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發(fā)布:2024/8/31 4:0:8

第一部分 閱讀理解(共兩節(jié),滿分37.5分)第一節(jié) (共 15小題, 每小題2.5分, 滿分37.5分)閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的A、B、C和D四個選項中,選出最佳選項,并在答題卡上將該選項涂黑。

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    (1)Reading Reader's Digest,you will find some articles about
    A.tips for earning money
    B.latest healthcare reports
    C.response to world events
    D.rich people's life ideas
    (2)What is the annual fee for subscription if readers book now?

    (3)What are you sure to get if you subscribe to Reader's Digest?

    A.Refund for lost issues.
    B.Renewal free of charge.
    C.Authorized renewal service.
    D.All the past digital issues.
  • 2.Trucker Gerlock traveled hundreds of thousands of miles with his dog,Holly,who came with him on every route-including his last one.While driving near Dallas,Texas,on the job,the 59-year-old Marylander crashed into a concrete column.Gerlock was killed instantly.Looking in the back of the truck,though,rescue drivers found one survivor.
       Rescue workers cut the Chesapeake Bay retriever(切薩皮克海灣尋回犬)-practically untouched-out of the back of the truck,where she'd been sleeping."It's amazing that anything survived," Sandy Nordhoff,friend of Gerlock,told The Kent County News.
       Unsure what happened to Holly,Gerlock's friends from his town of Rock Hall,Maryland,made numerous calls and emails to agencies in order to find out where the dog was.Eventually,they found out she had been staying in Dallas Animal Services shelter and a foster family had taken her in for Thanksgiving.The Rock Hall locals hatched a plan to get her home.
       Joe Creighton and Sandy's husband,Russell Nordhoff,both lifelong friends of Gerlock,volunteered to make the 2,800-mile trip from Rock Hall to Dallas and back,which took two days each way.The friends borrowed Gerlock's pickup truck for the road,so Holly would feel more comfortable on the journey home,according to The Kent County News.
       Back in Rock Hall,some of Gerlock's friends adopted Holly.Ever since,the dog has been a town icon(偶像),making an appearance in almost every town parade.
       "The outpouring of love shown towards Gerlock and Holly was heartwarming," Rock Hall resident Jamie Elburn tells Reader's Digest."It shows how the companionship of 'man's best friend' and simple kindness can overcome even the most difficult situation!"

    (1)What does the underlined part in Paragraph 2 indicate?

    A.The trip was extremely tiring.
    B.The result was quite satisfying.
    C.The survivor was very smart.
    D.The accident was too serious.
    (2)What happened to Holly after she was saved?

    A.She was nowhere to be found.
    B.She was put in an animal shelter.
    C.She was sent back home immediately.
    D.She was adopted by a foster family.
    (3)What can we infer about the work on getting Holly back home?

    A.It was painstaking.
    B.It was full of danger.
    C.It turned out to be interesting.
    D.It required much experience.
    (4)How did Jamie Elburn feel about the whole story?

  • 3.Animal-rights activists often complain that cute beasts get more sympathy than equally deserving ugly ones.If so,one would think a lovely creature like the mink(貂)would be easy to protect.Yet in the Netherlands,mink is the only animal that can still legally be farmed for their fur.That is about to change.On August 28th the government brought forward to this year a ban on mink-farming that had been scheduled to take effect in 2024.The timetable was sped up not because mink had become more adorable,but because they can contract covid-19 and spread it to humans.
       Dutch farmers normally raised about 2.5 million minks a year,making the Netherlands the world's fourth-largest producer after Denmark,China and Poland.In April,a couple of minks and the farm hands who tended them were diagnosed with covid-19.Genetic tracing showed that at least two workers had probably been infected by mink,rather than the other way around.The affected animals were destroyed and stricter hygiene rules imposed,but by summer the virus had spread to a third of the country's farms.In June,parliament voted to shut down the industry as soon as possible,and the cabinet agreed.
       That was a win for the Netherlands Party for the Animals,which has four seats in the 150-member parliament.In 2013,it helped pass the law that gave mink farmers until 2024 to get out of the business.
       Now the party and its supporters object to the generous compensation(補償)the government has offered for bringing forward the deadline:150 million,or 1 million per farmer.Some members of parliament claim that the compensation paid for destroying the infected minks was higher than the market price for their fur.
       Fur farmers any modern standards allow minks to be raised humanely,and that they are not a big reason for the spread of the virus.But minks tend to live by themselves instead of living in groups:animal-rights advocates say they cannot be raised humanely in small cages.As for covid-19,the worry is that mink could serve as a medium for it to attack human immunization(免疫)programs.The industry's value is modest(farmers put it at $150 million- $200 million,activists at under $100 million),and polls show the public overwhelmingly opposes it. "In a democratic country,that widespread belief has to translate into a political decision to ban fur farming," says Esther Ouwehand,leader of the Party for the Animals.The farmers accept they are shutting down.The remaining argument is over money.

