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發(fā)布:2024/4/20 14:35:0

一、單項(xiàng)填空 (共 15 小題;每小題 1 分,滿分 15 分)

  • 1.Tiny things always remind me of what really______ in our lives.
  • 2.My parents have made ______a habit to go out for a walk around Xuanwu Lake.
  • 3.If you get the problem of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out), you will be controlled by the outside world and your moods will be______ influenced by others.
  • 4.In the coming weeks, we will organize several training projects for many ______nurses.
  • 5.Which of the following words has a different stress?
  • 6.All the ______was for nothing because the visit was cancelled . Put it away now.
  • 7.I know how busy you must be and naturally I wouldn't want to_______ too much of your time.( ?。?/div>
  • 菁優(yōu)網(wǎng)8.What can we learn from the poster?
  • 9.Volunteering is a good way to experience life______ the campus(校園).Take an active part in it, and you will learn more about the world.
  • 10.The real reason why prices      ,and still are,too high is hard to understand,and no one can explain this problem.( ?。?/div>
  • 11.It is reported that a total of 71,000 5 G base stations ______in Jiangsu Province in 2020.

五、閱讀短文(共 20 小題;每小題 1 分;滿分 20 分)

  • 33.Once a main stop on the ancient Silk Road,Dunhuang has wonderful Buddhist(佛教的)art dating back over 1,650 years.It is h(1)
    to more than 2,000 colored sculptures and 45,000 square meters of murals(壁畫).The sculptures and p(2)
    in Mogao Grottoes show the cultures of ancient China,Central Asia and India.
       The style and the content of the murals changed all the time throughout the(3)c
    .In addition to their artistic values,the Dunhuang murals are today w(4)
    considered as a treasure house with valuable information about religions,culture and social life in ancient China.The cultural e(5)
    between China and the West brought progress and also helped Dunhuang culture prosper(繁榮).
    ,for a long time,the Mogao Grottoes were in danger.In 1944,the Dunhuang Academy was set up.It p(7)
    and studies the grottoes and their culture.
       Have you ever experienced "Digital Dunhuang"?People can see clear photos of the Mogao Grottoes online Videos,cartoons,and games can also help people learn more about the grottoes.Last year,Yunyou Dunhuang,a WeChat mini program,had 12 million visits within two months after it c(8)
       Dunhuang Museum opened i(9)
    own online store in May 2020,attracting 50,000 customers in the following three months.It has used elements(元素)of Dunhuang culture to sell things(10)
    stationery (文具) and makeup.To let the world learn more about Dunhuang,a national lab will be set up to research and protect the grottoes.A virtual reality tour system will go online around June.

六、書面表達(dá)(滿分 15 分)

  • 34.
    菁優(yōu)網(wǎng)When life gives you
    a hundred reasons
    to break down and
    cry,show life that
    you have a million
    reasons to smile
    and laugh.
    Your English teacher made a poster to cheer you up before the High School Entrance Examination.Please write a short story to support the main idea of the poster.
    (3)詞數(shù) 80 左右。
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