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發(fā)布:2024/9/16 3:0:8

一、聽力(共 5 小題;每小題 1.5 分,滿分 7.5 分)聽下面五段對話。每段對話后有一個小題,從題中所給的 A、B、C 三個選項中選出最佳選項。聽完每段對話后,你都有 10 秒鐘的時間來回答有關小題和閱讀下一小題。每段對話讀兩遍。

  • 1.Where does the woman want to go?
    A.The seating area.
    B.The study area.
    C.The staff room.
  • 2.What does the woman do?
    A.An actress.
    B.A musician.
    C.A dancer.
  • 3.What does the woman think of the film?
    A.It is boring .
    B.It makes her upset.
    C.It has a happy ending.
  • 4.What food does the man want to cook tonight?
    A.Indian food.
    B.English food.
    C.Chinese food .
  • 5.Where is the boy's student card?
    A.In the car.
    B.In his wallet.
    C.Under the table in the kitchen.

二、(共 15 小題;每小題 1.5 分,滿分 22.5 分)聽下面五段對話或獨白。每段對話或獨白后有幾個小題,從題中所給的 A、B、C 三個選項中選出最佳選項。聽每段對話或獨白前,你將有時間閱讀各個小題,每小題 5 秒鐘;聽完后,各小題將給出 5 秒鐘的作答時間。每段對話或獨白讀兩遍。

  • 6.(1)Why does the woman seldom go to the shopping mall in the city square?
    A.It's inexpensive.
    B.It's opposite the train station.
    C.It is really crowded.
    (2)From the conversation,what are they going to do together?
    A.They'll call each other.
    B.They plan to go to the Sunny Mall together.
    C.They will go to the train station.

七、閱讀填空。根據短文內容,完成下列表格信息,每空一詞。 (共 5 小題;每小題 2 分,滿分 10 分)

  • 18.Here are some English learning tips to help you improve your English.
        ●Ask yourself weekly:What do I want to learn this week?
        Asking yourself this question every week will help you think about what is most important to you.if you make a plan for each week,you will be surprised to notice how much you have improved your English by the end of the week!This feeling of success will encourage you to lean even more English.
        ●Quickly review before going to bed.
        Research has shown that our brains process information that is fresh in our brains while we sleep.By going over important knowledge before you go to sleep,your brain will work on this information while you sleep!
        ●Speak English aloud.
        Understanding grammar rules does not mean you can speak English well.You need to practice speaking aloud Speaking by yourself at home and reading the exercises that you are doing will help connect the muscles of your face with the information in your head and improve your pronunciation.
        ●Do five to ten minutes of listening at least four times a week.
        If you decide that you are going to work hard and listen for two hours,maybe you will not do extra listening exercises soon.But if you listen five to ten minutes at least four times a week,you will find it's easy to develop the habit of listening to English.
        ●Look for situations to practice your English.
        Learning English in a classroom is important,but using English in real situations will improve your English skills greatly.You can create new situations by using the Internet to listen to news,exchange emails in English with email friends,etc.

    to learn English?
    Making a(2)
    ●in this way,you will be surprised to notice how much you have improved your English by the end of the week.
    ● It will encourage you to lean even more English.
    Reviewing before going to bed ●Review before going to bed and you still process(3)
    in your brain while sleeping.
    Speaking aloud ●Speaking English aloud can connect the muscles of your face with what you have learned and improve your pronunciation.
    more often
    ●It is easy for you to develop the habit of listening to English if you listen often rather than once two hours a week.
    Practicing English in real situations ●By(5)
    situations and using English,you will improve your English skills greatly.

九、書面表達(滿分 25 分)

  • 19.在成長過程中,你一定有很多變化,它們都給你帶來了正面的結果嗎?請根據下圖寫一篇文章,并談談你的感受。題目自擬。
    Whether the changes in your life bring you only good results YES *What are the changes?(two points)
    *Why are they good for you? (two reasons)
    NO *Which is good for you? (one point) Why? (two reasons)
    *Which is bad for you? (one point) Why? (two reasons)
    (3)詞數:100 左右。

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