    (1)According to the passage,why did animal-activists have an unexpected win for protecting minks?

    A.Because mink's cute appearance won people's heart.
    B.Because the minks could act as a host for an infectious disease.
    C.Because the government carried out an act earlier than planned.
    D.Because the farmers stopped raising minks,considering the great reward.
    (2)What does the writer mean by saying "the other way around" in paragraph 2?

    A.The farm-raised minks were born with the virus.
    B.The farmers were infected with covid-19 by minks.
    C.The minks contracted covid-19 from their caregiver.
    D.The affected minks had contact with the virus in nature.
    (3)Esther Ouwehand and his party members supported the following statements EXCEPT
    A.Minks can be easily bred by humans without bringing any harm to them.
    B.It is acceptable to shut down mink fur industry because it isn't profitable.
    C.Objection to fur industry is a main reason behind this governmental decision.
    D.The amount of money to make up for the loss of the mink farmers was too high.
    (4)Which of the following might be the best title of the passage?

    A.Cuteness Wins
    B.An Unexpected Win
    C.Winter for Minks
    D.Farmers v.s.Activists

第三部分 書面表達 (共兩節(jié),滿分 40分)第一節(jié) 應用文寫作(滿分15分)

  • 8.假定你是李華,今天你校組織高三學生參觀了市博物館舉辦的"中國航天成就展"。請在你的博客上用英語寫一篇博文,分享此次活動。內容包括:
    Achievement Expo of China Aerospace_____________

第二節(jié) 讀后續(xù)寫 (滿分 25分)

  • 9.閱讀下面材料,根據其內容和所給段落開頭語續(xù)寫兩段,使之構成一篇完整的 短文。
    This was it. Today was the day.
        Finally,she would be able to see her again.
        It'd been five long years.Her university days now felt like a lifetime ago.When Jennifer thought back to it,she didn't like the girl she had been then,but when she thought about Yui Fay,that discomfort disappeared and her whole life lit up.
        She couldn't be more excited.She kept imagining their meeting-how they would run towards each other,hugging and talking of the old times.As she imagined,happiness spread through her body.
        It was time to get dressed.As she was struggling about what to wear,she spotted a red summer dress,which she wore that night in Barcelona.She would never forget that night five years before.After a hard week at university,Yui Fay and she spontaneously(心血來潮地)bought bus tickets to Barcelona.They slept on the bus and then spent the whole day exploring the city.In the evening,they met these fun young guys and spent the whole night singing and dancing.Every day with Yui Fay was fun.
        After university Yui Fay went back to China where she took over her family's business,while Jennifer took the job in an office.They promised to keep in contact.But then life happened.The occasional calls faded with time and they had not talked for over two years.Yet,of all her friends,Yui Fay was still the one she felt the closest to.She knew all her fears,dreams,and her wildest stories.She knew that if something happened,Yui Fay would be there for her no matter what.And vice versa.Some friendships just survive the passage of time.
        Yet the idea of meeting her was also terrifying.What if…?The idea was too hard to put into words.What if the person she was so fond of was no longer?What if this dinner turned out to be nothing more than a meeting between two boring businesswomen?
        At that moment,her cellphone rang.
    1.續(xù)寫詞數應為 150 左右;
    Jennifer took up her phone and looked at the screen._______________
    Just then,someone was coming towards Jennifer.________________
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