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發(fā)布:2024/9/22 6:0:8

一、完形填空 閱讀下面短文,掌握大意,然后從A、B、C、D四個選項(xiàng)中選出最佳選項(xiàng)。

  • 1.Three soldiers were on their way home from the war.When they arrived at a small village,they were very tired and(1)
    but they had no food or money.The only thing they had was a cooking pot(鍋).
        The soldiers built a small cooking fire,(2)
    their pot on it,and poured in some water.When a few villagers asked what they were doing,one of the soldiers answered that he was making stone(3)
    .A few more villagers walking by stopped to see what was going on.
      "Any soup needs salt and pepper,"the first soldier said,(4)
    some children ran to fetch salt and pepper."Stones can be used to prepare good soup,but tomatoes would make it so much(5)
    ," the second soldier added.One woman ran to get the tomatoes.
      "Some cabbage would be a proper choice for a good stone soup!" said the third soldier.Another woman said, "I think I can probably find some cabbage,"and she(6)

      "If only we had a bit of beef and some potatoes,this soup would be(7)
    for a rich man's table."The villagers thought it over,then ran to fetch what they had in their homes.A rich man's soup,and all from a few stones!It seemed like(8)
      The soldiers said, "If only we had a little milk,this soup would be fit for a king!" And so other villagers(9)
    to get some milk.
      "The soup is ready,"said the cooks,"and all will(10)
    it,but first we need to set the tables."Some of the villagers said,"Such a great soup would be better(11)
    some bread and cakes,"so they brought the(12)
    two things and the meal was(13)
    by all.Never had there been such a(14)
    meal.Never had the villagers had such delicious soup,and all made from stones!They ate and drank and danced well into the night.
      In the morning,the villagers gathered to say goodbye."Many thanks to you," they said, "for we shall(15)
    go hungry now that we have learned how to make soup from stones."

    (1) A.sick B.healthy C.sleepy D.hungry
    (2) A.drew B.placed C.left D.through
    (3) A.fire B.soup C.pot D.wall
    (4) A.but B.or C.so D.while
    (5) A.higher B.wiser C.worse D.better
    (6) A.came in B.got in C.ran off D.took off
    (7) A.happy B.fit C.general D.bad
    (8) A.magic B.art C.interest D.supper
    (9) A.returned B.came C.managed D.jumped
    (10) A.taste B.buy C.use D.sell
    (11) A.over B.without C.with D.like
    (12) A.first B.last C.only D.other
    (13) A.enjoyed B.given C.needed D.brought
    (14) A.special B.small C.lucky D.proper
    (15) A.later B.ever C.never D.sometimes


  • 2.
    Harvard Student Organization Center at Hills (SOCH)
    Digital Media Academy (DMA) summer camps are great chances for students aged 6 to 17 to spend time at Harvard University.Kids and teens can learn to build an app,program a robot,or explore the world of music production.Especially,we pay great attention to STEM courses that will also help students learn teamwork,create and solve problems.
       No matter what the program is,students will learn from our highly respected DMA instructors (講師)who have been employed for both their teaching experience and rich knowledge in their field.Besides making new friends,they will leave with an amazing final project and lasting memories.
       Daily Schedule:
    8:00 a.m. — 9:30 a.m.Hands-on STEM Instruction
    10:00 a.m. — 11:30 a.m.Continued Instruction + Creation
       Noon Lunch Break
    1:30 a.m. — 3:00 a.m.Robots Programing
    3:30 a.m. — 4:30 a.m.Music Appreciation
    Get lunch at the university so you don't have to pack your own.
    (1)DMA summer camps are good for students'
    A.health in body and mind
    B.STEM knowledge development
    C.exploration of Harvard's history
    D.university life experiences
    (2)Which word can best describe DMA instructors?

    B.Warm- hearted.
    (3)In which column in a magazine can you see the passage above?

