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發(fā)布:2024/9/20 2:0:8


  • 1.What does the woman want to do?
    A.Leave the company.
    B.Call the manager.
    C.Apply for a job.
  • 2.Where does the conversation take place?
    A.In the post office.
    B.In a taxi.
    C.In a hotel.
  • 3.What are the speakers probably talking about?
    A.A party.
    B.A holiday plan.
    C.A meeting.
  • 4.What did the man think of the movie?
  • 5.Why did Fred make a call last night?
    A.To borrow a sleeping bag.
    B.To invite the man to the gym.
    C.To get information about somebody.


  • 6.(1)Why does Matt's family raise dogs?
    A.To guard the house.
    B.To help blind people.
    C.To keep his mother company.
    (2)What pet does Matt's friend keep?
    A.A spider.
    B.A fish.
    C.A snake.

寫作 (共兩節(jié), 滿分 40 分 )

  • 18.你校英文報(bào)新增了《學(xué)生與健康》欄目,請(qǐng)你就高中生近視問題給該欄目投稿。具體內(nèi)容包括:
    (1)詞數(shù) 80 左右;
    Protecting our eyes_____
  • 19.閱讀下面材料,根據(jù)其內(nèi)容和所給段落開頭語續(xù)寫兩段,使之構(gòu)成一篇完整的短文。
    The Other Shoe Shoes are made for walking.
        But Aamir,a homeless Indian boy,doubted it.Wandering the noisy railway platform,be found one of his flip-tops (人字拖鞋) broken again.He hurried to a corner,sat down and tried to fix it,his bare foot pressing awkwardly against the ground.However,it was beyond repair.
        He gave up and looked around aimlessly,staring at people's shoes.Suddenly,his eyes were drawn to two boyish legs wearing flawlessly white socks and equally perfect black leather shoes,which were glittering in the mid-day sun.It was a boy of his age.He couldn't treasure his possession too much,obviously,because every ten seconds,he stopped,bent down and carefully wiped a dust or two from his shoes.His father was constantly glancing over and urging him, "Hurry up!The train is coming!"
        Aamir's eyes followed the father and son,but mostly the leather shoes,as if enchanted (被施魔法的).Imagining himself wearing them,the comfort from the good leather,jaw-dropping look on his friends' faces,he couldn't help cracking a big smile.
        The bell of the train drew him back;the fancy-shoe boy and his father were about to get aboard.They tried to crowd into the doorway.However,the instant the boy entered the compartment (車廂) .one of his shoes fell off and before he could pick it up,the train began to pull away.
        The shoe was now lying alone on the platform.Aamir's eyes lit up with excitement.Like an arrow,he shot for the shoe and then picked it up,holding it with both hands as if holding the Queen's crown.After a few seconds of hesitating and looking from the shoe to the train and back,he began racing--with only one good shoe,his flip-flop.
        He held the leather shoe up,trying to pass it to the boy through the window,who was desperately reaching out his hand as well.However,it was never close enough.

    That left Aamir no choice but to throw the shoe onto the train.

    But when he raised his head,Aamir saw the other shoe thrown out of the window.
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