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發(fā)布:2024/7/8 8:0:10


  • 1.Selfie Drone Drone X Pro is a shining star on the drone (無人機) market.Here's why it's gone viral.
       How does Drone X Pro work?
       Start by installing the Drone app to your smartphone (Android and iOS).It takes just minutes.After that,just install(安裝)the battery in your drone and launch the app.You're now ready to fly your Drone X Pro!
       Why is this drone so special?
       The drone is about the size of a large screen smartphone.It's so small that it fits in any pocket or handbag!
       Here's the best part:flying is extremely easy.There's no experience required to fly this drone.You can easily control and fly this drone,even if you've never flown a drone in your life.Flying the drone is smooth and natural as riding a bike.Our friend's son came over to the office,and he figured out how to fly the drone in just minutes.You can't imagine how stable and smooth his controls are!
       Once you own this drone,you can enjoy amazing HD pictures of nature,friends,and families.
       It's a blast!
       How much does it cost?
       Now,Drone X Pro sells for $150 each online and two at a discount of 80%.It's a great deal!If you're not satisfied,return it and you can get your money back.
       Because of the easy use,portability,low price,and small size,it's absolutely worth it!Just imagine amazing pictures and videos you'll be taking with your new Drone X Pro.If you've never flown a drone before,this is the time to start!
       Call now!400-800-7832 or order yours from the official website www.DroneXPro.com.

    (1)What makes Drone X Pro different from the other drones?

    A.It is easy to carry.
    B.It is unnecessary to install.
    C.It is complex to control.
    D.It is expensive to afford.
    (2)How does the advertisement prove flying Drone X Pro easy?

    A.By sharing some experience.
    B.By giving a specific example.
    C.By stating its operating steps.
    D.By presenting a vivid picture.
    (3)How much should you pay to purchase two such drones online?

  • 2.Jessica Burks' home is full of opportunities.Packaged slime(黏土) in a variety of colors and pleasant smells lines one wall of living room,and,in the designated "slime room" workspace in the back,bottles of fragrance oil are arranged in rows,next to glue and an industrial-size kitchen mixer.
       But it's not the amount of slime in Burks' house that shocks people,she said.It's that her 15-year-old daughter,Samantha Zumwalt,is in charge of their enterprise.The mother-daughter team run Samantha's Slime Shop at home and the demand for their products helps them earn six figures a year.Samantha's slime,offered in a rainbow of colors and a range of textures(質(zhì)地),is in high demand.Since she started her business,she's made more than 24,000 sales on Etsy.The customers are generally young - between 9 and 12 years old,Burks said,though some adults and teens buy slime,too.Some customers buy Samantha's slime because they say playing with it is calming.Others want it because it gives them something to do with their hands.
       Last year,Nichole Jacklyne,a social media blogger,who reviews slime and provides DIY lessons for hundreds of thousands of followers,reviewed Samantha's product in a video.After Jacklyne's video,orders poured into Samantha's shop,Burks said.
       However,Samantha's mom was initially resistant to the girl's slime ambitions.It took months for Samantha to convince her mom to buy the key materials to make slime. "I told her no for months," Burks said.Finally,Burks gave in.She had been laid off from her job as an accountant,and the two dove into the slime business.Now,Burks is proud of Samantha for running the business so well, "I hope she can meet all of her business goals - whether that's still running the slime enterprise,or buying another business out,or starting a new business," she said. "Whatever her dreams are…is where I want her to be."

    (1)Why does the author specifically describe Jessica Burks' home in Paragraph 1?

    A.To stress the amount of slime there.
    B.To present how special her home is.
    C.To introduce Samantha's slime business.
    D.To show the business opportunities of slime.
    (2)What do we know about Samantha's slime from the text?

    A.It only wins popularity with kids.
    B.All adults buy it just for recreation.
    C.Social media contributes greatly to its sales.
    D.It helps Samantha get more followers on the Internet.
    (3)How does Jessica Burks' attitude to Samantha's slime business change?

