just had an i
    of 300 yuan a month,so the family lived a poor life.


  • 26.I would
    (感謝) it very much if you would help me with it.
  • 27.Rick jumped into the river and
    (成功) in saving the drowning girl.


  • 82.Daisy had always longed to help(126)
    (endanger) species of wildlife.One day when she woke up she was taken to Tibet by a flying carpet,(127)
    Daisy saw an antelope looking sad and then knew the antelopes were(128)
    endangered species.Daisy wondered what to do to help them.The flying carpet travelled so fast(129)
    next minute they were in Zimbabwe.Daisy turned around and found that she (130)
    (watch) by an elephant.It asked if Daisy came to take its photo.In relief Daisy burst into (131)
    (laugh).A monkey watched them and protected itself(132)
    mosquitoes by rubbing.The monkey told them that they should pay more attention to the rainforest where it lived (133)
    appreciate how the animals lived together.Daisy was amazed and they flew home.From this experience Daisy learned the (134)
    (important) of wildlife protection.(135)
    an experience!


  • 83.文中共有10處語言錯誤,請在有錯誤的地方增加、刪除或修改某個單詞.每處錯誤及其修改均僅限一詞;只允許修改10處,多者(從11處起)不計分.
    Failure is common in our life.No one can avoid them.When we fail in doing something,we often feel very depressing.Sometimes failure can make us lose hearts.So no one are willing to fail.On the contrary,success can bring us sense of pride.If one enjoys his continuous success in his career,he will have confidence to himself.Therefore,failure is the mother of success.A failure doesn't mean one can never be successfully.Those who are always afraid of failure they will never succeed.In a word,as long as we can get some lessons and experiences from our failure,we'll be sure to succeed.
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