    A.Poem Corner
    B.Story Garden
    C.Language World
    D.Technology Square
  • 3.Columbus Day is on the second Monday of October in the United States and some other countries around the world.For a long time,it was on October 12th.It is named after Christopher Columbus,the Italian sailor who led the Spanish ships to discover new lands in 1492.There is even a child's poem remembering the date.It reads, "In 1492 Columbus Sailed the Ocean Blue." Some people say Columbus "discovered" America,although not everyone agrees with this.
       Columbus Day has been a federal holiday(聯(lián)邦假日)since 1937.Government offices,schools,and post offices are closed on this day.Many Italians take the day as a day to celebrate their own ethnic heritage(民族文化遺產(chǎn)).Major cities,like New York City and San Francisco,host large parades.
       Not everyone thinks Christopher Columbus should be honored.Some states like South Dakota do not like the holiday at all.Instead,they call the day Native American Day.In Hawaii the holiday is also known as Discoverer's Day.This is because European arrival in North America meant the loss of land and lives for many native people.Many people hold protests (抗議)on this day to remember the Native Americans that were killed as a result of the European arrival.

    (1)Which of the following is TRUE according to Paragraph 1?

    A.Everyone thinks Columbus discovered America.
    B.Columbus created Columbus Day in 1492.
    C.Columbus Day has a very long history.
    D.Columbus Day is a holiday only in America.
    (2)How do many Italians feel on Columbus Day?

    (3)What does the underlined word "honored" in the last paragraph mean?

    (4)What's the main idea of the passage?

    A.What people do on Columbus Day.
    B.The places Columbus ever traveled to.
    C.A holiday to remember Columbus.
    D.How to celebrate Columbus Day.
  • 4.An Oklahoma teacher is being praised because she has taught her students a special lesson that they will not soon forget.
       Karen Loewe has been teaching seventh and eighth grade students for over 22 years.But recently one of her classes was the most powerful.She decided to try a new exercise with her students called "The Emotional Baggage (情感包袱) Activity".During the class,she asked students to write some emotional baggage of their own without names on the paper.They could describe their issues as freely as they wanted.Then teenagers were asked to take turns reading what their classmates wrote,and all of them were given a chance to discuss the writing.
       "I'm here to tell you,I have never been so moved to tears by what these teenagers wrote and shared with the class," Loewe wrote on the Internet. " The students who read and listened to the articles cried because what they were reading and listening to were moving.The students who shared them would cry sometimes,too.I strongly believe that my kids will criticize a little less and love a little more." And Loewe's students have clearly been so much more respectful to each other.
       Since writing about her exercise on social media,Loewe's post has been shared more than 500,000 times.Teachers from all over the world have reached out to her about performing similar activities in their own classrooms.Loewe keeps all the articles in a plastic bag so that her students won't soon forget their exercise.Loewe wrote on her post, "I will leave the bag at the door.As they leave,I tell them they are not alone,they are loved,and we have each other's report."

    (1)On their paper,the students wrote
    A.what was troubling them
    B.what they would never forget
    C.wonderful things in their lives
    D.their own thoughts and names
    (2)From Loewe's post we can learn that
    A.Loewe read the articles to her students
    B.Loewe hoped to see more moving stories
    C.Loewe thought the exercise was meaningful
    D.Loewe told her students to see things from two sides
    (3)After knowing Loewe's activity,many teachers
    A.went to visit her
    B.wrote letters to praise her
    C.wanted to follow her example
    D.tried to learn how to perform
    (4)The plastic bag is kept mainly to
    A.advise the students to respect teachers
    B.ask other teachers to care about their students
    C.show the exercise will be performed again
    D.remind the students that they are loved and supported
  • 5.You might have noticed that sometimes,when you're playing mobile games or taking a video call,the picture suddenly freezes (卡頓) because the network speed is too slow.When you try to download a movie on your phone,it seems to take forever.
       These annoying things will soon become a thing of the past,as China just issued commercial licenses(發(fā)放商用牌照) for 5 G networks on June 6.This means that China's telecommunications (電信) companies will be able to offer 5 G network speeds for mobile phone users.
       The "G" in "5 G" stands for generation (of mobile network technology).1 G let us talk to each other,2 G let us send messages,3 G gave us mobile data and internet,and 4 G made all of these things faster.So what will 5 G bring?
       First of all,5 G is so fast that it will allow you to download an entire HD movie in seconds.The delay(延時(shí)) between sending and receiving data will be shortened.Now,4 G takes about 100 to 200 milliseconds,while humans have a reaction time of about 200 to 300 milliseconds.But 5 G will get the delay down to 1 millisecond or less,which is almost real-time.
       Because of this increase in speed,it will be possible to create and use new kinds of technology.Robots will be used to do operations because doctors will be able to control them from somewhere else without any delay.Self-driving cars will be able to drive more safely because they can smoothly communicate with each other,traffic lights and road sensors(傳感器).
       5 G also makes the internet of things (IOT,物聯(lián)網(wǎng)) possible.IOT is a large network that connects nearly everything.For example,your toaster (烤面包機(jī)) might be able to automatically (自動) start making your breakfast after your alarm clock rings.And your sprinkler (灑水器) could know when to water your grass by sensing the air.
       All in all,5 G will shape every type of technology that it touches.And you won't have to wait too long for that to happen.
    (1)How does the writer show that 5 G is fast?

