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發(fā)布:2024/4/20 14:35:0


  • 1.Here are a few books for your children to read as they grow up.Just choose one right now!
       I'm Gonna Like Me
       Jamie Lee Curtis
       Price: ﹩15.00 (15% off)
       Celebrate liking yourself?Through the dialogues between a girl and a boy,Jamie lee Curtis's text and Laura Cornell's artwork show children that the key to feeling good is liking yourself because you are you.
       It's Okay To Be Different
       Todd Parr
       Price: ﹩20.00 (10% off)
       The book,full of bright colors and silly scenes,tells children how to learn to accept others,understand others,and respect others.The author always tells stories in a way that is easy to understand for children.
       Psychology for Kids Vol.I:40 Fun Tests That help You Learn About Yourself
       Price: ﹩18.00 (15% off)
       These forty interesting tests help children explore their interests and abilities,find out why they act the way they do,and discover what makes them different.
       The Golden Rule
       Ilene Cooper
       Price: ﹩10.00 (20% off)
       The Golden Rule: "Treat others as you want to be treated." In this book,a grandfather explains to his grandson that the Golden Rule means you treat people the way you would like to be treated.It's golden because it's so valuable,and it's a way of living your life simply.
       What Do You Really Want?
       Beverly K.Bachel
       Price: ﹩20.00 (15% off)
       Each part includes fun exercises,helpful suggestions,and success stories from teens.Readers learn how to set a goal,put it into action,build a support system,use positive self-talk,celebrate their successes,and more.

    (1)If a kid is always complaining(抱怨) about others,he or she should read
    A.I'm Gonna Like Me
    B.Psychology for Kids
    C.It's Okay To Be Different
    D.What Do You Really Want?
    (2)What Do You Really Want?is a book that
    A.talks about how to treat others
    B.discusses how to reach one's goal
    C.teaches children how to feel good
    D.shows how to succeed in a short time
    (3)If you'd like to buy the first two books,you should pay at least
  • 2.Jessica Long,from Baltimore,Maryland,USA is a champion by all definitions of the word.She is one of the world's most decorated swimmers.Jessica was the youngest athlete to win a Paralympics (殘奧會) medal.But her path to becoming a champion has been anything but easy.
       Jessica was born in Irkutsk,Russia with a severe and rare disease- fibular hemimelia (腓側(cè)半肢畸形).This means that part of her leg bones was missing or abnormal.Because of that,her young mother placed her in a Russian orphanage (孤兒院),fearing she could not care for Jessica.
       Fortunately,she was adopted by an American family when she was 13 months old.She required 25 different surgeries to help her leg condition.But unfortunately,both of her legs had to be removed when she was just 18 months old.Jessica learned to walk with artificial legs.As a child,she took to sports including gymnastics,cheerleading,ice skating,biking and rock climbing.
       She began swimming at her grandparents' house when she was 6.She started competitive swimming about 4 years later.She did really well in swimming.Shortly after she started competing,Jessica was selected as Maryland's Female Swimmer of the Year with a Disability.Even though Jessica was annoyed with her physical limitations,she was encouraged to enter her first Paralympic Games in Athens,Greece.She won three gold medals in swimming at 12!But she did not rest on her success.
       Jessica has gone on to win 23 medals for Team USA at the Paralympics!While she began her career out of anger and annoyance,she now has a positive force on a mission to inspire the next generation of Paralympians!Her attitude and growth have been keys to her success.Jessica always believed she could do anything.As she says, "The only disability in life is a negative attitude."

    (1)What happened to Jessica when she was a baby?

    A.She was abandoned in the wild.
    B.She had 25 operations on her leg.
    C.She had her legs cut because of a disease.
    D.She was adopted by a Russian family.
    (2)When did Jessica begin to receive professional swimming training?

    A.At the age of 4.
    B.At the age of 6.
    C.At the age of 10.
    D.At the age of 12.
    (3)What can we infer about Jessica from the text?

    A.She was the youngest athlete in US history.
    B.She has set a good example to Paralympians.
    C.She has won 23 gold medals in Paralympics.
    D.She took part in several sports in Paralympics.
    (4)What does the author want to tell us?

    A.Difficult the first time,easy the second.
    B.Never hit a man when he is down.
    C.A common danger causes common action.
    D.Nothing is impossible to a determined heart.
  • 3.After receiving several complaints (投訴) from the customers,the owner of an Italian restaurant in Mooresville,North Carolina,has taken the decision to forbid(禁止) children under the age of five.Although facing criticism in social media,he says that business has grown greatly.
       The owner describes his restaurant as a traditional and wonderful restaurant,but young children cry,scream or play on iPads at full volume (音量).It disturbs other customers and clearly doesn't fit in too well in a wonderful meal.So the owner,Pasquale Caruso,set up a "no child under five" rule in January 2020.
       "Some customers complain,get up and leave because children are bothering them,and the parents are doing nothing," Caruso told the newspaper. "It starts to feel like it isn't the Caruso's anymore,that it's a local pizzeria instead." Caruso added that he didn't like taking this kind of decision,but in the end,he had to do what was best for his business.Since then,people have been voicing their opinions on the restaurant' s unofficial Facebook page.
       "You have forbidden small children.Then who are the next:blacks,Jews,native people?Shame on you!" one Facebook user called John commented.But for every critical comment,there are some that congratulate Caruso's for taking such a brave decision. "Thank you for taking a stand," some people wrote on its Facebook page.
       "I'm the parent of 5.Don't bring little ones to a nice restaurant or expect them to quietly sit still for an hour.They CAN NOT DO IT," one person posted.Caruso said the online support for his controversial (有爭議的) rule is reflected in the success of his business.The number of customers has risen from 50 a day to around 80.

    (1)The controversial rule of the Italian restaurant is that
    A.he doesn't accept complaints from customers
    B.children under 5 are forbidden in this restaurant
    C.customers cannot come in with their iPads
    D.a(chǎn) child area will be built in the restaurant
    (2)According to the passage,young children in Caruso's restaurant always
    A.do their homework
    B.eat pizzas from other shops
    C.make a lot of noises
    D.talk with their parents in a low voice
    (3)What's the result of Caruso' s rule?

    A.Most of people go against his behavior.
    B.His restaurant gets into trouble.
    C.He has to stop his rule at once.
    D.There are more customers than before.
    (4)What's the best title for the passage?

    A.A strange restaurant in Italy
    B.The trouble from young parents
    C.Pasquale Caruso's brave decision
    D.The impolite behavior in restaurants

第三部分 寫作(共兩節(jié),滿分10分)第一節(jié) 短文改錯(共1小題;每小題10分,滿分10分)

  • 8.英語課上,老師要求同桌同學(xué)相互修改作文。假設(shè)以下短文為你同桌所寫,請你對其進行修改。短文中共有10處錯誤,每句中最多有兩處。錯誤涉及一個單詞的增加、刪除或修改。
        I went to Ningxia University to visit my brother in last June.After lunch,he said what he would bring me to the playground but didn't tell me why.When we arrived there,to my greatly surprise,the playground was like a bigger book market.I was curious about it.My brother told me some students who would graduate soon was selling their old books.My brother chose several books he was interested.See that my brother loved the book so much,the students decided to give them to him for free.In my opinion,it is really the good way to make full use about old books.


  • 9.假定你是李華。你的英國好友Joe競選籃球隊隊長失敗了,他給你來信說他很受挫敗。請你根據(jù)以下要點提示,給他寫一封慰問信。
    3.參考詞匯:競選run for
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