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發(fā)布:2024/7/6 8:0:9

第二部分閱讀第一節(jié)閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的A、B、C、D 四個選項中選出最佳選項。

  • 1.The magical world of The Little Prince brought to life! About the exhibition
        French visual artist Arnaud Nazare-Aga has worked with Antoine de Saint-Exupéry Youth Foundation,and together they have designed a unique touring art exhibition of sculptures inspired by the original watercolor illustrations of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's book,The Little Prince,as well as photos,manuscripts (手稿) and drawings.
        The exhibition will be presented for the very first time in Auckland from 1st June to 25th June,2023 to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the publication of The Little Prince.
        Entitled "The Little Prince in the Dark",the exhibition attempts to bring Saint-Exupéry's illustrations to life in a different way.The artist has created 13 all-white sculptures with relief (浮雕).They are displayed in the dark to be discovered by the senses of touch and hearing.All the magic,dreams and poetry of Saint-Exupery's beloved book will thus be revealed in a new way never imagined before.
        What to do
        First,start off from the entrance on the first floor to see historical photography describing the great adventure of the pioneering pilot Latécoère.Then,move up to the second floor,where you can find rare original manuscripts and drawings by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.After that,climb up to the third floor to experience the sculptures.Finally,don't forget to stop off on your way out at the gift shop right next to the entrance and pick up some Little Prince memorabilia to remember your visit.
        The exhibition is free for everyone!
        Opening Times
        Tuesday to Sunday,10 a.m.to 4 p.m.
        House of Minoima,26 Greek Street,Auckland

    (1)Why is the exhibition presented?

    A.To introduce a special city tour.
    B.To honour the production of a book.
    C.To promote a French art foundation.
    D.To celebrate the birthday of a writer.
    (2)What is special about the exhibition?

    A.It presents the illustrations in the dark.
    B.It can be explored with hands and ears.
    C.It offers a unique night-time experience.
    D.It displays sculptures of the little prince.
    (3)On which floor(s) can visitors buy gifts?

    A.The first floor.
    B.The second floor.
    C.The third floor.
    D.All floors.
  • 2.    In 1561,King Philip of Spain made the decision to move the capital to Madrid,which had a significant impact on the city's environment that is still felt today.Some suggest that the move was motivated by a desire for a healthier environment for his wife,as well as Madrid's closeness to the Manzanares River.However,the removal of the surrounding woodlands to support the royal court exposed the city to severe weather,leading to the saying "nine months of winter and three of hell".
        Today,Madrid continues to struggle with environmental problems,such as pollution from a large number of vehicles that enter the city each day.To battle with this issue,Madrid's city planners are constructing a 75-kilometer-long Metropolitan Forest,which is one of the most ambitious initiatives of its kind in Europe.This forest will consist of 1.5 million trees of species native to Madrid,along with eco-friendly bridges and recreational centers.Additionally,a 23-kilometer-long Forest Avenue for cyclists and pedestrians will connect the new forest with existing parks,schools,offices,and the airport.In 20 years,the Metropolitan Forest should be able to remove more than 800,000 tonnes of CO2 from the city's atmosphere.
        The idea for the forest was born in 2019 when Madrid councilors for urban development asked the children what kind of Madrid they would like to see in 2040.The dominating response was a "green city",which motivated the city council to plan seriously.The city council has been aware of Madrid's environmental problems since the 1990s,but it wasn't until 2019,when a survey revealed that over 40 percent of the citizens cited the environment as the city's number one problem that they decided to take action.
        The Metropolitan Forest project represents a significant investment in Madrid's future,demonstrating how a willingness to listen to the next generation's ideas and the public's concerns can lead to positive change.

    (1)What was the consequence of King Philip 's decision?

    A.Water shortage.
    B.His wife's better health.
    C.Sufficient wood supply.
    D.Worsened climate.
    (2)What is the expected outcome of the Metropolitan Forest plan?

    A.More automatic public service systems.
    B.Wider spread of tree species unique to Madrid.
    C.Greener transportation and cleaner management.
    D.More investment and advanced city management.
    (3)What stimulated the idea for the Metropolitan Forest?

    A.The proposal of Madrid's city planners.
    B.Madrid's urgent need for urban development.
    C.Younger generation's vision of future Madrid.
    D.The result of a survey among Madrid's councilors.
    (4)What is the purpose of the text?