    A.By giving examples.
    B.By telling a story.
    C.By comparing numbers.
    D.By giving opinions.
    (2)What is the writer's purpose of writing the first paragraph?

    A.To show that the network speed now is too slow.
    B.To show that these things are annoy things.
    C.To show that we usually face annoy things in the daily life.
    D.To show that we usually can't download things quickly.
    (3)Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

    A.2 G lets us talk to each other.
    B.5 G is so fast without any delay.
    C.Self-driving cars can be able to drive completely safely.
    D.The sprinkler could know when to water your grass.
    (4)What can be inferred (推測) from the last paragraph?

    A.Every type of technology will be influenced by 5 G.
    B.It won't take too long to see 5 G influences technology it touches.
    C.We need to wait for a long time to see 5 G shapes technology it touches.
    D.Different types of technology will be shaped by 5 G at the same time.

三、任務(wù)型閱讀 一則閱讀材料通常由幾個部分組成,請你閱讀以下材料,將選項(xiàng)中的組成部分(A-F)與各小題相應(yīng)的文字匹配。選項(xiàng)中有一項(xiàng)為多余選項(xiàng)。

  • 6.Identifying the Parts of a Passage A reading passage can have several parts.Look at every part to get a complete understanding of the passage.This is very useful when previewing a passage or predicting what it contains.These parts include:
    show(s) you where a place is in the world.
    contain(s) the topic and detailed information.
    give (s) meanings for more difficult vocabulary words.
    above the passage tell (s) you what the whole text is about.
    can be paintings or photos showing the information about the text.


  • 18.A farmer named Sam walked 12 miles into town one day to buy some supplies(日常用品).He and his wife lived in the countryside and didn't know much about the world.
       As he was buying his things,the owner of the store(1)
    (say), "Hey,Sam.I have something special here(2)
    you might like.It's(3)
    (call) a 'match'.You can use it to make a fire.It's very convenient!"
       "Is that right?" Sam said. "That sounds very(4)
    (use).Can you show me(5)
    it works?"
       "Sure," the store owner said.He then took out(6)
    match and struck(劃)it against the side of his pants.Sam was(7)
    (surprise) to see it light up.
       "Well,that does look pretty great,(8)
    I don't think I'd be interested(9)
    something like that," Sam said.
       The store owner asked(10)
    (serious), "Why not?Surely you could find a way to use this on your farm."
       Sam answered, "Well,I can't walk 12 miles into town every time I want to borrow your pants to start a fire."


  • 19.假設(shè)你是李華,在這幾年中,你生活中的各個方面都發(fā)生了一些變化。請你根據(jù)下表中的信息提示寫一篇短文,談?wù)勀氵^去與現(xiàn)在的生活發(fā)生了哪些變化。90詞左右,開頭部分已給出,不計(jì)入總詞數(shù)。
    過去 現(xiàn)在
    外表 矮,瘦 高,強(qiáng)壯
    性格 安靜,害羞 外向,活躍
    生活習(xí)慣 每天鍛煉半小時(shí) 每天鍛煉一小時(shí)
    業(yè)余愛好 在家看小說 下棋,踢足球
    I'm Li Hua.I have changed a lot in the last few years.         
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