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外研版必修2《Module 6 Films and TV Programmes》2021年同步練習(xí)卷(Introduction Reading Vocabulary 課后一練)

發(fā)布:2024/4/20 14:35:0


  • 1.The film was so m
    that her eyes were filled with tears.
  • 2.When she was fifteen years old,she became a g
  • 3.There has been a great l
    in the number of births in these past ten years.
  • 4.Great
    (角色)can make great films.
  • 5.They put up
    (海報)all round the town advertising their new album.
  • 6.She wanted to become a(n)
    (女演員),but her father didn't agree with her.
  • 7.I heard that a new
    (充滿刺激的電影)would be shown next week.


  • 21.Nowadays,parents worry a lot because their children spend hours and hours in front of the TV screen.Because this doesn't happen to only one specific family,many experts warn us that there can be some serious effects of children watching violence on television.
       Children who become addicted(上癮的) to TV sit down and turn on the TV as soon as they get home.Although they have lots of homework,they become absorbed in TV programs.
       Since they spend tons of time watching TV,they have less time to enjoy real life activities such as playing with friends,playing outdoor sports,or enjoying other kinds of entertainment.
       There are too many violent scenes on TV.Some experts say there are 25 acts of violence per hour on TV.In addition,there are many experiments by psychologists which show how TV violence influences children.Finally,people worry that children tend to imitate what they watch on TV and may start to behave more violently.
       What should be done?First of all,the government should regulate TV violence.It should also encourage people to invent and develop new technology which can block violent scenes from the programs children watch.For example,with a rating system(分級制度)and the Vchip,unfit scenes of violence and sex can be blocked out.Second,parents should monitor what their children watch.At the same time,they should make their children interested in real life activities.Then when the children start to spend more time playing with friends or reading books,parents can stop their monitoring.
       It is a fact that there is more violence on TV today than there was ten years ago.Moreover,violent incidents occur more frequently in real life.It's time to realize how harmful watching TV violence is,and it's time to keep our children from watching violence.

    (1)What experts really worry is that
    A.children spend too much time watching TV
    B.TV violence has a bad influence on children
    C.children become addicted to TV programs
    D.children have less time to do their homework
    (2)The author explain how the government should control TV violence by
    A.giving an example
    B.giving a definition
    C.making a comparison
    D.presenting research findings
    (3)What does the underlined word "imitate" in Paragraph 4 most probably mean?

    (4)What is the author's purpose for writing this text?

    A.To express his own worries about TV violence.
    B.To ask parents to take good care of their children.
    C.To inform readers of the latest situation about TV violence.
    D.To call on the whole society to save children from violence.


  • 22.How to Achieve a School Goal Every person wants to achieve the goals set at the beginning of a new school year.
    .When it comes to choosing your goal,make sure that it states exactly what it is that you want to achieve.If your goal seems too big,divide it into simpler,easier objectives.
    ●Write down your goal.You can write it in a journal or write it on a sticky note.Writing keeps your memory fresh and helps you clear up the clutter(雜亂)in your brain.Try to keep a journal or a diary.
    ● Break your goal down.By dividing your goal into manageable sections,it allows you to mentally make your way through the goal until the end of a year. (2)
    .Therefore you're far less likely to give up or avoid your goal by taking short cuts or refusing to do anything.
    ● (3)
    .Turn off all distractions like TV,the Internet,your phone and every other gadget you have at home.Keep emails,phone calls,texts,etc.to a minimum.
    ● Make it happen.(4)
    .Thinking is a useful start but thinking doesn't do the heavy work and thinking certainly won't move mountains.Go out every morning knowing what you need to do and then do it!
    ● Stay positive.Keep saying that you can do it.Stay motivated and be confident.
    ● Reward yourself. (5)
    .Every once in a while,if you complete a goal,treat yourself to an extra bar of chocolate or make time to read the book you've been wanting to read since two months ago.

    A.Don't be too hard on yourself
    B.Put a brake(阻力) on distractions
    C.Carry out your goal as soon as possible
    D.This method makes it easier to deal with
    E.It is necessary to choose a proper way to finish the goals
    F.Don't think to yourself that over time you will manage to do it
    G.Choose specific,realistic goals or even one single but very important goal
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