    A.To call of Madrid's citizens to go green.
    B.To introduce an eco-friendly initiative of Madrid.
    C.To describe the struggles of Madrid's urbanization.
    D.To argue that city plans should agree with citizens' will.
  • 3.History is written,read,told — but rarely ever is it smelled. Historians and scientists across Europe have now gotten together with perfumers(調(diào)香師)and museums for a unique project:to reveal what Europe smelled like between the 16th and early 20th centuries.A European street today may smell like coffee,fresh-baked bread and cigarettes.But what did it smell like hundreds of years ago?As part of this three-year-long project called "Odeuropa",the researchers want to find all the old scents(氣味)of Europe — and even recreate some of this ancient smellscape:from the dry tobacco scents to the smelly canals.
        To do this,they will first build artificial intelligence (AI) that will be trained to go through historical texts,written in seven different languages,for any descriptions of scents.The AI will also be trained to detect images of objects in the texts that might be scented.The team will then use this information to create an online encyclopedia(百科全書)of smells from Europe's past.
        The encyclopedia will include the meaning of certain scents and will trace the stories behind scents,places and related practices,according to project leader Angela Lee. "This database will become a library for the smell heritage of Europe,enabling future generations to access and learn about the scented past." The encyclopedia will also include descriptions of people for whom smell was important.
        The researchers will then work with chemists and perfume makers to recreate past smells and figure out how to display the smells in museums and other historical sites.With current technology,almost every scent can be produced. "The more difficult part of the project will be to find descriptions of scents,because people haven't always talked or written about them," Lee said.
        Scent plays a central role in our everyday life,even acting as a powerful time machine into our own past with its ability to activate long-forgotten memories.But it's also a key tool in telling the stories of others. "Scent gives us access to the past in a much more direct and emotional way than language and images," Lee said.

    (1)Why did the researchers start the "Odeuropa" project?

    A.To rebuild a historical European street.
    B.To make perfumes of traditional scents.
    C.To analyse the typical smells of Europe.
    D.To reproduce the scented past of Europe.
    (2)What will the AI do in the project?

    A.Collect smell-related data.
    B.Write interesting stories behind smells.
    C.Detect objects by smell.
    D.Describe smells in different languages.
    (3)Which of the following is the biggest challenge the project faces?

    A.Scents of the past are hard to keep.
    B.Records of scents are rarely found.
    C.Technology to reproduce scents is poor.
    D.Display of smells in museums costs a lot.
    (4)What is the last paragraph mainly about?

    A.The application of past scents.
    B.The effect of scents on memory.
    C.The role of scent in story-telling.
    D.The value of understanding scent.

第四部分 寫作第一節(jié)

  • 8.你是學(xué)校英文電視臺負責(zé)人。電視臺擬為新欄目"青春足跡(Youth Footprint)"招募一位學(xué)生主持人。請你用英文寫一則招募啟事,內(nèi)容包括:

    Student Host Wanted ___________


  • 9.閱讀下面材料,根據(jù)其內(nèi)容和所給段落開頭語續(xù)寫兩段,使之構(gòu)成一篇完整的短文。
       It was a typical spring morning in Hangzhou,China.The sun was barely up,and the air was still cool from the previous night's rain.Wang Haoyu,a high school student,had planned an early morning basketball game with his friend Xiao Mo.The two had been looking forward to this game all week,and nothing was going to stop them from playing,not even the wet ground.
        As they arrived at the basketball court,the dewy grass glistened in the early morning light.The air was filled with the sound of chirping birds,and the scent of blooming flowers.However,the ground was still wet and slippery.Haoyu suggested they be careful as they played,and they both agreed to take extra care.
        Then they started to play,the ball bouncing back and forth as they took turns to score.The game soon became more and more intense,with both Haoyu and Xiao Mo giving it their all.
        However,as the clock approached 6:45 am,something went wrong.Xiao Mo was attempting a difficult shot when suddenly he lost his balance and slipped on the wet surface.His body and head hit the ground hard,and he immediately became unconscious.His face went all pale.
        Haoyu panicked and for a while he was unsure of what to do.Then he realized he should call for help.He shouted at the top of his lungs,"Quick,call 120!My friend has fainted (暈)!"
        Fortunately,a passer-by heard his cry and immediately dialed the number.
        As they were waiting for the ambulance,time seemed to slow down.The fear of losing his friend seized Haoyu,and he felt helpless as he watched Xiao Mo lying motionless on the ground.But then,a thought crossed his mind.He remembered the first aid video he had watched in school just a few weeks ago,which included CPR training.Haoyu knew that every second counted and that he needed to act fast.

        He quickly got down on his knees beside Xiao Mo.                      
        Xiao Mo was rushed to the hospital,accompanied by Haoyu.                      
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