    (4)What is the passage mainly about?

    A.Samantha's slime business is a success.
    B.Samantha promotes her slime online.
    C.Playing with slime puts people at ease.
    D.Jessica Burks quits to run her slime business.
  • 3.Just a year ago,the colors were bright under the waves.Now it's gray - the Maldivian reef is dead.The coral is killed by the pressure of rising temperatures.
       Coral reefs are areas underwater where small creatures live.The coral is hard material formed on the bottom of the sea by the skeletons of those creatures.But the world has lost about half its coral reefs in the last 30 years.Scientists are working to prevent their destruction.Due to global warming,over 90 percent of corals are expected to die by 2050. "To lose coral reefs is to fundamentally undermine the health of a very large proportion of the human race," said Ruth Gates,director of the Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology.
       Why are coral reefs important?Coral reefs support a fourth of all marine species,as well as half a billion people worldwide.They serve as barriers to protect coastlines from the storms.They provide billions of dollars from tourism,fishing and other trade.They are also used in medical research for cures for diseases. "Everyone should be concerned," said biologist Ove Guldberg at Australia's University of Queensland. "This is not just some distant dive destination.This is the basic structure of the ecosystem we depend on."
       The ocean is getting warmer.A rising temperature of just one to two degree Celsius can force coral to expel the algae(驅(qū)逐海藻)that live there.This leaves their white skeletons uncovered.It is a process called "bleaching".Sixteen percent of the world's corals died of bleaching in 1998.The problem has become much worse in recent years.
       "We've lost 50 percent of the reefs,but that means we still have 50 percent left," said Ruth Gates,who is working in Hawaii to breed corals that can better withstand increasing temperatures.She is also trying to "train" corals to survive rising temperatures.Gates says it is time to start "thinking outside the box"- find creative ways to help them.

    (1)The underlined word "undermine" in paragraph 2 means
    (2)What's the major concern of the scientists like Ove Guldberg?

    A.People won't find a dive destination in the future.
    B.The effort to save corals will turn out to be fruitless.
    C.The destruction of coral reefs will affect the earth ecosystem.
    D.The bright sea has lost its charm because of those dead corals.
    (3)The fourth paragraph is mainly about
    A.the harm of algae
    B.the process of "bleaching"
    C.the importance of coral reefs
    D.the change of ocean temperature
    (4)Ruth Gates' attitude towards the protection of corals is


  • 8.你校英文報開設(shè)了新專欄"My Future Plan"。請你寫一篇短文投稿,內(nèi)容包括:
    (1)寫作詞數(shù)應(yīng)為 80 左右;
  • 9.I was in a rush as always,but this time it was for an important date I just couldn't be late for!I found myself at a checkout counter behind an elderly woman seemingly in no hurry as she paid for her groceries.As a PHD student with not a lot of money,I had hurried into the store to pick up some flowers.I was in a huge rush,thinking of my upcoming evening.I did not want to be late for this date.
        We were in Boston,a place not always known for small conversation between strangers.The woman stopped unloading her basket and looked up at me.She smiled.It was a nice smile-warm and reassuring(安慰的)-and I returned her gift by smiling back.
        "Must be a special lady,whoever it is that will be getting those beautiful flowers," she said.
        "Yes,she's special," I said,and then to my embarrassment,the words kept coming out. "It's only our second date,but somehow I am just having the feeling she's 'the one'," jokingly,I added, "The only problem is that I can't figure out why she'd want to date a guy like me."
        "Well,I think she's very lucky to have a boyfriend who brings her such lovely flowers and who is obviously in love with her," the woman said. "My husband used to bring me flowers every week-even when times were tough and we didn't have much money.Those were incredible days;he was very romantic and-of course-I miss him since he's passed away."
    There was no doubt in my mind as I walked up to her.______
    It took her a moment to realize that I was giving her the flowers I had just purchased.______
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